How to choose the type of power supply for the melting furnace? #machine
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There are two types of IF power supply: IF power supply with parallel inverter circuit and IF power supply with series inverter circuit. In the foundry industry, it is customary to call the IF induction furnace with SCR full-bridge parallel inverter IF power supply as IF furnace, and its inverter circuit is shown in Figure 1-1. The IF induction furnace with IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) or SCR half-bridge series inverter IF power supply is commonly called inverter furnace, and its inverter circuit is shown in Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-1 SCR full-bridge parallel inverter schematic
Figure 1-2 SCR half-bridge series inverter schematic
The performance comparison and application range of the two types of IF power supplies are shown in Table 1-4 and Table 1-5.
Table 1-4 Main performance comparison of two types of IF power supplies
Comparison Item SCR full-bridge parallel inverter IF power supply (PS series power supply) IGBT half-bridge series inverter IF power supply (CS series power supply)
Product specification range l00-6000kW S0 - 3300 kW
Grid-side power factor Close to 1 at rated power, decreases at reduced power Always close to 1
Same at medium power, slightly lower at high power Same at medium power, slightly higher at high power
Load application range General Wide
Constant power output capability Low output power at cold material start-up; improved inverse
After improving the inversion control, the output power can be close to the constant power operation, but the control technology is complicated The constant power operation can be maintained throughout the melting process, and the control is simple
Operating frequency range up to 2500H z, mainly for induction melting and
up to 1 OO kH z, suitable for induction melting and holding, but also for transmission
for induction melting and holding, but also for heat transfer and fire
Operating stability
Once the furnace capacity and productivity are determined, the power of the furnace can be calculated according to the following formula:
There are two types of IF power supply: IF power supply with parallel inverter circuit and IF power supply with series inverter circuit. In the foundry industry, it is customary to call the IF induction furnace with SCR full-bridge parallel inverter IF power supply as IF furnace, and its inverter circuit is shown in Figure 1-1. The IF induction furnace with IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) or SCR half-bridge series inverter IF power supply is commonly called inverter furnace, and its inverter circuit is shown in Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-1 SCR full-bridge parallel inverter schematic
Figure 1-2 SCR half-bridge series inverter schematic
The performance comparison and application range of the two types of IF power supplies are shown in Table 1-4 and Table 1-5.
Table 1-4 Main performance comparison of two types of IF power supplies
Comparison Item SCR full-bridge parallel inverter IF power supply (PS series power supply) IGBT half-bridge series inverter IF power supply (CS series power supply)
Product specification range l00-6000kW S0 - 3300 kW
Grid-side power factor Close to 1 at rated power, decreases at reduced power Always close to 1
Same at medium power, slightly lower at high power Same at medium power, slightly higher at high power
Load application range General Wide
Constant power output capability Low output power at cold material start-up; improved inverse
After improving the inversion control, the output power can be close to the constant power operation, but the control technology is complicated The constant power operation can be maintained throughout the melting process, and the control is simple
Operating frequency range up to 2500H z, mainly for induction melting and
up to 1 OO kH z, suitable for induction melting and holding, but also for transmission
for induction melting and holding, but also for heat transfer and fire
Operating stability
Once the furnace capacity and productivity are determined, the power of the furnace can be calculated according to the following formula: