What Is Your SP Thinking and Feeling Whilst You Are Manifesting Them? This Will Inspire You ✨️

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Hello I am Athena Raven, Manifestation and Mental Health life coach sharing with you in this video what your Specific Person is thinking, feeling and experiencing whilst you are Manifesting them back into your life. I use my own experience of this and what my SP relayed to me when I asked him how he was affected.

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OMG Athena this is just wild. I’ve been manifesting my SP for a while now and only in the past few months have I finally started to believe my assumptions of my SP loving me, thinking about me, and wanting me back etc and he then slowly started reaching out to me more and more. Until this weekend he confessed he’s been thinking about me ‘for a few months now’ and that he can’t get me off his mind! He then asked me out on a date! This is the bridge finally happening wow! So yeah the date will be happening soon but safe to say my mind is blown!!!!


The one who I love is back in my life. The bridge of events are happening. I'm affirming for marriage to be manifested to the version of her that evolves out of her old self into the new our story that she Is faithful loyal devoted trustworthy virtuous all the things that I am, to fulfill our mission as spiritual influencers in Christ to change lives of precious people 1 by 1. With the love we show eachother everyday. Our Marriage is full of wealth happiness joy success abundance. Everyone loves celebrates and appreciates us everywhere we go. It's written in our heart as above so below and I know it's already done.. 🙏💯💞


Ive started manifesting my SP a few weeks ago. Since then ive seen and also talked to some of her friends that ive seen around town. I hadnt seen them in at least a few months. My SP wasnt with them when i saw them. We havent talked in almost 6 years. She is still always on my mind. I saw her in public a few times and didnt say a word, i just caught her staring at me and when i noticed id get the quick glance downwards like she wasnt looking. I was in another relationship at the time so i didnt approach her. She has appeared in 2 of my dreams, my last 2 dreams that ive had. Everything in the dreams was perfect. Im hoping one day we are reunited with each other. Thanks for this video.


This is giving me so much faith to be reunited with my person. Thank you so much! Love your story!


You could have been describing my exact situation! My SP has blocked me and, apparently, (don't believe him) has met someone else...I've been robotically affirming that he loves me and he misses me for about 2 weeks now and I'm starting to feel the "shift" where I don't need to constantly affirm because my subconscious has heard it enough now and just need to let the 3D catch up.


My sp said he’s been having dreams about me, good dreams, but I’ve been having dreams about him too but they aren’t that good


Thank you for your story. It is almost the same as mine. Except he hasn’t blocked me. But I’ve been trying to manifest him back in my life, except my brain has done the back and forth between manifesting and anger and depression of his past actions. I’m trying to drop the old story and focus on the one I want. Unfortunately negative thinking keeps popping up, especially when I’m tired. But your story gives me hope to keep going. Thank you.


This is a great video, I'm learning to manifest someone and I see 111 and 222 everywhere, I did ask the universe to show me if my manifestation is working to show me a pink car as I drive around during the day. Now I see pink cars everywhere like driving right behind me or parked right next to me! Lol


Ain’t NO WAY. You literally just popped up on my tik tok last night, you were the last video I watched and first one this morning.


That under eyeshadow and necklace combo is so cute!!


No contact with my SP for 9 months and I am keeping on manifesting him with affirming new assumption and imagining sweet life with him. As at this moment, nothing shows in my reality yet. Sometimes, when I feel frustrated and upset, I just affirm the assumption in mind. Dunno if I am doing right dear? I miss him badly but I always tell myself timing isn't matter as my assumption/ affirmation is quite big and significant. I am persisting my way though sometimes bumpy moods. Hope my SP is missing me much as well. I am working hard on my self concept and inner child, hope the divine timing will surprise me. Thanks, you are always encoraging!


I really like The manifesting community. The videos i found in my personal sphere were all stumbled upon and its like you’re like another home world for me


Ah yes. I did this too, HOWEVER, he did not reach out until i had just met and started developing feelings for someone new. But almost like it had been perfectly timed with "letting go".


This is so much BBL for me, and my affirmations are the same!! Thanks for the video!!!


I love your energy and what you said in this video. I’ve already watched it twice. Thank you for shifting my morning… I needed this. Liked and subscribed. 😊❤


You are so pretty! Thank you for sharing this. 🙏


I also worked on my SP and manifesting him and listened to many meditations and he was checking my IG when I wasn’t feeding into him anymore. Now I’m just focusing 🧘‍♀️ on meditation 🧘‍♀️ where he loves me and only me and chases me and working on my best version of myself so he comes clean 🧼 and admits he loves me. I’m working on my assumptions to become fact and reality. Thank you 😊 for sharing your story about how he blocked you but despite circumstances, came back to you how you wanted him to be! INSPIRING! ❤❤❤❤❤


Hi, I just discovered you today, and I really liked this video, you addressed something I have been wondering about as I am manifesting a specific person now. As you described how he felt, it came back to me how my ex husband, told me at the time when we got engaged that he experienced the same thing, and also my last relationship of 13 years told me the same thing. I was doing it, but did not know anything about manifesting back then. I am an empath and intuitive but no training, just trying to find my way. So now I am trying to accept and stand in my own power, but am still waiting for the relationship I am desiring now. Thank you for this information, I have now subscribed. 😊


Athena. My favourite female name btw! You're such a unique and so well informed, with your ability to articulate this well, makes this one of the pleasing videos to watch on the subject of manifestation