Free Raw Feeding Guide For Puppies

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🐶 Free Raw Feeding Guide For Puppies 🐶
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I brought a puppy home who REFUSED to eat the kibble that she was sent home with and she was skin and bones (Superrrr picky and since they were "free fed"- unmonitored-I think she actually wasn't eating! - I ended up putting her right onto balanced raw for puppies and she's doing awesome!!! Julius my male rottie is thriving so hard on raw that his vet (who is anti raw) is always outrageously impressed with his health. COVID gave me tons of time to do extreme research for puppy balanced DIY. :)


We just adopted a puppy and I really needed this information right now. It was great having a trusted source of information. Thank You Scott!!!


I have a adopted 2 month old under fed Malinois Puppy. I need a simple raw recipe to get her right. The person I got her from was feeding raw ground beef. Puppy has dark black tarry stools. She won't touch kibble.


Thank you so much for sharing! I’m working on a college student budget and want to tackle doing it myself so I’m interested in your meal plans but do you take budgets into consideration when making meal plans?


Thank you so much for the information, I am about to being my cane corso puppy home in a month and was wondering just how to do the raw food diet


Is freshpet a safe way to go? Their site does 100% complete and exceeds AAFCO standars but was curious on your thoughts. I was considering the puppy select version not the vital grain free version. If you have the time to answer, I appreciate your time. Means a lot! Either way thank you for all the great content and advice!


Hello, I have a four months old toy poodle currently on homemade cooked food. I have reasearched and I am planning on transitioning to raw. My poodle is currently 2.2kg. Can I switch his food cold turkey instead of transition slowly? I have read puppies can adapt to a cold turkey change (Does a cold turkey switch include liver fruid and seeds aswell or is it better to start off just with muscle meat vegetables and raw bones?. Also I was wondering if he has enough jaw strength to break down a chicken neck?


took my puppy to vet and they said she had worms in her system, so I haven’t given her raw just yet ... i’ve been cooking the premade patties 😫 she is currently 10 weeks and a 3.4 pound bichon, do you think I should put her back on raw now that her meds are done? I understand if you can’t answer, I appreciate your video regardless!


I noticed you commented on the McCann dog video and I see that you use raw how would I work with my dog when I used raw? Also, I would want to use it in training, but that would be gross in a mess.


Do you have any new recommendations for puppy prebalanced/premades?


Thank you for reposting this video. I am brand new to this way of feeding your dog and want to give our new puppy a healthy start.


Hello, I want to make sure if I understand what your site offers.
I went to the link you posted in the comments as a DIY meal plan but do you send clients actual food to prep or that has already been prepped. Or is it just guidance and information on HOW to DIY meals yourself for you pet.


This video is extremely helpful! Thank you!


Wow I got a puppy husky so I'm definitely doing raw. I'm here trying to get information. Any advice?


Hi, great video. Very informative.. I have a 9 wk old English bulldog, how much should she be eating, serving size and times per day? She’s very lol about 4 lbs


Why do some people choose homecooked food for dogs and some people choose raw? Which one is really better for dogs?


When do we transition raw fed frenchie pup to adult serving size


Can you please add captions/subtitles? I'm hard of hearing and wear hearing aids. I need subtitles to fully understand what is being said in this video. Thanks :)


I just found your channel yesterday and have found you so helpful! Thank you for all of your hard work. I bought your book yesterday as well, am binge reading it, and have just gotten to chapter 7 on transitioning. In the book you recommend a slow transition, but here you recommend the opposite. I’m sure there’s no ‘right’ way and every dog is different, but hoping to gain some clarity. Perhaps I will after reading the chapter (I tend to jump the gun🤪😂). I will be picking up my then 5.5 month old service dog in March and want to be sure I am well prepared! He is believed to be a Great Danebull (he was a rescue) and is already 30lbs at 15 weeks, and is on kibble. If you have some clarity around the transition I’d greatly appreciate it!


It’s just a lot of talking I want to do this but geez. I appreciate guidance but this is a lot of empty information. Can we just get to the how to I’m feeling like it’s impossible!!!
