Living History with Ferd Kaufman

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This is great, but wish we could see the pictures better. Maybe a second camera to switch to for the pictures or some sort of video editing? Love this series!


wonder if there's a rights issue with not being able to show the photos


Did not he take a picture of Oswald in the elevator??? If so, where is that picture?


No excuse for presenting all those photographs in a visually inaccessible form.


OK, one the SF Bay Area, the morning paper, the SF Chronicle, was always the more liberal-leaning paper, while the afternoon paper, the SF Examiner, was regarded as conservative, at least in those days. My mom always got the Chronicle. It was always the more interesting to me as a little kid because the newspaper had different colored sections. The Green Sheet was the sports section. Racehorse gamblers and sports fans could spot it immediately. And on Sundays we had the pink section, which was all the entertainment and the TV schedules. Awesome. It was so uncomplicated. I was an overthinking type of toddler and when I could read it improved my understanding. I wonder if the morning-liberal, afternoon-conservative was a thing all over the country.


This could've been a good presentation had the 6FM shown more of his photos and made the few they did show VISIBLE! I can just add this to my list of gripes about the 6FM.


You need to edit this, as many commenters have said, in order to include inserts of the images the audience can see but we can't. OR I know you've fixed this issue on subsequent presentations, but even if you hadn't the ability, the principal camera long shot, the operator should have known to position the camera in order to show the screen that all were gazing upon.


Poor job at showing the photos in this interview of a photographer.


Mother Oswald got $50K for her family photos? Good for her.


And of course, like the recent picture of Putin, I think it was, that from one angle it looks exactly as though he is giving the bird to the press, while if you see a photo from a different area, you can see clearly he's not flipping off anyone, he's making a gesture with his forefinger, not aimed at a soul. The shot of Oswald supposedly making a gesture that these days would be regarded (had Oswald been black) as a BLM gesture 15:07 and he was apparently only holding up his wrists to show he was not resisting arrest in case one of those frequent (at the time) cases of a liberal or a "colored" being beaten to within an inch of their lives because they were "resisting arrest." As usual the corporate media/Time-Life were going to use certain images to run with, or the Dallas media, which to this day hold to the Warren Report version, because it lets Dallas off the hook. (my mom subrscribed to the "city of hate" image Dallas had and felt he'd be lynched, but she was a young housewife at the time, with 4 kids, me being the baby, and she was sure it was "those crazy Texans" who loved the idea of fighting Communism who killed Oswald. )


It's so obscene how the Left is determined to stop the teaching of American history, as unbiased as possible. In California you can meet adults who have no clue what the Stars and Stripes represent. Back when the USA was trying really hard to help immigrants to assimilate and understand what the USA was all about, emphasizing our history and our uniqueness in public schools was really important, as was the point that you are no longer an Italian, you're not a Spaniard, you're not a Pole, you're not French or Swedish or Mexican or Jewish or Catholic or Protestant, white or black (that took longer), (and what your sex lives were was your own damn business because it was personal)....we had to make people understand, even the DAR and the KKK, that WE ARE ALL AMERICANS FIRST. After that, after we understand that ideal, and what it means, and you accept and understand that, everything else was your own damned business, not your government's, local, state or federal. We have no skin color, we have no religion, no sex, no political leanings, we just believe in the Constitution and the truths that are self evident, and then the Amendments, that clarify the rest. NOW they are trying to divide people up by the very things we were raised, as Americans, not to consider. Now Twitter is being run by a man from a caste-oriented society who doesn't really understand that whole idea. I think all the American CEOs of many of these huge social media corporations are resigning because they see something horrible on the horizon and they want to get as far away as possible. (except Zuckerberg, this is something he absolutely enjoys. It's his very meat and bread.) Sorry I rambled.


Unfortunately, they wait until the people are too old to interview. This poor guy can barely string a sentence together.
