Hecate | The Ancient Origins of the Goddess of Witchcraft

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I am just a random student on the internet who loves reading, especially about ancient history and classics. The purpose of my videos is to make classics and ancient history interesting and accessible to everyone. I am not a professional or qualified educator, “expert”, historian or classicist. However, I ensure that all the information I use in my video scripts has been collated from numerous credible sources. Additionally, I am dyslexic, and I will mispronounce words. This does not stem from willful ignorance, and I do make an effort to research how to pronounce words before I start filming, but I often misread my phonetic spelling. In light of this, please do not rely on my video for an authoritative or reliable source of how to pronounce certain words. However, I would like to stress that dyslexia is a disability, and mocking people for their disability (such as mispronouncing words or misreading things) is never acceptable.

0:00 Introduction
1:39 Hecate and Macbeth
2:40 The Moirai
6:00 What was Hecate to the Ancient Greeks?
7:00 Hecate's origin story
9:00 Hecate in the Homeric Hymn of Demeter
12:07 What Hecate looked like
12:50 The three faces of Hecate
14:53 Dogs and Hecate
17:37 Hecate's Polecat
19:37 The evolution of Hecate
22:51 Hecate and the Moon
26:17 Etymology - was she Greek or Anatolian?
30:45 The Sanctuary of Hecate
33:00 Worshipping Hecate
35:38 Hecate's supper (Hekate's Deipnon)

Resources used:
Herring, Amanda. 2022. “Hekate of Lagina: a Goddess Performing Her Civic Duty.” Anatolian Studies 72. Cambridge University Press: 141–65. doi:10.1017/S0066154622000072.
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When I went to Ephesus, I was looking around and found this faded carving of Hecate in a wall, and it felt so special to me. I said my first proper prayer to her there, and soon after a black dog showed up near it. He was pretty big but well behaved and sweet. It was a special day for me to really see her presence


We're so fortunate to have chosen this time to be alive! I am awestruck that I can spend the day researching my interests while I clean house! I'm 61 years old, and have been practicing for nearly 5 decades. Never did I dream that I could pop up a video about Goddesses and Witchcraft, just playing on my TV. Thankyou for doing all the hard work and giving us such an in depth presentation!


after i left islam, i’m proud to say i’ve embraced hecate as one of my patron goddesses. thank you lady of the library, for another exquisite video 🌿 can’t wait to check out your website!


There's something about hearing witchcraft spoken about in a British accent. Never gets old


I adore that Hecate's role as Persephone's companion when she leaves the underworld gave me the mental image of the two arm in arm, chatting away as they walk up from Hades to Persephone's half of the year with her mom.

Thanks for the informative video!


I had two big black dogs(cane corso/bull mastiff mix and a German shepherd/rottweiler mix for anyone curious). My shephard/rotty recently passed away due to a stomach flip, which oddly enough is the reason my mastiff passed away.
When my mastiff passed away, about two weeks before his passing i got this caring female voice in my head say that "he will pass in two weeks, be prepared" and sure enough in two weeks, he did.
In my beliefs, they are with Hekate.


As an ex Christian who converted to witchcraft, i am now a devotee to Hekate,
It's marvellous how all cultures are choosing to embrace Hekate as their goddess and queen in the 21st century.
The old gods are returning, not that they ever really left.
Wonderful video, so well explained. Thank you for sharing. Long live Hekate 🙏


I started on the path at 14, worked with others by the age of 21 and have never looked back. As an old man now, the path you take is important but only to you. Embrace the knowledge of any and all of the deities as you travel your own true path. Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Innana, Neptune, Osiris, Merlin, Manannan, Helios, Horned One, Cernunnos. If you know, you know, Blessed be.


My favorite aspect of Hecate has always been her association with crossroads, borders, doors, gates, etc. and liminality.

I just love her chthonic nature and how she is both representation and holder of the key to other realms. She is neither here not there but powerful both in each place but in between them as well.


Hecate is who I call upon for justice. She has never disappointed. Learned to invoke her away from the household. There's a cemetery I use that has a large magnolia tree at a crossroads. Works like a charm


Very well researched. Thank you so much for this! I honour Hekate mostly as the Goddess of Empathy and Self-Development. She sent me my twin flame and healed me from depression and anxiety. Not a mean feat. Nowadays I dedicate all my shadow work to her and she continues to shine her twin torches on my path of ascension and spiritual awakening. Hail Hekate! 🔥🔥


After i left Islam, i began to see "signs" of hecate everywhere. Triples, black dogs and cats, the moon shined clearer than ever before. One night i decided to call out to Hecate, asking for guidance. As i was falling to sleep, i heard a woman's whispers swirling around in my head. It sounded like she was walking around my house muttering some kind of enchantment. I felt protected by it. I am not the type of person to get down on my knees and "worship" anyone or anything, with my experince with Islam i know how dangerous that can be. But i do admire wisdom and guidance and I am very interested in learning more about her.


So little is known about her, she's one of the goddesses I regularly worship. I'm glad you really dug into the past and gave all the info, as most don't and just stick to the more Roman/Medieval stuff. Her origins are super important, as they tell us that even Zeus wouldn't cross her and would follow her wishes. Zeus!!! He respected her above any other goddess and arguably is the only one he saw as a equal. She has dominion over land, sea and sky, something even Zeus doesn't have. Even though Zeus agreed to the rape of Persephone, he agreed with Hecate that she shouldn't have to stay there forever, even tho this was convention at the time. She's truly one of the more fascinating goddesses of the ancient world.


As a daughter of Asterie she is a star goddess. As a daughter of Perses she is associated with Sirius. Her three forms, association with dogs, and the underworld also indicate Sirius. Her torches… boundaries… lions… all Sirius. The more you look into it the more you see her clearly.


Hecate is extremely dear to me. She has been an inspiration and source of strength for me since I was born. Thank you so much for making a video on her.


All my cats have classical names… and my first cat was called Hecate, so she has a special place in my heart. ❤️ I love your videos, thank you so much!


I'm remembering the movie Jason and the Argonauts from the 60s.

They had Medea, a priestess of Hecate. She performed a ceremonial dance and an edict.
There was a statue of Hecate.

Huge, three lioness heads, covered in gold.

They got it a bit right.

I fell in love with Hecate immediately.
I was 12.
Thank you Cinzia.


Hekate came to me during my Saturn return and guided me through the winter of my life. I converted from Catholicism to Hellenistic paganism and I have felt fulfilled ever since.


In the beginning of my pagan path, hekate was one of the first goddesses to make herself known in my craft


I remember requesting a Hecate vid and thinking “god Cinzia is gonna make such a good video on this!”
Outstanding work and so excited for your podcast!
P.S. I love hearing the pups in the background! 💕
