The WORST Anime Character Right Now 😭

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Anime or Manga Title: Makeine Too Many Losing Heroines, Dahlia in Bloom #anime #manga #shorts #newanime

Trailer: episode 6 , episode 7 and episode 8
Here's an underrated romance anime to watch or an underrated romance manga to read
This is not an anime recap, manga recap or anime reaction

Summer 2024 anime: Oshi no Ko season 2, Tower of God, Roshidere (Alya), Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest, Isekai, as mentioned by gigguk
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He is not a red flag, he is *THE RED* itself.


Broski is literally tearing her down piece by piece until there’s nothing left.


At that point I would rather just live a single lonely life than to have a a**hole for a husband


Even then he cheated on her I really heated that guy.


He complains about the looks of a beautifull Red haired woman with green eyes, that actually looks cute with those glasses?


I’m glad she didn’t married him and also not all men are like that ‘cuz see in anime everyone was with her side. Her dad was the most humble and wholesome dad of any anime I’ve ever seen.


I think I know what’s Tobias’ problem. He knows Dahlia is way superior to him, so he wants to make her dull and not stand out so he can have a chance to shine. I read the manga so I know some of the backstory.
Basically, he hates how talented she is compared to him. And what’s scary is that it’s mirroring many real life men who don’t want their wives to outshine them


I'm a man and I didn't agree with his behavior, shame on him. He deserves whatever he gets back as a result.


I don’t remember all that about Tobias, but from watching the anime, I got the sense that Tobias is a man who acts rashly and without thinking things through and mostly just fails to see beyond himself and suffers the consequences of his actions. This is definitely one of the best anime airing rn imo


Honestly this happens way too often IRL. A guy will marry a beautiful brilliant woman, and throughout the years the guy will make nonchalant comments about how his wife should be more modest in order to not attract other men’s attention. Woman will usually concede cause it’s just a small detail and she is willing to do it for her husband. But after some time all the small things add up, and the GUY FEELS LIKE THE WOMAN HE MARRIED BECAME DRAB & UNINTERESTING. So he cheats 🤦‍♂️.

My wife is smarter than me and pointed this out about other couples, so I do my best to keep inconsequential comments to myself. As a guy, it’s easy for us to not be aware of the power small comments to our partners and be over-paranoid about other guys wanting the attention of our girl. And for us to be over protective of our partners, unknowingly restricting them from things in the long run.


Annoyingly enough there are real dudes out here that act like that


she was a natural red head and he hated that?!? ☠️☠️ he doesn't deserve such a Beauty like her so what she doesn't deserve a psycho like him 😢


This clip doesn't do it justice just how horrid he is to her. Basically he plans their entire life together buying a house together and all, cheats on her, moves his new girl into their house, gives all of Dahlias clothes and jewelry to new girl including heirlooms left to her by her deceased mother (never gets those back btw), then during the divorce procedures asks dahlia to pay for quite a lot cuz he's broke, then steals her patents (by signing them under his name because she was going to take his name when they married) and asking her to let him keep them cuz again he's broke. Honestly most hateable character in the series but I did enjoy his appearances because they were often followed by him getting humbled


He was such a prick that I genuinely considered dropping the Anime if he kept getting screen time. The show almost became literally painful to watch and the relief I felt when he was booted was immense.


When I saw Dahlia on the thumbnail and the words "worst character" I was ready to throw the gloves at you.

A little correction though from a lightnovel reader (nothing major, Tobias is still a jerk), Idk if they changed it in the anime. But their parents were the one that engaged them together, Tobias only saw Dahlia as like a little sister at the time because of how he's an apprentice to Dahlia's father, idk. And his inferiority complex dragged Dahlia down. He gets his just desserts, but Dahlia being Dahlia doesn't want to punish him more than this even though she can.


Watching this reminded me of a past relationship. It happens the other way around too. I was dating this girl (who my friends said was out of my league), and she would basically boss around every part of my life. From how I put my socks on to throwing away whole fits from my wardrobe with out telling me. Whenever I would confront her about it, she would just start putting on credit crocodile tears and blaming herself for everything and I couldn't say anything to that. When it ended(she left me) and I met someone else, I finally understood how much of a control freak she was.


Mf isnt toxic, he is a walking poison


Finally!!!! He made the community vomit. Good on her meeting that adventurer.


Eww Tobias reminds me of an ex. Love bombing later followed by comments that were intended to tear me down. I hope she leaves just like I did. No one should put up with such stupidity


Bro found gold and went searching for copper 😭😭
