The Chernobyl Divers who Saved All of Europe

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Plant engineers Alexei Ananenko,Valeri Bespalov, and Boris Baranov wore wetsuits and entered an underground corridor on the edge of the reactor building, an area that had become filled with firefighting water and coolant water, to locate and open release valves to drain the water, in doing this, they saved the entire European Contanent...This their story.

#chernobyldivers #chernobyl #nuclearmeltdown #chernobyldisaster #speluncaphobia


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It’s crazy how you can make so many high quality videos in such a short time, very impressive keep up the great work!


What a great story! Those men, even if coerced, were far braver than the Uvalde "cops" were! 💚


Love how you compared the mythicized version of events to the facts. Super fascinating.


My mother (in Germany) died from the aftereffects (cancer) a couple years after the incident. Luckily I'd moved to America in 1986.


I had a supervisor born in Ukraine on one of my jobs and i was telling him ill go to visit Pripyat on holiday. He said to me that he has served there when the nuclear plant blew and there is nothing but death there, alot of his friends died there, why should i go? I decided not to go from respect.


You have to do what you have to do!!! The men were nothing but hero’s!!! I hope if ever faced with a problem if that magnitude I would be able to do the same!!! All respect due to some incredible men!!!!


You've definitely earned my subscription! Well done!


Amazing video - I didn't know all of these details. Thank you!


Great video, thank you

If people haven't seen the miniseries I highly recommend it-- this scene in particular does a GREAT job with lighting and sound to really bring in the horror of their situation with the desperate gasping of the technicians and the almost solid scream of ticking from the geiger counter


crazy video thabk you bro make more videos pls this calms my crippling anxiety like crazy


IDK what I'd do in that situation. But more then a couple times while deploying in the Army important missions kicked us in the nuts. The first time it happened my Plt had been out side the wire for almost a week and had just got back. Most everyone went to the chow hall to see what they could get, but I chose to take a shower. I didn't take a long one, the Fobits had used up all the warm water like normal so it was a cold shower. Anyway, when I got out and was walking back to my chu a couple of my plt guys ran up saying they had been looking for me and the PL was pissed(I was a 68W or medic so couldn't leave without me). Anyway, he wasn't really just stressed. Shit had hit the fan just north of us and we where rolling out. When we got the the motor pool the 1SG, CO, and Chaplain where there waiting for us. Not a good sign! We where then told they cleared the phone center and we where all to make a quick call to our loved ones. This was about a month and a half before we where headed home so it was a gut check to say the least. But no one complained everyone did what we where told and mounted up in or strykers and headed north.


Another great video!!! This is the first time I have heard this particular story. You always do the stories justice with how thorough you are. This is one of my favorite channels on YouTube!


Great video! Just found your channel, goldmine! Always been fascinated by Chernobyl stories, keep it up! Wish I could make this, that's why I subscribed, greetings from Denmark !


Your life vs the lives of millions of jump in and help


BUT ...then ur channel!!! I never heard of this story!!


Anybody else worried that a war is happening right now, right around a couple of nuclear power plants in Ukraine? Scares the shit outta me! Great vid! Cheers mate!


I dedicated their deeds by getting a tattoo memorializing those badasses! Saving an entire continent deserves a tattoo out of me!


Sometimes you just have to do what is needed, especially when you may be the only one that can. If my act could save thousands, then what is the sacrifice of my life to that? And if my act could only save my husbands live, then I would give it for him too.
Thank you for the thought provoking question. I think I might have surprised myself with my answer. Linda


I'd have said goodbye. Peace an goodluck.


This is a little sensational. There's not enough nuclear material in the reactor to render Europe uninhabitable even if it somehow exploded like a fission bomb (which it can't). HBO's presentation aims to entertain and dramatized the event more than necessary.
