Here's why more and more people are moving away from Colorado

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Back in the day, when I purchased my first home to live-in; that was Colorado in the early 1990s, first mortgages with rates of 8 to 9% and 9% to 10% were typical. People will have to accept the possibility that we won't ever return to 3%. If sellers must sell, home prices will have to decline, and lower evaluations will follow. Pretty sure I'm not alone in my chain of thoughts.


There’s no more Colorado. It’s Colofornia.


I left. Born and raised in Colorado, leaving was tough. Too many people moved in, I would see road rage almost every day, traffic was was almost New York City bad, my house was worth an incredible amount of money. The traffic going into the mountains was terrible. Sometimes 6 hours from Vail to Evergreen. Now overcrowded. Not the same place I grew up in.
I miss the old Colorado though. Always will.


The issue is not that growth funds cannot beat the S&P. The issue is that growth funds cannot beat the S&P index funds when you factor in costs and taxes. If a growth stock fund has a 2% annual fee and the index fund has a .03% annual fee, then the growth stock mutual fund has to beat the S&P by 2% every year to truly beat the S&P index fund. This is the problem that you aren't acknowledging that people have an issue with.


As a Texan that visits Colorado and other states often I can tell ya, every major city in America is facing the same changes. Homelessness, crime spreading out all over metro areas, ridiculous cost of living, influx of out of towners taking up space, a mass of huge overpriced apartment buildings. It's not a state or city issue, it's a country issue, America as we knew it is over.


More taxes, less freedom, officials that stand squarely on the side of violent criminals.


I'm from Colorado, born and raised here. The insanely high cost of living is Ridiculous!!! The middle class is truly vanishing from this state, and it's not just happening in the cities either. Here up in the mountains, there's almost only 2 kinds of people who live here: the very poor and the ultra-rich. I've known many people who had to move to another state because they got priced out of living here, especially within the last 2 years. And those who remain (who aren't ultra rich) crowd up into apartments with at least 4 other roommates to afford to live out here. And young people like myself just stay living with their parents well into their 20s, but I want to move out soon and want to actually have my own place without living in some crowded apartment. Colorado has changed A LOT from when I was growing up here. I'm grateful to have grown up here back when it was still pristine, peaceful, and less crowded, but Colorado is a totally different place now.

Colorado IS California 2.0 
Interestingly when I go visit western SD it reminds me of the old Colorado.


Went to Denver for a job in 2015 stayed until 2020 and I have never lived in a dirtier, angrier, ruder, authoritarian city in my life. Every weekend we loaded up the Subaru and headed up the hill to Evergreen or Kittredge for coffee, lunch and a hike. The mountains and the cozy little towns up there are beautiful but living in Denver just wasn't worth it. No good Mexican food (not optional for a native Texan) unfriendly people, lots of road ragers, etc. I'm back in Texas in a small rural farming / ranching community where everyone waves, strangers strike up conversations, neighbors will bring you a casserole for no reason at all. I'll never leave Texas again!


I used to live in Colorado. But it's going down the same destructive path as California, New York, Illinois, etc. Why do people allow themselves to be tricked into voting for idiots.


I lived in Boulder in the oughts and now when I go back I can’t believe how much it’s deteriorated — homeless tents everywhere and gaudy huge apartment complexes.


Omg the smugness from that first realtor was dripping through the screen, especially her last comment. Get over yourself honey.


They start the story off saying they don’t know why people are moving then the next part they say they are moving from liberal cities to conservative rural areas. I wonder if that might have something to do with it.


Because people are sick of toxic liberal politics


Many thought legalizing pot would fix everything and CO would bankroll. There’s more homeless now than ever. These CA style policies are ruining one of the most beautiful states in the US.


My grandmother is a Colorado native. Born in ‘34, raised 3 kids in Golden back in the 70s and 80s. She’s been priced out of her hometown because it’s too expensive now.

This place has changed. Crappy new overpriced developments everywhere. Working and middle class people being priced out of their homes. Now this state is just another California. Only the richest people can afford it, no affordable housing, more crime and drug problems. The state I grew up in will always hold a place in my heart, but I know the Colorado I knew and loved is just a memory now.


Wow! I feel like I'm watching a video about my state--Washington. Same thing. Both WA and CO were the "hip" places to move to several years ago and lots of people were moving to both places. Now lots of people want out.


Liberal policies and high prices go hand in hand. When will people learn?


I'm glad people are leaving. Im a native sick of high prices crime and too many people.


I used to live in Colorado...beautiful place in Old Snowmass. 50 acres..built my own house. Than all the people from Cali arrived...drove up home prices but that wasn't the worse part. They bought their liberal ideas with them. They built bike trails (less than 1% of the population used), a valley wide transit system (to bring in their gardeners, house keepers and day workers from down valley), heated open bus stops (which makes no sense), new rec centers, new everything....taxes went up and up and up. Mine with from under 2k to over 17k during this time. Every local I know was forced out of their home mainly because we just couldn't keep paying the increase in taxes. I knew people in Denver too. They all moved because of the drug use in the streets and the huge increase in those type of people after the legalization of weed. Another beautiful state that is dying due to the cancer of liberalism.


Sounds like current Oregon. People are done with the rainbow clan run cities
