IT'S WORLDS! Patch 14.18 Preview | League of Legends

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1:40 - Systems: Lane Swaps
7:37 - Systems: AP Champions
10:52 - Systems: AD Champions
22:16 - Top Lane
30:55 - Jungle
39:00 - Mid Lane Nerfs
1:00:24 - Mid Lane Buffs
1:06:13 - Bot Lane
1:10:45 - Support
1:13:56 - End
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1:40 - Systems: Lane Swaps
7:37 - Systems: AP Champions
10:52 - Systems: AD Champions
22:16 - Top Lane
30:55 - Jungle
39:00 - Mid Lane Nerfs
1:00:24 - Mid Lane Buffs
1:06:13 - Bot Lane
1:10:45 - Support
1:13:56 - End


Despite the negatives that ppl give you, there r ppl that's still here bro. We love you phreak!


As an ex-coach in semi-pro play, I can provide a little bit of insight into the Corki being ~0% ban 100% pick rate.

There's 2 cases where this can happen:
Case 1 is when players/coaches think the champ is consistently good but not oppressive. I think part of it is a lack of insight, but part of it can be because the champ has low agency, and won't be swinging a game on their own, so you're okay with the enemy having it because it gives you 1 less role to worry about from a playmaking perspective, and lets you focus your bans on playmakers (because those are the players/champs that tend to decide games, and that strategies are based around). In that case, it would be picked a lot because of its consistency and because your strategy relies around another player on your team being the playmaker.

Also, if it's a consistent champ, it means that the weaker player would prefer to pick it every time, and a good ban strategy wants to target the strongest picks/players with the bans, not the weakest ones, so it would slip through the bans most of the time.

Case 2 is if ban slots are just really tight, and it just happens to be the next best champ that isn't being banned, so it's just picked every game instead. This doesn't seem to be the case to me just looking at overall stats (I don't watch pro play anymore), but it's possible that it's happening on a team-by-team case.


Since when is something being boring a requirement for change? Haven’t we had the exact same champs be meta in pro league for the past 3 years?


9:35 I think a possible reason Stormsurge has better performance according to your data might be the player perception you mentioned. Players tend to build Stormsurge when they’re already ahead because it’s a “funny haha watch the enemy adc go boom” item while if they’re not winning they would rather build Zhonyas or Voidstaff. Just a theory though


I did not know Phreak has his own channel! Subbed immediately! I have been playing League since before Season 1. Loved your champion spotlight contents!


With the tooltip changes, you should go back and add the missing stat trackers for the items that lost it (and never got it back) from last season.

For example: Frozen Heart and Randuins BOTH have the Rock Solid passive, yet only one has the stat tracker implimented...
*EDIT* *Randuins no longer has the passive, but other items are still missing trackers*


Rumble is a good example of what happens when a champ tries to excel at everything. He was previously a strong early-game champ and good vs squishies and would build only ap, but then he also became strong late and good vs tanks and able to build tanky when needed. People didn't use to mind this champ because he was quite low pick rate even when strong.

He was bound to need nerfs once people caught on, but this is only going to hurt his otp player-base, nobody else has an attachment to this champion and cares. He should be a niche champ for us Rumble mains. He will never get mainstream appeal because he's simply not cool-looking. Like he's a tiny weird rodent-looking creature in a shaky mech, he's not a cool samurai like Yasuo dashing everywhere.

He will not be enjoyable anymore because he will have some matchups where he does well and other matchups that feel terrible since he's not able to stat check everyone with superior early game anymore. So what happens is you because you're low mobility and top is a long lane you'll get engaged on and ran down. His early game being strong was once balanced by a weakness to tankiness, which put him on a clock to snowball.

You gave him more heat so he could do more rotations of spells, in reality people just want to overheat asap, but this 150 heat idea could be used in early game.
Here's my suggestion: Make him able to realistically kite in the early game. It's a high skill-expression playstyle because you're required to hit E to not get punished and need good spacing so they don't get on top of you and chunk you, and good positioning so the wave doesn't block your E. You'll need to increase MS on W a lot. You could make him squishier so he gets punished for failing to disengage. You could nerf his Q dmg, but make it longer range to use it for CSing as you'll need to keep a charge of E for safety. You could give him another charge of E so he's able to cs with that instead. So you make him weak early, but have good scaling and he's not gonna want to overheat so much early game but balance his heat.

If this fails, you can revert him to weak late, but strong early, but don't abandon us Rumble mains please.


