Testing a LEAKED Recipe for Olive Garden Alfredo Sauce #shorts

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Olive Garden deleted this recipe in 2020 but we keep tabs #shorts
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3 ounces Butter
1 tbsp of Garlic
2 tbsp Flour
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Pepper
1 1/2 cups of Milk
1 1/2 cups of Heavy Cream
1 cup of Cheese (ANY)
then add noodles


I use to work there one more thing cream cheese there you have it now 😂


I made this and my girls loved it!!! They said it was better than OG’s lol


I made it it literally taste so good. Highly recommended.


I subscribed right away . Great videos kiddo 😍😍👍👍. Happy New Year


The homecooked looked soo much more saucyer and creamy 😋😋😋😋 damn now I wanna make this 😂 over here drooling


I wish they put the recipe for their bread sticks 😭


Should've could flour and butter first for a couple minutes to get rid of the raw flour taste


Not the original recipe sadly...

1 stick of Butter
2 cups of freshly grated Parmesan
1 cup of Reserved pasta water
1 Mixing bowl
Salt and pepper to taste

1. You butter the bowl with a stick of butter and coat it all around, butter must be cold and solid from the fridge
2. Next you put the cooked pasta in the bowl and mix it with the butter, melting it
3. Next you need to put two cups of freshly grated parmesan, and mix it
4. While mixing you pour a little bit of pasta water, making the cheese melt
5. As the cheese starts to melt and your mixing, make sure to add only a little bit of water each time until the cheese becomes a smooth, glossy sauce.
6. Salt and pepper to taste

And you're done.
I memorized this memory from Joshua Weissman from watching the video only once.


Yo, like youre supposed to cook out the flour. As in make a roux. Then add milk/heavy creme, then butter and season.

The original cheese sauce uses parma cheese, pasta water, butter and black pepper. And that you can mix until creamy.


Bro butchered that bechamel used flour and didn’t even make the roux first


Are you wearing morphe? U are glowing we want to see yo make up grwm


Why yall don’t use seasoning? How do you taste any flavor with a sprinkle of salt & pepper? 😂😂😂


Thank you def saving this and tryingnit


Yeah no shit, you're following the exact recipe


That shit is garbage, first things first, who of us of Italian descent are gonna say "you know who has the best Alfredo recipe, Olive Garden", LMFAO no way, that shit is alright for American standards, but for an Italian that garbage doesn't even come close to comparing with Alfredo sauce made by your mother who is full blooded Italian, it's a few ingredients missing from this one, I'm not gonna give all her secrets away but I will say this, only use 1/2tbsp of garlic unless you really like a strong garlic flavor(americanized), add 2/3c of shredded mozzarella to this recipe, and a nice "light" evenly dispersed sprinkling of black pepper preferably fresh ground and fine to medium grind, depending on how much you like pepper, and if you also you like onion or mushroom then add a few slices of that as well, for this recipe 1/2 onion and 6-8 medium sized button mushrooms cooked in a tablespoon of Extra Virgin olive oil, As I said the onions and mushrooms are optional, you can do just onion, just mushroom or both, however if you do just onion or just mushroom you can reduce the amount of oil by half, but if you do the onions or the mushrooms they need to be reduced meaning they need to cooked separately from the Alfredo Base, cooking them until slightly carmelized, then all of the fluid created by cooking the onions/mushrooms needs to be drained and then the drained onions/mushrooms added to the Alfredo base during the last 3-4 minutes of cooking so that there is a bit of flavor transference but not too much, add this to the recipe mentioned above and I am sure you'll experience culinary bliss, while my mother always said the "mozzarella" is not traditional for the original recipe, she also said this was her own secret addition to the original and it BANGS PERIOD. P.S. if you want a thinner sauce use half and half instead of heavy cream, me personally I use a 50/50 mix of heavy cream and half and half, because I like my sauce a little thick but not too much, add this to the recipe mentioned above and get back to me, and let me know what you think of this recipe, and if you decide to post it elsewhere just call it D.B.'s Mother's Alfredo and there'll be no problem, Capisce


Aw jeez, it's a Bechamel Alfredo sauce??? I was expecting them to be a little more "authentic", but whatever 💀
