What is an active phased array radar?

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Active Phased Array Radar (AESA) is a radar system that controls the direction of the beam electronically. Compared to traditional mechanically scanned radars, it does not need to change the direction of the beam by rotating the antenna but achieves rapid and flexible beam pointing by adjusting the phase of each radiating element. This flexibility allows phased array radars to perform multiple tasks instantly, such as searching, tracking, guiding, and communicating simultaneously.

What is the working principle of phased array radar? It's similar to a giant searchlight but controls the beam direction electronically. In phased array radar technology, active and passive phased array radars are two different types, and their differences determine their performance and application range. It's crucial for military enthusiasts and the audience to understand these differences to grasp modern radar technology better. Specifically, it includes: 1. What is phased array radar, and how does it differ from traditional radar? 2. What are the principles and performance differences between active and passive phased array radars? Why is active phased array radar more advanced? 3. How is phased array radar applied and developed in the military field?

The advantage of phased array radar lies in its multi-target processing capability, wide coverage angle, and detection range. Due to integrated circuit technology, phased array radars have reduced volume and weight, making them more suitable for installation on various small combat platforms. Moreover, phased array radars have high reliability; even if some radar modules fail, they will not affect the performance of the entire radar system.

The difference between active and passive phased array radars: Active and passive phased array radars are two types of phased array radars. Passive phased array radar has only one radar signal source, which generates signals distributed to each radar module. In contrast, each radar module of active phased array radar has its radar wave transmitter, which can independently transmit and receive signals. Although active phased array radar is more difficult and costly, its performance is more advanced. Therefore, mainstream phased array radars currently are active and passive ones are gradually being phased out.

Let's understand the basic principles of radar in simple terms. First of all, we must applaud the inventor of radar; he was indeed a genius. He found a way for radar to detect targets and determine their positions in space using radio waves. Imagine the core component of radar, the magnetron, which can generate high-frequency microwaves. If we simplify this technology, you can think of it as an extremely powerful flashlight that illuminates wherever it is pointed. However, unlike the visible light emitted by traditional flashlights, radar emits electromagnetic waves in the S-band and C-band, which are invisible to our eyes.

Then, radar has a part that can rotate, like a neck, allowing the antenna to scan left and right to detect different directions. However, this "neck" cannot rotate too fast, or else it will miss some areas. It rotates about every few seconds, and the areas not covered by rotation become blind spots, where radar cannot see.
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