My Ex Girlfriend Wants Her Stuff Back... What Do I Do?

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So, your ex girlfriend has broken up with you and you've entered into that dreaded space where you're confused on how to handle,

"The exchange of items."

The Role No Contact Plays:

The No Contact Rule: which shuts down communication between exes for a certain period of time such in order to create space for each partner allows for healing, self recovery, and an opportunity for both of you to potentially come back together as a couple, which I believe is the key to long lasting success.

Ideally- You want to wait until the end of the no contact rule before you exchange items with her, however, sometimes your ex will force your hand and you'll have no choice but to exchange items.

The One Goal For Exchanging Items:

Create A Lasting Impression That Makes Your Ex Think About You After You Leave

How To Achieve That Goal:

- Telling a memorable story
- Satisfying Interaction
- Zeigarnik Effect
- Looks matter more than you think
- Let her lead where things go
- Redirect Any Emotional Conversation To A Less emtional topic
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Give it back to her !Especially if its girly items, i dont believe you should keep whats not yours, leave it at the door or whatever, whats meant to be will be but keeping another persons belongings is like theft to me.


Give it back to her walk away and don’t look back


she broke up with me I moved out and I WANT my stuff back from her as there is no chance of reconciliation.


My ex asked me to give him address so that he can send my stuff back to me, clear cut


He break up with me like a month ago and since that day I make the nc rule and he text me today asking if he can pick up his stuff back tomorrow I reply back a hour after and I said yes no problem u can pick them up tomorrow
But idk what or how to react when he gets here
Can someone help me please 911


What do you do when you go get your things from her house and she hides things inside your stuff and then won't respond to you when you tell her about it? Is it like a Cinderella type deal where oh I left my slipper on your steps you have to come back to me and return my things I hid in your stuff?


I’ve gone 4 months no contact and he hasn’t said boo.. he just truly be done with me😔


Scored a 75 on the quiz.
She still has lots of her things in our house. No kids, 6 years together. She came to see her cats and do laundry. Twice and had to see her. I feel like it was magical and she even let me kiss her twice. We laughed and cried and drank wine. That was almost a week ago. Shes been staying at her moms for two weeks yesterday.


I contact my ex to ask my stuff back but he blocked me.. what I do


My text me this message! What to do?? I no contact!

I can sense that there is no basis for so much communication - but I would like to have Sofia's badminton racket at some point... so maybe we can agree on a time when you can leave them somewhere....


He broke up with me and after no contact for a month. Texted him, asked my jewelries back but he didn’t response, been 2 weeks. What should I do?


What if she asked for her stuff and disappear?


What does it mean when ex's close frnd adds me on snapchat? After 1 and half months of my breakup


I do not want my ex back. However, he came over my house today after 12 yrs asking f an item that he gave me back. I was thrown off guard because I was cleaning my house dumping a lot of stuff. I told him to give me a week or so, but I also told him he caught me off guard and I would have to see if I still have the item. And, never give someone something y will ask f back.I also have no anger f him and he has no anger towards me. I also told him I am not anger with him, I just never want hin to contact me ever. Am I doing the right thing and as f the item I am going to mail it to him certified mail.


my ex wife won't even cone and get her stuff after she left me 3 months ago and jumped into a relationship with another guy the same day I have not contacted my ex wife over 2 months
