Signs Your Ex Still Has Feelings For You

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Signs Your Ex Still Has Feelings For You
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I definitely angered and affected their feelings recently. First proper interaction after they dumped 2 months ago, they had been watching my instagram stories and randomly liking posts of me moving on in life. I decided this wasn’t healthy, so removed them. They didn’t like this, so we had a chat, jokey, flirty which continued over a few days, but reminded them of my boundaries and that the recent interaction doesn’t change my decision, we’re not friends and I’m not reversing the unfollowing, let’s just say, they avoided everything on that final message other than the positive sentence at the end 🤦‍♂️

I wish they would lash out, open up and tell me their feelings, so I know what’s going off, until then, imma keep striving forward for myself.


I have no idea if he still has feelings for me. I’ve been in no contact for six months. I’m planning no contact for my lifetime.


Exactly, taking things slow, don’t be overwhelmed or judgmental at all, it’s all about ego, ,
Try to imagine that you Ex texted you, how will you feel! What do you want to say!
Go through those feelings till you reach your point you aren’t overwhelmed, practice that, really helps and relaxes your ego, give him the lead ! People need time to process their feelings, especially those who came from different backgrounds than you, But at the same time keep your boundaries and know when to say No he or she will adjust to you


Listening to these pieces has kept me in limbo. She was never coming back and made that clear. She spoke to another ex of mine and made it perfectly clear. She has no feelings for me and I should have acknowledged this nearly five months ago instead of holding a candle like some love sick loser(which I was) she can’t come back and do this again. I was way too good for her in the first place. Wasted so many tears for nothing. Quite bitter now actually.


Been in no contact now for almost 10 months. Letting go of the insecurities and hurt but he would have to level up big time. So, I guess it’s good that I have no idea 🤷‍♀️


They should show that “Feelings” after some amount of no contact period . Unless we’re moving on to better ship 😂


It makes sense of things now that I really didn't understand then 😕 She would accuse me of being on dates if i didn't respond to her messages on a timely manner. She would get jealous if she saw me talking to, about, or spending time with another female and say things like "so you've moved on" and afterwards she'd try making me jealous by doing the same and hanging out with a guy friend (once it was with a guy that used to be my friend!) and posted pictures of it for me to see publicly on her only public account whereas the rest of her profiles are private.


I’m just delusional honestly I know it’s over


NC over a year, no clue what she feels or thinks…


I still love him with all my being he dgaf about me anymore


Mine still texts me to see how I am every so often.
She still lets me keep a set of keys to our (former) shared home.
I’m welcome round to see our dogs whenever I want, even if she’s at work.
She’s warm to me when she is there, she talks to me like nothing has changed. She Is not shy of touch or being close (although I know the boundaries and respect them).
She doesn’t rush me out when I’m there (Previously fell asleep there)

Yet she makes excuses not to meet in public for a coffee, she’s asserted that there’s no going back (albeit that was fresh after her decision. She then said maybe if we fix ourselves we can rekindle)


What if they tend to act indifferent to everything because they don’t like to deal with emotions? He’s very much avoidant, so it’s hard to tell if he really just doesn’t care after 4 years and a family together or if it’s an act?


Even if she is physically and emotionally involved with someone else now for 6 months? We were married and together for 23 years


No idea haven’t spoken in three months


If I sign, I will take him to Nigeria, and i know that's impossible


My ex did send a msg few times with a fake telegram id
Should i msg her and confront in about it?


She dumbed me 4 years ago. She is violent to me every time she see me (to take my kids)😂. Shall I hope?


my brother's thank you for these wonderful word's you have my blessings always love always god blessed always stay sweet and strong smile hàve a wonderful day with excellent
