How to Get from Times Square to Newark Airport via Newark Airport Express Bus - Raw & Unedited

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Newark Liberty International Airport is one of three major airports in the NYC Metropolitan Area. I ride the Newark Airport Express Bus from the Port Authority Bus Terminal. This bus is the most direct & convenient public transportation from Midtown Manhattan as you don't have to make any transfers. At $19.50 one way, it is the most expensive form of public transportation, but still way cheaper than taking a car service for one person.

Recorded February 4, 2022

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Personal coach counter finder was the best. He sure earned his tip 😉😄


lol, it's like in a video game when you follow him :-)


People will generally help you out in these situations if they can. This takes me back to the days when I first started travelling and budget travel was important (who knew bus travel would become expensive), great helpful video for people visiting the city who don't want to take another way to that airport.


Exploring the airport would be nice as well !! great vid, man !


Such a New York experience with the guy helping you out! Great video 👍🏻❤️


Way to go, I was actually trying to figure this out recently!


Pulaski Skyway is the steel-skeleton elevated highway to your left. Sorry to disappoint ActionKid and General Pulaski, but you would have to take the HOLLAND Tunnel to get to the Pulaski Skyway. It connects to US Route 1. But I doubt that buses are allowed on the Skyway.
BTW ... The most FUN way to the airport used to be a New York Airways helicopter from atop the PanAm building (now MetLife building) to the airport. When I took it in 1967 I think it was $25 and took about 10-15 minutes. Too bad they had a bad landing on the PanAm building in a windstorm, snapped off a rotor that fell to the street and killed someone, and that was the end of New York Airways and airport transportation by helicopter.


Thanks for the ride. Wonder if they have the same bus going to LaGuardia airport? Could you find out and let us know. Thank you so much. 🤗


This is really helpful!
When I visited NYC, I flew Porter Airline from Toronto's Billy Bishop Airport which is located in downtown Toronto, Porter Airlines flight to Newark and from there I took a train to Newark Train station to Penn Station.
I would of never known the connections if I didn't meet a couple taking the same flight, they were so patient and helpful, they let me tag along to show me the way! It's a blur now as I was so excited travelling for the first time by myself and it's been over 30 years since I was on a plane!
I just looked up what trains I took, AirTran to Newark Liberty Airport Train Station and then Amtrak to Penn Station NYC


Personally, I prefer to take NJ Transit or Amtrak, then take the monorail to the terminal.
Hiring a car or taking a cab is nice, but expensive.
That bus you took seemed like a good way, too -- comfy and no too crowded. Maybe I'll try it the next time I need to go to Newark.


You apparently haven't travelled to often to New Jersey if you're complaining about the price. I can't speak to that $1.50 admin charge, but the fuel charge is in response to rising gas prices, leaving what I would call a "reasonable" price of $17. These are costs I've become used to living in NJ. Obviously the train(s) option is more affordable, just not as convenient..


Informational and detailed info ! So helpful for anyone who needs / wants to go that particular airport !! And it’s very helpful that you provide that info, because that bus terminal seems to be quite a maze from the eyes of becoming tourists 😕!! So this is very appereciated ! Thank you for sharing A K 👍!!!


The man was really helpful, and it's fun how he appeared again on your livestream later that night!! 😃👍 It sure is confusing trying to find where to purchase a ticket and then having to rush to the bus. Thank you for sharing this informative video from Times Square to New Wark Airport, AK!! 🤗 I'm looking forward to the airport video!! 🤩


Happy Birthday to my Brother and Sister born February/3/1984 38 years ago today. Happy Black History Mont and hope everything's good for you this month ActionKid "Thank's You for you're channel showing us and the world New York City lives.


This is the guy you mentioned he helped you. :) I'm a bit surprised by the trust you had in this man from start to finish. He has kind though!
Pretty smooth rainy ride. Feels like in the left side was a better view and i wanted you to move there :D But of course you didn't..
At 1:00:40 i gasped of worry for a few seconds - looking like that black car will bump into the bus. Stay well till the next one! ;)


What I did when I had to do this was go to Penn Station and catch the Amtrak train to Newark International train station and then catch the airtrain to the terminal you need. It was really quick and reasonably priced.


The easiest way to get to Newark Airport from NYC, is to take N.J. Transit train to the monorail hub, which is across the highway from the airport and the air train ( monorail) crosses the highway to the airport.


Terminal C is the busiest terminal and was built in 1988, but there is also a new terminal under construction now.


Everything is a racket these days. Two dollars and 50 cents administration fee? That should have been in the disclosure on the advertisement sign. Supposed you brought only the exact amount as listed on the signs promoting the tickets. You would have been stuck for cash.


I've always seen lots of tourists taking NJT to the Newark airport monorail, while lugging tons of luggage. As for myself, I'd rather spend the extra bucks to get a cab and have peace of mind. Or better yet, have a friend drive me to the airport. Am glad you are showing all these necessary how to's, because it's very confusing.