Hopefully you can buff your dad T1 to sky and ensure the championship title my racist dog son Phreak


Phreak I think the Samira buffs are the wrong way to go abt it, because obv after 9 she's the same champ. Unfortunately she's been indirectly nerfed bc of adc items getting nerfed too. I also think that mains know she doesnt want to trade early. I think you shouldve reverted the 5% ult nerf or maybe buffed Q all ranks (maybe like 10%-5%) or maybe some other part of her kit too. I just think that Samira knows her early game isnt what it used to be and this wont change that.


Nasus E max first was also used toplane vs ranged matchups. But maybe ranged nerfs balance this out


Thank you as always for keeping us in the loop with these update breakdowns phreak!


mr dev can we get display dmg and stats under every item like it used to be back when mythics were a thing? i love looking at stats


Ive been really liking these videos to get some context on patches and the vision for the champs/changes. Also gives insight into how to improve and adjust to the patches


Whenever I want to sleep I play your videos on 2x and I'm good to go. Thanks for the rundowns Phreak!


Hey, I wanted to ask why is it bad that midlane is now plagued with ADCs?

First of all, I know a lot of people complain about this meta in midlane, and they are really vocal because 'muh mages, but I think it is really positive for the game to have this diversity. There aren't a lot of AD champs in midlane, and there should be a lot more actually good competitive AD midlaners, and although we have some not marksmen champions that cover that niche, those are just Yone and Yasuo. I Wll not include Corki here because he was Intended as you said to be an ADC and shift from midlane, so this woud have been one less AD champ for midlane (Although he was AP previously). So our pool of viable competitive AD champs are Yone, Trist and Yasuo, and these are really frustrating champs for a lot people, hence why they usually tend to stay power neutral or below. Trist just gets you perma prio and scales insanely, Yasuo is mostly a counter to ADCs midlane (reason why he's seeing some play now; people tried him vs ADCs, got good at the champ and now he can be played vs mages in some scenarios aswel) and Yone which has a very large lethal range for certain mages.

Then why is it bad to widen this pool? These ADCs dont automaticly win lane vs ALL mages, so they DO have counters. Then WHY are they the meta? Simple. Heavy CC supports, paired with AP junglers being the most efficient champions (This includes Ivern, Mao and Seju due to their damage share), paired with Ziggs being the best ADC in the patch, paired with Kennen and Rumble being also near Tier S toplaners. I know you've adressed these champions in this and last patch, well, most of them, but ADCs mid is literally just a byproduct of how the meta shaped thru support abd jungle, so why should ADC runes be hit when the problem is the champions from the other roles? Why should certain champs who werent even top tier ADCs be hit and go even deeper down the pool, while these champions, mind you, in soloQ have ALL the worst winrates for midlane.
If these champions are so strong and so frustrating, why do they hold such abysmal winrates?

I dont think we should push these strats out of the meta in such an aggresive way, specially since you guys pushed for more AP junglers in the meta (Remember the Rumble Morg jungle MSI, the buffs for Brand and Zyra) because the pool was not good for competitive. You pushed for enchanter nerfs to make Engage supports more viable last year I believe, because the game needed more pick options. SO why is midlane the ¨Mage role¨? Midlane should be the most diverse role in the game in picks imo, since early to midgame prio is really important for the game, being the most important - the mid prio -, so these players should be able to get creative with their picks without reaching into a 45% winrate champion. Look at Galio, a champ which I love so much because he's the only ACTUAL MIDLANER tank. No other champions was designed to be a tank in midlane, and I think we need more champions like Galio in the game, this way draft deepens and gains more value.

I want to be able to play Zeri, Lucian, Smolder, Ezreal and also play Syndra, Ryze, Viktor, Cassio into them. AD midlane champs got here due to Fated Ashes in the first place, why not nerf the item, why not nerf engage supports which cause Utility mages and Burst Mages to be so useless? These go unadress while the game loses one of the most interesting and entertaining mid metas its ever had.


Thank you, phreak! I personally really appreciate you breaking down the patch notes so thoroughly.


thank you for the hard work as always, phreak!


Thank you for these videos. I've been listening to every single one of these for the past year and it's made me realize how much I love data, knowledge, and sharing knowledge. Thank you for your hard work, it doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated


People think Stormsurge is bad because players criminally underrate movement speed. As a Stormsurge abuser, I'm sad the move speed is going down, and think it's a nerf for AP Galio. Reminder that people thought Cloud Drake (before souls) was the worst Drake for years when it was factually the best, because everyone thought out of combat move speed was bad.
