Why the popularity of blaming narcissistic abuse victims?. #victimblaming #narcissisticabuse

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You are so needed. Keep up the great work


there are still so many ignorant people that keep their beliefs no matter what sadly.


Well... Some people were born to narcissist parents.
So when they leave and meet another narcissist and experience love bombing, future faking, n trauma bonding They are instantly hooked.
Majority of the victims don't even realize there is a problem for the first year. They think it's normal because of their narcissist parents.


Because “if you can’t beat them, Join them “ too people are dealing with hate alone


Thank you for the video. Why do PCPs (I’m in the military so I had no choice) force narc victims to see the psychiatrist? I was in an abusive relationship and never could get out because I’m a member of the military and I just can’t get up and leave and quit my job, therefore, I was seen as the crazy one. The military doctor never saw me as a military member, but as the spouse, and the one who is codependent, not realizing that I just can’t leave my post (and leave my abuser) or I would be AWOL. I was blamed, “we need to see what part you played in this” (the DH’s narcissistic rage). The victim blaming has done more damage than anything he ever did to help me.


My Mom likes to say to me, “You knew what he was like. You chose to marry him and have kids with him.”


This is why I have severe trust ussues. I get blamed for people's abusive behavior.


We here for you sweetie, the struggle is real. Thanks for this video. Me2! You have inspired me to take action. Thank you for all your help.


Because we are all in need of shadow work. Without doing your shadow work you are susceptible to narcs. It becomes a funhouse of mirrors. It doesn’t end.


I guess it's the magnet at fault for all the material sticking to it. You have a PhD so you should know that some people are attracted to toxic environments. A person could be a victim once, after that, they become a willing participant.
