Untouched ABANDONED Apartment Complex Destroyed By Flood

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In 2022, this massive apartment complex in Central Florida was inundated with over 7 feet of flood water. The resulting evacuation of it's inhabitants was nothing short of chaotic and after everyone was forced out, no residence were ever allowed to return. Years later, this complex has been left completely abandoned with the whole site feeling apocalyptic, totalled cars dotting the barren parking lots and significant signs of water damage throughout.

Travel Channel - @BrightSunTravels

Special Thanks To:
Jack Sweeney
Erin Mammel
Josh Bailey
Sam Cappell


Bright Sun Films 2024

Presented in 4K
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I was in the phase of the complex @0:55 "All the way that way", literally in that first building. I'd gotten unbelievably lucky and the flooding did not enter my apartment (the water just barely touched the patio in front of my door before receding). The airboat mentioned was being loaded / unloaded outside of my apartment.

I have to hand it to my girlfriend at the time that noticed everyone "going outside to look at something" which turned out to be the back buildings being flooded. We put on our low-rise boots and went by to check and it was insane to see. We walked across the speed hump on the main road nearest the office to stay enough out of the water to check out our old apartment on the other side. Not flooded but got a better look at the hellish flooding in the back (moving dumpsters loaded with trash into parked cars). When we walked back to our apartment to discuss what to do we used the same speedbump but as we did water rushed into my boots. I stopped, looked at my girlfriend and some people nearby looking to do the same and said: "It's still rising". We shuffled quickly across and made an effort to pack-up and wash our shoes (which STUNK of sewage from the small amount of time we'd been out there).

Wild to see Bright Sun Films making a video of something in my life. I will qualify these were not 'pristine' apartments. Roaches & mold were a constant battle. I'm a minimalist and clean my apartment thoroughly every week and I still couldn't fight the little buggers off. The mold was basically painted over when you moved in too.


4:03 - @brightsunfilms The writing on the wall is moisture test results. You can see two small pinholes on the wall by the numbers…that’s where they conducted the test by pushing the probe into the drywall. I would suppose they did the test twice to see how moisture levels were changing over time.


Not even knowing about the flooding, in an area that was prone to flood?! I feel like it should be a legal mandate to disclose that kind of stuff to potential tenants if it isn't already.


04:56 Holy goodness. That's one _helluva_ water leak/resource conservation issue.
Just reported it to Orange County Utilities. Thanks for showing this to us all, sir! 👍


What's the worst part is that this was probably one of the more affordable housing complexes in the area.
If it's replaced at all, it's going to most likely be replaced with some unaffordable luxury apartments and/or airbnb hotshots.

This is exactly what happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina


having this be so recent makes it even more surreal, normally abandon buildings come with a lot of history but the fact there people around my own age were living there is shocking. The kpop posters really nailed that in for me, thank you for documenting this.


Apartment complex repeatedly floods?
Landlords and Politicians: Lets put another apartment complex in the same place!


Hello! I lived here during both floods and I have receipts! Please reach out to me I have so so much to add to this and can answer some of the questions you asked during this video.


This is insanely eerie - the apartment complex I live in currently must have been designed by the same architect. Seeing my exact apartment layout, completely abandoned and decaying at 3:45, was positively surreal.


I used to deliver pizzas for the Papa John’s right near here. Have been here numerous times and I remember when the apartments first flooded. I loved the old satellite image of Alafaya at 2:03.


One of my biggest fears is this and fire ruining everything. I feel bad for these people, losing things that can never be replaced.


usually when i watch the abandoned videos, they always give me a vibe that they were so far in the past, decades ago. seeing a random kpop poster from the girl group itzy put it in perspective how much damage this place suffered in a relatively short amount of time.


7:36 and of course the firealarm with low battery beeping...without that no abandoned house is complete I guess


This is good primary source documentation. Most of Florida is low elevation, flat, and very vulnerable to sea level rise and hurricanes. I don't understand why people would buy property here as a long-term investment.


We lived in a ground floor apartment for a year that backed up to a creek in Wyoming Michigan in 2017. 6 months after we moved out the creek flooded, 14 feet high which put water 3 feet into the second story apartments. We found out then that Renters insurance doesn't cover flood damage from weather, only fire, break-ins, and utility floods.

Our old neighbors had a 3 month old and had just gotten married, moved in together and bought thousands of dollars worth of furniture and electronics for themselves and the baby they lost it all and got nothing from insurance, the news covered it and there were dozens of people just like them who were in the same situation, they lost everything, contacted their insurance only to find out that renters insurance doesn't cover flood damage from rain.

Dozens of families in that apartment complex lost everything.


I would have felt obligated to look for a water shutoff in that cabana room where the pipes were spraying and wasting all that clean water for no reason. :(


I toured here as a student looking to live here for Fall 2022. Even then it wasnt a very nice property, roaches everywhere and mold. Thankfully I avoided living there, and lived at the property next door. Wild to see it untouched.


Florida realtor would be like slightly used apartment 1500$ a month.


9:12. RIP to ITZY's "It'z ICY" album poster on the wall.


I used to live here during that year and was there for the flood. It was bad. It was slightly above our knees and so many cars were totaled from the flooding. I was luckily able to get my car out and our floor wasn’t as flooded (2nd floor) in time but a lot of people weren’t so lucky. The complex owner also wouldn’t let people break out of their leases about 3 days after it happened. There was literal black mold growing everywhere in the apartments. A lot of people ended up stranded and not knowing where to go. Shit was crazy. The complex ended up letting people break the lease when people began lawyering up. They gave everyone apology McDonald’s
