What Happened to The 3 Astronauts Who Died in Space?

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3 Astronauts died in space, but how? What happened? New space discoveries always motivate man kind to learn more, think more, and experiment more.

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this has nothing to do with the title ? they died on the ground not in space? wtf


They died doing what they loved, RIP:'(


They didn't die in space, the headline is incorrect. They died during a "plugs out" (the Spacecraft being on internal power, instead of power supplied by the launch umbilical tower basically) test at the pad on Cape Canaveral. The spacecraft was at the time pressurized with 100% oxygen (nothing abnormal about that) at higher than one atmosphere, 16.7psi to be exact. That is 2psi above normal sea-level pressure, and they did that to make sure that the hatch would be properly sealed, and to drive out any extant nitrogen in the cabin atmosphere before launch (as nitrogen would have caused the bends as the spacecraft gradually lowered its internal pressure to 5psi during its boost phase out of the atmosphere and into earth orbit) Normally, the pressure was around 5psi/100% oxygen (this was not changed until the Space Shuttle came along) .

16.7psi of 100% oxygen is about 5 times the partial pressure of oxygen in the atmostphere (at standard sea-level pressure), which meant that the concentration of oxygen was so high (inside the spacecraft) that items that normally wouldn't burn at atmospheric pressure or the operating pressure of 5psi, did in fact burn. So along with the spark that provided the ignition source, that was a major contributing factor to the fire.


Wow I never knew about this. Why? Schools don’t teach us this. This looks interesting when the space program started.


They did not die in space!!!! They died in training. On the ground.


They didnt die instantly! Their voice recordings and you can here them screaming as they burn to death!


Grissom, White and Chafee weren't the first people to die, in the quest for space.

Before them were Valentin Bondarenko (also died in an oxygen fed fire) and Vladimir Komarov.


Title Change Please
3 Astronauts died in spacecraft. What happened?
3 Astronauts died in launch test. What happened?


My recommendations get weirder and weirder.


''Factnomenal'' you motivated us to start our Youtube Channel!🙏


Grissom and whatever the other guys are(sorry idk the name), they didn't die in space. They died in a regular practice session or something, where inside the hatch they were in had a fire that started underneath their chair. The door of the hatch, very heavy and opening it either way needed to be pulled from the inside. The oxygen pressure inside the hatch was 100% compared to 75-25 nitrogen oxygen mix. Which is why the inside became hot enough for it to become an incenerator of its own. What the hell is my English. Can't swear on YouTube these days. That was Apollo 1, which idk was disbanded or nah but Apollo 7 then resurrected nasa.


But they didn’t die in space, they died on the launch pad.


Rest In Peace beautiful astronauts, may they be in our hearts forever❤ and bless the family’s


Day 148 of where quarantine has brought me to


This is why i'll never go to space it's lovely but..


I came here after watching After the landing on Mars


Omg... thank you for releasing the truth.. i often wondered.. RIP..


Do you guys not see that alien at 1:53 ??


I have no idea what happened to those three astronauts who died which is kind of sad


Actually, this title is frustratingly inaccurate if you're a space buff. As of 2021, 15 astronauts and 4 cosmonauts have died during spaceflight (plus more in other accidents pertaining to spaceflight, namely training and engineers).

The majority of astronaut and cosmonaut deaths happened below the Kármán line (100, 000 km above sea level, and is the generally-agreed boundary between Earths atmosphere and space). Apollo 1 happened on the ground, Soyuz 1 crashed when the parachutes failed to open, Space Shuttle Columbia broke up during reentry on STS-107 at around 70 km above sea level, while Challenger broke up during launch and the crew cabin crashed into the ocean, killing them all.

The only deaths that occurred above the Kármán line occurred in Soyuz 11. When the crew jettisoned the service module after making their deorbit burn, a valve which normally opened very late in the descent (to equalise the pressure inside the capsule with the outside atmospheric pressure, to keep the pressure differential from making the door difficult to open once on the ground) was jarred open at an altitude of 168 km, causing a gradual decompression of the cabin. The crew asphyxiated to death during reentry, landing only due the capsule's automated processes.

As of this writing, Georgy Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov, and Viktor Patsayev are the only humans to have died in space.
