4 Things You MUST do for Better Skin

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Today Eric talks about skincare. 4 simple steps. There are so many different types of skin. There is not a one step fits all face regimen. Before you start a new skin care product it's always recommended to do a skin patch test first. Apply a small amount of product on your arm and wait 24 hours to see if you have any skin reactions.

Nutrients from a healthy diet and lot of water for hydration are essential elements to a naturally healthy complexion. After that, try these tips for good skin care product use.

Skin care!
1. Clean. When you are done cleaning you don't want to feel tight. If it does you might want to go with a more mild wash.

2. Exfoliate. Be sure you get in to your beard and massage your skin and eliminate that dirt, dead skin cells and oil that gets trapped in there. It also helps clear your hair follicle for more even growth and healthy facial hair. You do not have to be too rough! The Clarsonic Alpha Fit is a nice tool that uses micro bristles to get deep into your pores without being to harsh.

3. Moisturize. Along with stripping the dirt and grime away from skin, cleansers and exfoliation also strips away healthy oils and drys skin out. Replenish that with a good moisturizer. The Utility Balm is great for head to toe moisture. This step is essential.

4. Sunscreen. Think about the future. Cancer, aging spots, wrinkles. This is the number one way to prevent premature aging.

Be sure to find skincare that is right for your individual skin type.

Beardbrand is a men’s grooming company that is helping men keep on growing by providing education and tools for urban beardsmen to master their morning routine. We’ve found that confidence starts with self investment, and allows men to do great things for their families, co-workers, and community. We are working to break down the negative stereotypes that surround bearded men, and show the world it’s the man who matters, not the way he looks.

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday at 11am EST

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I've always had really problematic skin. Lots of acne/red spots, etc., and I've used pretty much every cleanser under the sun with mixed results. About 2 months ago, I started doing the caveman regimen, where I've cut out all cleansers and harsh chemicals and let my body and nature take care of itself. To clean my face, I literally just splash some room temperature water on it morning and night. So far, I have had surprisingly good results. Skin looks clear and even and feels good too. I still use a bar soap to clean the rest of my body in the shower though. The caveman regimen probably isn't for everyone, but so far so good!


Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
eric is great, beardbrand is too


I have read and heard, on many websites (including your own), that I should not wash my beard much more than twice a week, or so. How do I wash my face more than twice a week, without washing my beard? It seems like a simple problem, but maybe I am misunderstanding something. Thanks.


Nice to see you again after a short break.
Awesome tricks


Hey Eric. ..this chemical exfoliation you mentioned. ....what does it involve and what products are offered?
thanks, Joe T


You put the exfoliation over the beard? Or upper ?


I use a toner after washing my face, even beard. A toner that has no alcohol and balances your PH balance. I personally use klairs toner. Really great for sensitive skin and rehydrated my skin.


Just got me tree ranger travel set!! In the U.K.!! Wow! And a lil beard brand golden slap sticker!!!


please a video about teen beard.... i am 17 and not gettng beard near my mouth and chin area should i let it grow or shave by which it wll come more fuller


Eric I really dig this messy hair thing u got going on


thanks for the great content. I haven't tried any of your products yet as I can't afford them (I live in Ukraine) but your videos still add value for me.


I use Jason Natural Liquid Body Wash. I also use the best gift I have ever gotten. A scrubbing cloth with handles. It allows me to reach every part of my body easily. And exfoliate my entire body. And truthfully, using bar soap is SO much harder to clean your shower & tub. As it leaves the soap itself as residue. But you likely are NOT the one cleaning the Bath.

And though I deeply respect you and your efforts for the bearded community. I hate you for having a beard in 2 months that looks fuller than mine at over 1 year. I could figuratively & literally cry over that.


Eric I am trying to grow a yeard, should I trim my neck or not and please make a Facebook community for beard brand


This was a great video Eric. Really helped me. :D



It's been awhile since I've been back here, but once a beardsman, always a beardsman (even if it's very short...like 1/8"). Hey Eric, my girlfriend uses the Cindy Crawford Meaningful Beauty line, and on my really dry face days I use the moisturizing serum. Do you think there is anything out there for guys that don't want to buy, nor need, that whole kit?


Didn't notice I was that much early lol
