Priscilla Presley breaks down in tears during emotional Piers Morgan interview

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Priscilla Presley has emotionally discussed the tragic and sudden death of her daughter, Lisa Marie Presley – recounting the final hug the pair shared.

In a wide-ranging interview with Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan, Ms Presley spoke of the final moments the pair shared together.

Ms Presley, who was with her daughter at Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles, recounted Lisa Marie complained of having a sore stomach before she left for the evening.

"I hugged her, and she went her way and I went mine," Ms Presley said.

"And that hug was the last hug I gave her.

"It's still shocking that, you know, I don't – we don't have her."

Ms Presley said she was "too late" to make it to the hospital to see her daughter again.

Lisa Marie Presley died earlier this year on January 12 due to a bowel obstruction.

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I’ve heard it said you’re only as happy as your saddest child. Even when you have other children, your heart would be with the one who chose to leave.


I worked Private Security for Lisa's for almost 9 years until I became too sick to work (Cancer Survivor) she came every week to set with my wife while I was going through treatment. She had a million and other things to do but took time to visit me and keep my wife from being alone. I will never forget you, Sunshine. Her father was my hero she never would have found that out if not for my wife telling her at her Christmas party.


Lost her ex husband
Lost her father
Lost her mother
Lost her grandson
Lost her daughter

How much can one take


There's something not quite right about Priscilla. She says when Elvis died that she broke the news to nine year old Lisa by telling her that her dad was resting. Then she went to play on a golf buggy with a friend. Not quite understanding what happened. No wonder. A child that age Knows what death means. Then the night of the Elvis movie awards where Lisa needed help to stay upright And looked Very unwell. She told her mother later in the night as they went out for a drink. After taking Seperate cars. That she had terrible stomach pains and needed to leave. Taking Seperate cars!!! Why didn't Priscilla take her to the hospital!!!! That's the last time she saw her alive!


I used to like Pricilla - but she's just milking things. Now, she doesn't have Lisa Marie - there is a next generation. A generation that did not know Elvis. She just needs to live quietly out of the spot light. This "story" was never reported before. It's been reported they were not even talking at the premier. There has never been this version, Pricilla's version, until now.


If my daughter was in pain, we would never have gone our separate ways. I would have taken her to the emergency. Just weird. Fighting her grandchild for money shows a different side of Priscilla.


Actions speak louder than words!
What kind of mother would take her own granddaughter to court less than a week after Lisa died Riley had to not only deal with the loss of her mother but she had to deal with Priscilla always having to be in control Priscilla chose money over loyalty!
Priscilla was a awful mother to Lisa when 9 year old Lisa seen her dad laying on the floor it must have been so traumatic for Lisa you would think Lisa would want to call her mom for comfort but no she called Linda that says a lot!
Instead of Priscilla taking Lisa to a licensed therapist Priscilla joins Scientology/ Cult and when Lisa acted out Priscilla would drop Lisa off at the church of Scientology telling them to fix her Lisa said when she was a kid she remembers the Scientology people would treat Priscilla as some kind of VIP Lisa had so much love from Elvis he was the center of her world than he was gone that’s too much for a 9 year old to filter.
I have so much love for Lisa she was very much like Elvis she fought her whole life against anyone who said anything bad about her dad she wasn’t fake she said how she felt and she always spoke from her heart.
The death of her son Benjamin was too much he was the center of her world.
The loss of a child is the worst pain in the world but since the death of Lisa I see how Priscilla has disrespected Lisa by fighting to get money from her own grandchildren.
Riley didn’t even have a chance to grieve her mom because Priscilla felt like money and control was more important Riley agreed to give Priscilla 1 million plus pay her lawyer fees and 100, 000 a year payout from Graceland plus Priscilla’s son who is no blood relative of Elvis got a percentage of Lisa’s money for her children why does he have the right to Lisa’s money they didn’t even talk to one another.
If Priscilla cared about Lisa she wouldn’t have put the biopic movie out that Lisa read the script 3 months before she died and asked her mom why are you doing this to my dads image Lisa was so hurt that Priscilla knows nothing of love and loyalty.


Poor Lisa. First her father, then her son. You can only imagine how her heart gave in. Credit to Priscilla for carrying on.


Sorry but Peirs should have challenged her. What happened to his quest for honesty and truth? Just in case he didnt know, and Im sure he did as I thought he was an Elvis fan.. Graceland was not the first house Elvis Lisa rang and told Linda T that her daddy had died before she even spoke to her this was in my opinion Priscilla doing a great performance because she knows that the world of Elvis fans will soon be turning against her.


She is not 80, she is 78. (At that age, every year counts- 😄) . But she would definitely have aged beautifully if she’d avoided the superficiality of dwelling on the exterior instead of the interior being. She was a natural beauty until she destroyed her looks. It’s a shame that Hollywood women don’t see the value in aging gracefully and authentically. Must be sad to have such insecurity and emptiness of the soul.


Her Son Navarone said in an interview recently that her and Lisa didn't get along at all.


She married him how long did it last.she couldnt wait 2 leave him .thought she could get better than the king of rock and didnt.but has clung on 2 his name like a life raft.she married but seems she stuck 2 the presley name.and wont leave it alone and is fighting her g/children for control over the presley estate.because lisa left here out of the will.she got a lot money from elvis but still wants more.and wants 2 control the g/children.


"It's still shocking that my daughter, who spent a lifetime in drugs largely because I forced her into Scientology, is dead prematurely."


Lisa and Priscilla were not close. For the last 8 years of her life they hardly spoke to each other. Lisa agreed to appear at the award ceremony only if she didn't have to sit next to Priscilla. However, she was told for publicity purposes she needed to. Priscilla is spinning more lies about suicide. She has no shame.


She didn't even shed a tear for Lisa Marie.
In the video of Lisa's funeral you can clearly see that her eyes are dry.
She is a liar, false, evil.


They weren't a family since the 70s.


What despair for Priscilla. It's hard losing your parents no matter what your age. Priscilla had 3 losses back to back. The shocking suicide of her grandson, losing her own mother the following year and then her only daughter. Elvis struggled with drug addiction but he died young. Priscilla has lived longer, suffered so much more. Praying that she finds peace.


A caring mom & grandma wouldn't sue Lisa Marie's Estate shortly after her death . She took money from her own grandchildren !!! That's unconscious able !!!


She said she lost her daughter her grandson not Elvis


I saw the film, and have to say the men in his life said WAY worse things about him than this film does. It was nothing new. We all know the backstory, and nothing ever happened between them. Yes, he had a temper, so did his mom, nothing new. It was her life, how she felt, what she went through. Not all of it's a film
Overall, if anyone should be mad an anyone it's HIS MEN SO-called friends. Seriously, he did a billion wonderful things and a few not so good, but he was a good person overall. We all know that.
