Changing perception can lead to amazing adventures and opportunities | Fabian Dittrich | TEDxKotor

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For Fabian, the childhood playgrounds were not a place of joy or fond memories but rather a landscape (minefield?) of closed-off circles to which he didn’t belong.
When he was a teenager, his mother revealed a surprising fact about his family that threw him off at the time but ultimately helped explain his role as the eternal outsider.

A quest for better understanding himself and his place in the world took Fabian across more than 60 countries all over the world. From the Peruvian jungle over the Moroccan desert, through the African continent to the slick corporate world of a London tech company.
In this talk, Fabian explains how he found strength in the role of the outsider and how circles, comforting as they may seem, can also limit us and keep us from realizing our full potential. Whether living as a homeless person, in Cologne while studying computer science, engaging in ancient rituals with shamans in the Peruvian jungle, or driving an old Mercedes from Berlin to Cape Town, Fabian always threw himself fearlessly into the unknown. For 15 years, he traveled the world, often venturing into places where only a few had gone before him, meeting people from everywhere in the world and learning their stories.
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❤❤ I just had a nap in the holy month of Ramadan and woke up and a thought strike up in my mind that “how to change my perspective towards some people” I picked up my phone, fortunately, the power was back on because here in Afghanistan we have power cuts and I searched my above thought in YouTube and this Ted video showed up, after watching this I’m smiling 😊and my day is changed and this video has influenced me, thank you ❤


This young man is so attractive, and that accent is so nice. I could listen and watch all day.


“What helps you persevere is your resilience and commitment.”
― Roy T. Bennett


I was one of those kids who watched from the side and didn't say anything. I don't let me child do that now...


What a great ted, and such a lovely speaker.


We can only hope in these troubled times, where an unseen bully is invading our bodies that we can learn to be kind to each other even if we can't be close.


I am in no circle, I mismatch, it is nice to find a place.


Saw this listed on an FB group, didn't bother, but today I did, and wow, got me. Good talk.


I am like that with my early years too.


Great TED talk - puts life in fresh perspective


Felicidades y prosperidad un abrazote amigo, tqm


Such an inspiring and moving talk...I had the chance to meet Fabian in Granada and since the beginning, he conveyed me another example of a different and exciting perception of reality...mucha suerte tio!


He started really good. But his point dragged on too much. What if he constructed a process of perception instead of trying to cover the pain of life and the not belonging. Pain exists, you must see if, experience it, and know it. But not only know of it, know of it's processes and perceptions.

Once you take someone down this path, you begin to show them true perception.

This Ted Talk Is Good and it goes deep into experiences. However, it is missing the construct of Perception and its true effect on each of us. You have to know who you are.

Once you understand all the processes you begin to see who you are. This is the key to perception. However, I promise you that you are someone you would never expect to be.


that talks about him throughout the clip and doesn't say anything specific. it can be seen that the father was absent from the landscape


I enjoyed your talk so much. You were great! Thank you for the wise words and interesting stories from your life. And I will try to open my circles more!


Great speech. Through all the hardships of your life, you made something of yourself. That's very inspirational. I'd love to live a life like that, but anxiety really gets in the way of speaking to random people. Who knows though, maybe with more practice I could be like that. Thank you!


mama in the mirror is amam. Above the streams rivers and lakes mama is wawa, in the womb creating life. Truth many are unwilling to accept because they HEARD the father is creator. So now MAn makes self Ma because he see's backwards through the mirror amam. All about himself the WAter barer who uses the begining of Mama's name as MAn and WAter.
