Cultish: Introducing Christianity to Mormons, Pt 2

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Join us as we conclude our talk with Eric Johnson about his brand new book "Introducing Christianity to Mormons".

In today's episode we discuss LDS teachings and beliefs about Biblical authority, historical manuscript evidence, Church history, and the topic of works and Salvation.

Be sure to check back to last weeks episode to listen to Part 1 of this series.

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I'm so very grateful for the work you all are doing! I grew up mormon for the first 36 years of my life and I was ALL in - TBM. It was so stressful, trying to save ourselves. I tried to be 'perfect' all the time. It was completely unsustainable. I had several different individuals try to explain the true gospel to me over the years and I just couldn't 'get' it. But, God is truly great and put the right individuals and experiences in my life so I could truly come to him 6 years ago. We left to follow Christ directly and will praise God forever for his great gift of salvation by grace alone. We were all truly born again of the Spirit and love to rejoice in the true gospel daily now.
It's so hard, though, still having most of our family in the church. We have tried to witness to them but I fear we are very inept messengers. However, I then remember how many witnesses I had of the true gospel and I just couldn't understand at that time.


Love ❤️ what yall doing keep doing the LORD'S work 🙏


It's not just the Mormons, many others have created their own God and only accept the scriptures that their comfortable with.


Is there a similar website for finding a church if I'm not in Utah?


I don’t know that you guys actually read these comments, but I have a question have you researched the book called the Urantia? I would love to know? If so could you touch on it?


Bro died like he was playing slither io💀


I’m tearing up for Mormons right now because they don’t know Jesus.


It’s foolish to believe that an omniscient and sovereign God would allow his word to be corrupted. Only those chosen by the will of God are able to repent and believe believe the Gospel though...And as many as are appointed will...


What about the good Buddhist in 200 ad that never heard of Jesus, Is he going to hell?


I know one of the big issues that this channel addresses about mormons is the practice of plural marriage and polygamy. I hope everyone on this channel and all the comments does understand that polygamy was practiced and commanded by God in Old Testament times. You guys do know that the 12 tribes of Israel came from polygamy. Jacob had 2 WIVES AND 2 CONCUBINES that produced 12 sons. So, 4 women were given to jacob to produce 12 sons, which produced the 12 tribes of Israel.

It's so hypocritical to blame and curse Joseph smith, who practiced polygamy but dont do the same cursing and such to jacob. Once again, they are trying to deceive people on this channel of the truth. The truth is that at certain times and places, God has called and issued polygamy to be called and practiced. Polygamy is mentioned time and time again in the old Testament. I can show you scripture after scripture. Be careful my friends of such TOXIC TEACHINGS ON THIS CHANNEL.

Dont forget what Joseph smith said, that he restored " the fullness of the gospel." The fullness would include polygamy, because it was part of the gospel in Old Testament times. The very fact that Joseph and Brigham practiced polygamy is a truthfulness to the gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (EYES TO SEE AND EARS TO HEAR THE TRUTH°°°)


No matter which one of the tens of thousands of differing Christian denominations you compare the LDS religion to, the LDS religion is always the same, and each bible based denomination is always different from the former one and the next one. The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints is different from them because it is not a cacophony of gossip and rumor as is traditional bible based religion. They all talk about the God of the Jews. But it's all talk, opinion, interpretation, and tradition. And none of them are the same. So collectively these disparate denominations can't reliably be referred to as Christian or as a benchmark to judgement. Otherwise, God is confused, contradictory, and a speaker of babel.

So if there is a cult, it is traditional Bible based religion which pretends to be Christianity. And it would not be a stretch to paint it as a wolf in sheep's clothing. Even setting aside the sincere in its clutches. It is nevertheless a fraud.

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." Revelation 3:9


Thanks for this, but in a note of fairness to Mormons the Bible actually does teach that other real "gods" exist in heaven such as the angels (e.g., Ps. 8:5; 97:7; 138:1, "elohim"-- "gods", LXX "angels").

And while this may not be how the Mormons believe in the existence of other heavenly gods, they are nevertheless generally correct that biblical monotheism is in reality a more relative system of "Monolatrism" or "Monolotry." Where the ancient Israelites exclusively worshipped only one God (YHWH), while acknowledging the existence of other inferior "angelic gods" as it were. Who serve and represent the one Almighty God (the Father) to humanity.

Again, not a Mormon myself, but just say'in ....


