Hurt (Trent Reznor, arr. Eric Whitacre) – Bel Canto Choir Vilnius

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LIVE by Bel Canto Choir Vilnius at the concert "Open to the World '22" (November 2022).

"Hurt" (Trent Reznor, arr. Eric Whitacre). Live by Bel Canto Choir Vilnius, conducted by the choir's second conductor Milda Švelnienė, and the choir‘s soloist Agnė Bagdonavičienė. Live from the concert "Open to the World ’22: Zero8 & Bel Canto Choir Vilnius" at the Vilnius Philharmonics on November 27, 2022.


The Choir's artistic director and conductor Egidijus Kaveckas, second conductor and choirmaster Milda Švelnienė, choirmaster Raminta Gocentienė, vocal coaches: Eglė Stundžiaitė & Eimantas Bešėnas.


"Hurt" (Trent Reznor, arr. Eric Whitacre). Atlieka choras Bel Canto ir choro solistė Agnė Bagdonavičienė, diriguojami choro antrosios dirigentės Mildos Švelnienės. Gyvai iš choro Bel Canto koncerto "Open to the World ’22: Zero8 & choras Bel Canto" Vilniaus filharmonijoje 2022 m. lapkričio 27 d.

Kūrybinė grupė:

Choro Bel Canto Meno vadovas ir dirigentas Egidijus Kaveckas, Antroji dirigentė ir chormeisterė Milda Švelnienė, Chormeisterė Raminta Gocentienė, Vokalo pedagogai Eglė Stundžiaitė ir Eimantas Bešėnas.

Рекомендации по теме

That was ABSOLUTELY amazing; I'm also very much impressed for the skills of the choir as a choir, and not merely as a group of highly-skilled singers.


Just heard this on Australia's ABC Classic FM, stunning work!


Why does this version make my eyes water?


Superb! This is not an easy song for any choir due to the several dissonant parts, but you nailed it! Tone, diction, preciseness, harmonies, and dynamics are excellent. Ladies are a little overpowering the men. Would like that deep bass to be more prominent.
