Birth street exhibition and student collab

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BIRTH (2023)
Viktorija Vuković (HR), Antun Mlakić (HR), Teodora Kumanudi (RS), Anja Aleksić (RS)
Mergentaler street gallery

The artwork entitled Birth is a result of a collaboration between students from the universities in Belgrade and Zagreb as part of the BIEN 2023 artist-in-residence programme. The textile installation on three posters symbolizes the essence hidden within each individual and calls for rebirth. At the centre of the installation, there are textile windmills that symbolize Cervantes' famous struggle with windmills. People confront their own similar windmills on a daily basis, becoming slaves to themselves. Amidst the fast pace of life and constant burdens, they lose their "sun", light, and sight of their true essence. The aim of the artwork is to promote understanding of the importance of sustainable living and the impact that individuals have on the world around them.

Children from kindergartens in the Kranj area were also involved in the creative process.

Bienale tekstilne umetnosti / Textile Art Biennial BIEN 2023
Junij–Avgust 2023
Slovenija / Kranj, Škofja Loka, Jesenice, Nova Gorica
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