Here, put me in a category. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know the difference between the gospel you preach and what I believe. You have some good goals. You say you have faith in Jesus Christ. You say you want to be with Jesus Christ after this life is over. That is a good goal. You say that if you can be with Jesus Christ after this life, you will have eternal life.
Jesus Christ said what eternal life is. John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
Jesus Christ told the Pharisees, Search the scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life. Did the Pharisees have eternal life?
Well, they could say that they had conversed personally with Jesus Christ. Did they know him?
Jesus Christ told them to search the scriptures. So if they search the scriptures, they know what the commandments are that were given by the Father. Do they know the Father? No one comes to the Father except by Jesus Christ.
One correction to your idea of trinity. The concept of trinity did come from the First Council of Nicene. In fact the idea came from Emperor Constantine. In order to accept the conclusions of the council, Constantine insisted on the inclusion of his own ideas.
In order to become the state church of the Roman Empire, the council was adaptable. So out of the First Council of Nicene came the idea of a God without body, parts, and passions, still taught by sectarian churches of today.
Concerned Christians pray to this same idea of God today, or sometimes directly to Jesus, who they say is the trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
So according to concerned Christians Jesus appeared to his disciples in the upper room after his resurrection and said, Handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have.
Then according to concerned Christians, Jesus ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of this being without body, parts, or passions, who was actually himself.
Jesus was fairly clear about the fact that he had a Father. He prayed to the Father. Was he praying to himself?
Jesus did not get a free pass. Do you want to try to do what he did?
He created this world and everything in it as Jehovah under the direction of his Father. In the meridian of time, he was born into mortality. He lived a sinless life on earth, something you are saying is impossible. He said he was exactly like his Father. I believe what he said. If Jesus has a body of flesh and bones, he did not ascend into heaven to sit at the right hand of a being without body, parts, or passions. Doctrine and Covenants 130:22 The Father hath a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's.
So I think of concerned Christians the same as I think of the Pharisees. Search the scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life. But I do not think you know the Father or have any desire to know him. Jesus is all things to you. But Jesus said that eternal life was to know the Father and Jesus Christ. If you only want to know Jesus Christ, but not the Father, no one is going to force you to know the Father.


Btw. Arianism taught Jesus was the Father. Still heresy


You save maybe some like your hero but wake you never do, we Wake ourself no man outside can.
Your Flesh is wrong about what OT stories mean happens in you, Saul after waking became DAVID just like PAUL who knew the stories about what happens to flesh before AWAKEN inside you, your still like Saul and John Baptist called Grestest born of woman isn't physicals female it means Covenants, Moses was law Covenant, liberty Law was Married to Grace and Mercy you can enter, Your just like Christ when you can wake yourself, no man outside you can.
Paul wasn't outside man, 2Cor 13:5Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
No GOD outside YOU, don't follow man outside you.
You might be a fruitcake chasing flesh does need saved.
You might be fruitcake I guess we will just wait to laugh or wonder.
You might be fruitcakes.
Your thoughts feeds Flesh always feeding both ways, nope, yep, when you WAKE which no man outside yourself can wake you. Your always believe shadows and Dust.
We all wake ourself, no church can cause most are just save Flesh that can't wake man about having christ in you even blind looking outside their self for christ to come back is classic Flesh teaching and waiting. When christ awakes in us then is Christ no male, no female, no jew or gentile there all Allegory like wooden cross is for flesh thinking it happen in history 2000 years ago is exposed by Skull hill HINT about man being cross everyday till you WAKE your self.
Saved is for just flesh, WAKE is christ in all man awaking by wrestling flesh til you cast out for promises to WAKE you do, no man can outside you.
Christ isn't coming BACK for itself.
Same stories are in multiple ways always about casting saved Flesh still wresting Spirit not being outside yourself being still blind about having same FATHER the stories to all man are christ seed that becomes I AM after WAKINGS inside yourself being asleep about yourself getting Promise not waken by any man outside preaching about christ being on wooden cross, the Spiritual is never history nor future for NOW yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The easy HINT is blind to Flesh, SKULL hill you burn wood cross every day not being once, your being CROSS pick up every day till you WAKE. Saul didn't cast out till AWAKIN inside himself becoming (DAVID) and PAUL stories about covenants the Bible always NOW blind and AWAKE unseen by outside having no Observation about God Kingdom IN YOU asleep till you wake WITH SAME FATHER and GOD being your I AM.
Paul taught with MILK to barly woke, Meat was for some getting woke by Christ the waking IN YOU.
2Cor 13: 5Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
Luke 17:20And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
What does FATHER do with your saved flesh Judging its Bro being a fruitcake experience good and evil till starting awake from death to Spirit is about all stories repeated till you christ in you good and evil experience asleep then cast it back outside when you start awaking you win the wrestling of death shadows dust.
