3 Arguments for God That Are NOT About God

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Some arguments for god are appealing not because of their conclusions, but because of their premises. What makes those premises so enticing? It’s what they imply about us. The argument from fine-tuning, the argument from morality, and the argument from consciousness all depend on flattering assumptions about humanity.

Christian apologists like Frank Turek and Greg Koukl often present these arguments in emotionally charged ways. In order to see these arguments more rationally, we must acknowledge the emotional appeal of religious apologetics.

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The most OP argument for (defending) God

The Emotional Dog and Its Rational Tail



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I notice that most arguments for God only argue for the existence of a creator deity.

So even if we accept an argument for God, they still have to make an argument for why it is the one described in the bible.


The fact that that guy said "We are the ultimate unplanned pregnancy" is ironic because he still can't give up the notion that we're special. We aren't the ultimate unplanned pregnancy, we're just one of many, many unplanned pregnancies.


It's interesting to me that, upon realizing and accepting that I was not a Christian anymore, I didn't despair. There was no existential crisis for me, and I'd been an avowed Christian for over 40 years.


Asked my stepdad, a Christian, why he believes in God. He said religion is good for society. Confused, I asked more about his beliefs. After fifteen minutes, I discovered he doesn't believe in the resurrection. I was flabbergasted


A guy asked me what God could do to prove he existed. I told him this:
"Every Christmas, everyone is teleported to the desert, where they are arrayed around a 10-mile-tall God. God makes a speech -- orders, complaints, advice, etc. People hear the speech in their preferred languages. Everyone is teleported back home, where they find that their clothes are now pure white, and all their medical issues are healed.
Everyone also now has transcripts of God's presentation, in their preferred languages, inscribed into sheets of pure platinum. The sheets are EXACTLY inches by inches, to the limits of precision allowed by the size of platinum atoms. Satellite photos of the desert clearly show the 8 billion sets of footprints, and the one enormous set in the middle, and visitors to the spot hear (and can record) the sound of an angelic choir year-round."
Of course, he told me God doesn't do public appearances anymore. I asked him why he had asked such a stupid question, if he knew God wouldn't care about my answer anyway. He gave up at that point.


It's always interesting to me how theists will argue for the utility of religion over the actual existence of a deity.


60-year-old guy here and academic .... I am a big fan and have followed your videos for quite some time ....I am a former christian but a theist in my own way and appreciate all of your arguments and thoughtful comments. The injury that christians cause in the inquisitive is painful to contemplate, but not unexpected. You are extremely respectful and kind to your antagonists and make so many good points - all who believe in free thought and kindness should be in your camp - keep up the good work!


The idea that humans are uniquely intelligent is disproven every time I play with a dog or meet anyone from Kentucky.


I was in a debate recently w/ a younger Christian and it blew his mind when i told him "we really aren't better than anything else. We just exist differently"

Edit - Big fan of your channel. I inspire to have that calmness you exude here. Thank you for existing. Have a good day 😁


As an ex-Muslim myself, I find the rebuttal of these argument extremely useful and helpful. Thank you so much ❤


Wait. If humans are not pinnacle of universe, how comes we win all Miss and Mister Universe?


"There is no meaning OF life. There is meaning IN life."

--- Dan Barker


Especially with the fine-tuning argument. This is absolutely based on an unspoken premise that somehow `we are special` and had reality been any different we wouldn't exist, therefore God. There never seems to be any acknowledgement that had those constants been different, perhaps something even more amazing than us would have come to be. Though, not to be too condescending about it, but that mentality makes sense to someone who believes that we are not only created in the image of an all powerful creator, but that we are `inheritors to its kingdom, ` however you interpret that. To that person, sure, we're the most important thing in the universe or any universe you could conceive of, so the fine-tuning argument makes perfect sense.


Showing clips of apologists being so blatantly dishonest was a good touch. Nice video, as always.


The "Unplanned Pregnancy" line is especially amusing to me, as that's my favorite analogy for why that argument is faulty. Would you REALLY believe that someone who was born of an unplanned pregnancy lives a meaningless life, while those whose parents thought "Yes, I would like to have a child now" have meaningful ones? Is that how you treat the people around you? I'm guessing for the vast majority of people it is not. And yet that's the claim this argument makes: That being "accidental" makes one less valuable, less "meaningful" in some key way.
A person conceived accidentally can still live a happy and fulfilling life, just like anyone born purposefully can, and we all know that. But somehow when we think about the human race as a whole being born "accidentally", this knowledge is forgotten. And yet the result is the same. Even if humanity was born of a mindless chemical process, WE still experience life, and joy, and meaning. We might not receive "value" from some external source, but we readily grant it to ourselves and to our fellow humans. And that's the part that matters. Not what our species's "parents" wanted for us, but the life we can make for ourselves now that we're here.


It's amazing how frequently offensive apologists are when making arguments. Using "the ultimate unplanned pregnancy" as a metaphor for us being an unspecial, cosmic accident, thus implying that an unplanned child isn't special or has much value. Apologists can be so gross sometimes.


as an atheist, I value my life more than I ever have, and I relish in the ability to make my own meaning of my life. the existence of life, as far as we know, is rare across the cosmos. that fact makes me thankful that I get to experience consciousness for the short time I have to exist. to me, that's really beautiful. I got a one in a million chance to be me in this present moment.


...I'm going to have to listen to this episode a couple of times...I found myself arguing (in my mind) so many times, I did not really absorb it all. I believe that what this channel does is very important and it is worth the effort and for me a chance to practice really listening before jumping into an argument. Thank you for what you do.


as a new atheist, so many of the arguments from people around me trying to pull me back into Christianity sickened me, because of their inherent manipulative nature. then I found this channel and I couldn't feel more at home. thanks for the entertainment.
