Somatic symptom disorder and other disorders | Behavior | MCAT | Khan Academy

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I was just diagnosed with this and wanted to know in plain English what it meant thank you!


How can I help someone who potentially has conversion disorder? They have been telling me about "blackouts" that they're experiencing. This has been going on for at least 2-3 years. They had an mri eeg and ecg tests done which all came back normal. It's really limiting their life and they're not able to do things that they enjoy. Constantly worrying about the next blackout. This blackout is explain as if they're spaced out and can't seem to click out of it. They're very reluctant to talk about it and refuse to beleive it's a mental health issue and not physical. Please help I'm desperate to get this person back to enjoying their life.


Mental conditions are medical conditions too.


Depression + Nonrestorative Sleep ++ widespread muscular pain = Fibromyalgia which has no explanation. Call it what you will..


Can syshomatic disorder can be cured if a person is in high pressure problem.


I'm still learning about this disorder as I was diagnosed with it not all that long ago. I truly believed something was so wrong with me and thinking it was the worst even to the point thinking I was going to die soon. It has been an awful journey with it. I had never heard about it before. It's terrible and completely sympathise with anyone going through it.


Wonderful explanation, needed this for a later exam that I will be attending... Abnormal psychology is a possible issue that may arise and Psychological disorders such as these may appear as a specific abnormal issue that I will have to suggest how two perspectives will explain these... As an innocent query, how do you spell the other term for the 'Factitious Disorder' that was mentioned?


Why are you using DR Todd Grandes photo or is it just my tablet ?


hey, Does conversion disorder’s symptoms ever go away?


Appreciate the info. This helps me and helps myself


Thank you, our prof dropped us this liknk


Psychology is too young to make such claims.


I SOMATIZE and when I suddenly could not get out of bed for exhaustion for four mos and lost 20lbs I explained it away as just somatizing stress...turned out I had hypothyroidism and my thyroid glamd has dramtically shrunk over time tyroid medicine SYnthroid eventually leveled me out and I REGAINED my normal weight and close to pre illness energy level.


You can’t imagine how much I LOVE suffering from Somatic Symptom Disorders because I was BEYOND without any doubt in my mind convinced that I had a terminal disease but it’s ONLY my mind playing tricks on me. I feel so BLESSED to have this second chance!!! 🥹


Or its where the dr. Cant find the problem so its all in ur head. Yea. Its all in ur head ur have times whn u go blind for no reason lol. Or cant stand cuz the pain in ur neck and back. In other words the drs dont know whts wrong and have gave up.
