Why Women Choose This Type of Man Over Other Men | Dating Must be Light and Relaxed

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Case Study: Helen was dating both Marty and Ryan at the same time. And so far, there’d been no intimacy, no sex, and only a couple of dates with both men. Helen hoped she would develop feelings for either Marty or Ryan at some point in time, making it easier to choose one man over the other. Up until now, however, Helen was still finding it hard to choose between the two men. In terms of looks, Marty was definitely the physically more attractive man. He was in great shape, tall, and naturally handsome. Ryan, on the other hand, was average looking at best.

One day, when Helen was getting ready to see Marty, she thought back to their previous date and remembered how handsome Marty had looked sitting there in the dark, candlelit restaurant—handsome until he had opened his mouth and started complaining about everything and everyone. At first, Helen found it easy to empathize with Marty and she encouraged him to talk more openly about his problems. After all, she had faced similar problems at work, and she knew what it was like to be around colleagues who didn’t appreciate you.

For the next couple of hours, Marty and Helen swapped horror stories. Marty told Helen how his parents had failed to support him in college and how they had “forced him” to change his major from film and television—his one true passion—to business. Again, Helen sympathized with Marty. She remembered how she had wanted to study fashion in college, but her parents had persuaded her to study accounting instead. As Marty gazed across the table, his eyes began to tear. Finally, here was a woman who understood him.

It was only when she got home that Helen began to realize how negative Marty was. She thought about Ryan. He was so different to Marty. He didn’t have a care in the world. He never spoke about the past and never worried about the future. It was as though all he wanted to do in life was have fun. Sure, he wasn’t as handsome as Marty, but his positive, playful attitude more than made up for it. It was at that moment that Helen realized which man she wanted to be with.

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Chris Canwell
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Helen shortly later dumped Ryan as soon as she found out he lives in a van down by the river.


Women love who love him self
Men wake up she is not your therapist


It was at that moment that Helen realized wich man she wanted to be with.

Ryan because he was so positive and happy and Helen was determined to marry Ryan,

And suck all his happiness and positivity out of his soul.



This is a great timing for this video. A girl I'm seeing told me just that: "you aren't afraid of anything, you are free, you only answer to your desires. Its quite a charming package you have, thats why i'm so jealous of you when you get close to another girl or when some girl gets close to you". It took me a while to get to this point, but now its just second nature. She always tells me that it's as if I wasn't worried about the future or the past and just focused on making the best out of the little time we have. And it's true. Even when she tells me things like "you won't like me anymore in the future" and things like those (she gets insecure AF around me although she is gorgeous) I just tell her in a jokingly manner that it's up to her to prevent that or that she is is too focused on the future and forgetting my lips are really close to hers and she could kiss them instead of worrying about those things. All in all I believe that girls really want a guy that is strong enough to make plans for his job and future all the while being smart enough to be in the moment and give her the time of her life. Different areas of life, different ways to treat them.


There’s too many girls like helen who want to have their cake and eat it too


Man, this videos are so short, yet so brutally revealing!


Do more of these. I need to always maintain frame in front of the multiple women I date and it’s difficult since it gets tedious over time to do so with every single woman, everyday, all day.


Moral Of The Story: Its NEVER Yours, Just Your Turn


When you realize she’s dating both guys. The real alpha


I bought your book man..I have started to focus more on my career even though your book was about getting girls


Woah theres an article in the description! Great youtube channel appreciate all the free content. Been a fan for a while. It has helped me a lot in my relationship and also at work and with friends!


You have made me mature thank you I'm still growing


Love how these videos are concise yet tell you everything you need to know!


If you act like Ryan, you are going to keep attracting average women, looking for average flings.

The other guy was passionate, and wasn't negative but a realist.

He didn't want to be in business, he had bigger goals. Ryan is a drifter.

Don't be a bloody drifter.

Be a man with goals, drive and ambition. Also tell the bloody truth. If she doesn't like it, nor value you, she isn't right for you.

Have standards, maintain them.

Treat yourself like somebody who matters.

This is a good channel - but its ultimately just another dating coach/poa telling you to trick girls to like you.

If you are best version of yourself you wont care about anyone liking you.


Honestly, dear fellow guys, if it was as easy as being positive to get an attractive girl, most guys would have attractive gilrls because most guys surely understand the power of positivity.


Thanks Chris.
First one was attractive, but he had negative attitude. Therefore, he lost.
2nd guy was average looking, but he positive. This thing was plus for him.
Therefore, we should work on both. Look + positive attitude.
Women definitely like positive attitude.


I bought your book....
Continue please.


Your videos are short but very powerful, psychologically very useful and true, it helps a lot to understand the complex and behavior of a woman and how the man should act in these situations .. congratulations and continue to create help!


I've got the looks of Ryan and the personality of Marty.



Men. Opening up your feelings = easier to manipulate + it's unnatractive according to women. difference is society expects women to be understood by men. maintain frame and never cry in front of her
