Somatic Symptom Disorder (Somatoform Disorder) | Symptoms, DSM-5 Criteria, Treatment

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Somatic Symptom Disorder (Somatoform Disorder) | Symptoms, DSM-5 Criteria, Treatment

Somatic Symptom Disorder (previously known as Somatoform Disorder) is a psychological condition involving somatic symptoms (bodily symptoms that are caused as part of an underlying psychological manifestation). This condition is associated with other conditions including anxiety and depression, and is estimated to affect up to 7% of adults. In this lesson, we discuss the signs and symptoms (the DSM-5 criteria for diagnosis of this condition), along with a variety of treatment methodologies.

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I've had this disorder my entire life ever since I saw the movie blind victory when I was a child. I used to call it hypochondriasis but I can see that this is the more acceptable term. My brother has this... as does my mother, definitely a genetic component with regard to OCD and anxiety. Sometimes there's actually something wrong and sometimes there's not, but the obsession never ends.. One ache or pain replaces another. My brother and I both agree it has ruined a good part of our lives. I've been on medication. It doesn't seem to help.


Multiple sclerosis could meet all those criteria. The condition generally meets Criterion A in that it has more than one symptom that causes significant disruption, and can result in Criterion B if the doctor is not taking those symptoms seriously, and usually meets Criterion C in that the various symptoms tend to come and go. Indeed, relapse and remission of symptoms is a hallmark of MS.

Neurologists are often not very good at recognising MS symptoms if they are difficult for the patient to describe and not outwardly visible, and may rule out the condition on the basis of a quick and crude CNS examination that fails to elicit the corresponding signs. They may then be tempted to dismiss any slight abnormalities that show up on MRI or other tests, on account of their preconceived opinion.


I had CPTSD and breast cancer stage 3B


They gave me this diagnosis first, before assessing or ruling out other conditions, and I can’t stand it.
I’ve done very well with CBT and mindfulness, but when I’m actually in pain, I regress to square 1.


I've had somatization disorder now for 12 years being diagnosed only 6 years ago. After hundreds of doctors appointments and multiple tests like m.r.i.s, ct scans, ultrasounds over that 12 year span, nothing has been found from these symptoms that I go through. I've tried meds, cognitive behavior therapy, acupuncture and almost everything in the book these past 6 years yet I still suffer from this debilitating disease. I applied for social security disability and got it right away as have just been crippled by this disease. Scary thing is that you don't know what's real and what's not. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last year even though I felt no symptoms for that one particular thing. It was found as I had an m.r.i. for swelling under my jaw. My shrink said to stay away from doctors while my doctor said if i'm dealing with real symptoms, i must follow up with a doctor. I feel real painful and destressing symptoms....what do I do? Any advice would be appreciated?


I just got diagnosed with this but i still dont believe in it. I know i have trigeminal neuralgia though i have had physical discomforts for the past 6 yrs


I got diagnosed with somatic disorder today. But, I believe I was suffering from it for at least more than 6 years now. One thing I found after the research is that its TOTALLY & 100% about mind. Its starts from mind and will end at mind ONLY.

Luckily, I am practicing ancient Indian psychology framework where I am exploring about mind functions, states of mind, mind modulations, its root causes and yogic proven solutions to take charge of our mind.

Its mind cultivation training basically.

This compulsion or repeated thoughts, all can be cured only by training the mind.


It sounds like TMS that Dr. Sarno wrote about.


Can burning mouth syndrome be a somatic symptom disorder?


And this is why I don’t wanna take
Medication. Side effects would just make me worse. I’ve been living with this for months now
And I can’t take it anymore.


Somitization or central sensitisation or myofacial pain syndrome or fybromyalgia very confusing related to ocd


Can anyone explain only 1 criterion B symptom meaning?


Doesn't helpy mum has severe ms but I've been tested hopefully correct


A feature if patient is devoting excessive time & energy for health concern. So if a patient listen to the pile of health advices given by public health: beware of salt, fat, eat fruits, go exercise 2 hr, wash your hands, calculate the calories you eat, reduce sugar, get regular sleep, avoid UV, avoid constipation....etc if one believe in them and spent all the efforts to actually apply them then they think he has somatic symptom disorder


What medication is used to treat this.. he’s been on several but nothing works, going on for two years now. Constant stomach pain has caused severe weight loss, no appetite


Im suffering from the same having pain in my left shoulder neck and leg since 2009


You can get rid of a true Hsv2 in US,

Totally legally, , ,

I’ve seen them.
Thank goodness I meant you Dr Oseghale Sunday Herbal Home…….
