You don't know the huge earthquake in Japan. / M9.1 simulation / Japanese eas alarm

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Moment magnitude 9.1 (Mw9.1)
Simulation of Nankai megathrust earthquakes / Osaka (EXPO 2025) Japan
The next immense natural disaster in Japan?

Japan's high-rise buildings will not collapse in such an earthquake.
If you will visit Japan(Osaka & Kyoto), you should watch this video once.

Video of the Cabinet Office

Tokyo Fire Department


For some tourists, disasters in other countries may be a kind of attraction, but for people who have lived there for many years, they have to see the ruins of their city, It is a painful event.
Also, some people have lost their family and friends in the disaster, so remarks like "interesting" and "no big deal" are very disgusting.
Please be careful when speaking in Japan.

Aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami ( 3.11 ) Mw9.0

※This video was created with electricity obtained by solar power generation.

=== Key word ===
disaster Japan Kochi Wakayama Nagoya Tokyo Visiting Japan shaking tsunami alert system
radio television Disaster broadcast english Earthquake waves nankai trough Japan's disaster
Earthquake Early Warning issued Very big earthquake. magnitude 9.1 (Mw) shock shook
How much does Japan's earthquake shake?
Disaster prevention education
南海トラフ巨大地震 南海地震
英語 english 英語版 外国語 外国人向け 緊急地震速報 津波警報 アナウンス アナウンサー 防災 大阪 シミュレーション シミュレーター NHK緊急放送 ニュース 南海トラフ巨大地震 2012年版の想定 モーメントマグニチュード 9.1 津波地震
おおきなじしん きょだいじしん にほん にっぽん PLUM法
kyodai jishin nippon nihon nankai torafu trough pov
Terremoto زمین لرزه Tremblement de terre Erdbeben
#earthquake #南海トラフ巨大地震 #TakahashiSuzuki防災
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Thank you for producing this in english as well


I cant even imagine the fear at the moment of the alert. Everyone shaking of terror, leaving their houses with all their stuff, and they dont even know if they are going to see them ever. People in the hospitals running away and total anarchy. I just dont even want to think of it


This is a scenario if all segments of the Nakai Megathrust Fault ruptured. It would be like the 1707 earthquake but a lot bigger and the tsunami would reach the shore even before the tremor subsides.


Huge respect to the engineers who built buildings not to get collapsed


It still amazes me how the Japanese people can deal with this constantly... mad respect to them


There're three things make it so deadly:
- It happened near the surface
- It had the magnitude over 9
- It happened under sea.


"As the alarm sounds, please do not play this video in public places."

That's understandable. Although many Westerners don't perceive the Earthquake Early Warning sound as terrifying, many Japanese are very terrified when they hear it, particularly ever since the powerful earthquake that devastated the Tōhoku and Kantō regions of the country in 2011. In fact, I think it might actually be illegal to play the Earthquake Early Warning sound in public in Japan.


4 ruptures in the fault sounds pretty rough to go trough


I hate how Japans Emergency Broadcast Starts off with a soft chime but it is better than People Screaming


Imagine being the one that recieves the last EEW


On March 11th, 2011, Japan was hit by a devastating earthquake and subsequent tsunami. The earthquake, which measured a magnitudeof 9.0, struck off the northeast coast of Honshu Island, the largest island in Japan.

The earthquake shook buildings, caused landslides, and triggered a massive tsunami that devastated coastal towns and cities. The wall of water reachedof 9.0, struck off the coast of eastern Japan, creating tsunami waves that reached heights of up to 40 meters (131 ft) and traveled as far as 10 km (6 miles) inland.

The earthquake was one of the most powerful ever recorded and caused widespread damage to buildings and infrastructure throughout the affected area. Many people were trapped in homes or offices that had collapsed during the quake, and rescue workers struggled to reach them due to the damaged roads and transport systems.

The tsunami waves that followed the earthquake caused even more destruction, as they swept through towns and villages along the coast, destroying everything in their path. The cities of Sendai and Ishinomaki were hit particularly hard, with entire neighborhoods wiped out by the waves.

Tragically, the earthquake and tsunami also caused a nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which was located near the epicenter of the earthquake. The plant's cooling system was disrupted by the earthquake, causing a series of explosions and meltdowns that released dangerous levels of radiation into the environment.

The earthquake and tsunami claimed the lives of more than 15, 000 people and left over 2, 500 missing. It also caused billions of dollars in damage and took years for Japan to recover. Despite the devastation, the Japanese people displayed incredible resilience and community support, working together to rebuild their homes and communities and support those who had been affected by the disaster.


The number of foreigners living in Japan has been increasing in recent years.
My concern is a major earthquake like the one shown in this video.
This earthquake is bound to happen within a few decades.
Many Japanese are aware of this and are moving to places far from the open sea or considering evacuation routes.
On the other hand, it is unclear to what extent foreigners living in Japan are prepared for earthquakes.
For this reason, I respect activities such as this video that disseminate information to the English-speaking world.


I'm Korean, people told the Japanese earthquake warning system that the chime sound is soft. .. It's not soft. Rather, it induces anxiety and tries to deal with the earthquake quickly.

저는 한국인입니다. 사람들은 일본의 지진 경보 시스템에 차임 소리가 부드럽다고 말했습니다. . 그것은 부드러운 것이 아닙니다. 오히려 불안을 유발하여 지진에 대해 빨리 대처하기 위함입니다.


"Japan's high-rise buildings will not collapse in such an earthquake"
Not necessarily; building codes and standards make it so that a building's chances of collapse are as low as possible, but I've heard in an interview to an LA architect/engineer that it's "practically impossible" to absolutely gurantee structural integrity in a major enough earthquake. There are no "earthquake-proof" buildings just as there are no "bulletproof" vests, only "earthquake resistant" buildings and "bulletresistant" vests.

To use a metaphor, earthquakes are like diseases, buildings are people, and building codes are vaccines; contrary to popular belief, vaccines *DO NOT* gurantee _not_ receiving a serious infection or even death from what it's meant to protect against, but significantly reduce any chances of those happening.



This is just an expectation.
It may be larger or smaller than this.


In Romania even a 7.0 richter earthquake would fuck us badly, can't imagine a 9.1
The worst part is that we have 0 idea when the next 7.0 will happen, the last time it happened it was 1977


even if this is a simulation, this give me goosebumps


I hope this never happens anywhere on any planet.


People must evacuate to higher ground even if the earthquake keeps feeling, they'll be saving their lives...


In my personal opinion an EAS alert doesn’t need to be scary sounding if the majority of the public knows what it means because just knowing that something bad is going to happen is enough to strike terror into people’s brains
