My Advice To Young Women

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There are a lot of people in the world today who try to tell women what they should be doing in life. Some share great tips, some not so much. In this video, I share my top tips for young women today.

Robert Greene is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law, Mastery, The Laws of Human Nature, and most recently, The Daily Laws.

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As a woman once you’ve learned to embody your authentic self you become extremely powerful and even intimidating. It’s a shame that many women’s minds get falsely programmed by society instead of tapping into our God-given gifts like intuition, empathy, and magnetism. Many women forget that we don’t need to chase, things come to us naturally.


I also think an important thing I've learned as a young woman is that the world loves young women who always say yes, who never set their boundaries, and who never voice their discomfort. You are not doing anyone a disservice by putting your foot down because if you don't advocate for yourself, NOBODY will look out for you.


The timing of me finding this video is so insane to me. I, 22 yr old black woman, stopped talking to a guy I just met last week bc he made a joke about my appearance. He asks me to send a picture of myself, unwarranted after I told I took a nap. Didn’t question it but I sent a cute pic of myself, hair up in a cute bun, true, natural and authentic. And he responds with “damn you couldn’t try harder for me?” I knew then this isn’t someone I wanted nor needed to keep talking to. He claims it was a joke, but it wasn’t a joke to me. I think more men should give more beautiful advice like this to young woman like me. I think this is one of the things that can make the world a better place ❤ and bring everyone closer in love on this planet.

Edit: I also want to clarify: he asked me for a pic but me just being oblivious, didn’t know what he meant by that. I just sent a selfie of myself when in actuality he wanted a nude. I didn’t realize this after the fact. But all the more reason why didn’t need to talk to him. A bit naive on my end.


I cried when he said, so much pressure being put on females on the looks, especially with social media. As a young woman, I totally agree with it.


I am a 22 year old woman and one of the key values I've established for myself is self cultivation. When I was younger I was afraid of forming solid opinions in fear that people would disagree with me and therefore, not like me. I've seen the power and the respect I'm able to illicit in others from being able to communicate my own opinions and ideas. I still believe I have a lot to learn and practice in order to be better, but being aware of it sure helps.


Someone once said something like, "Beauty is simply a state of harmony between the inner self, the outer self, and the collective at large."


it's kinda crazy how nobody's talking about the book womens magic truths on borlest


It’s like listening a father giving loving advice towards her daughter about how they suppose to see themselves and their value as a woman without ignoring the reality that women do get judged by their look. But we are so much more than that. Thank you Robert. I bet one in a million chance women ever have this kind of conversation with their Dad.


It's essential to have, as a woman, largely as a human, to have zero expectations from everyone except yourself.


This is surprisingly wholesome and wise. It is dangerous territory when men talk about women issues, but this felt warm and wholesome.


I'm a 35-year-old single mother from Germany. The image that society has foisted on me is that of a woman of failure. Basically disqualified on the dating market because of having a child (seed from another man). In addition to that, a woman approaching her 40’s (fading beauty, sinking fertility). If I focused on my limitations, depend on the validation of men and let other people define my worth, I would despair. "Mastery" has tremendously strengthened my sense of purpose in life. I know exactly what my life's task is. My strong sense of purpose is so uplifting. Thank you Robert for guiding me through my lowest moments


At 29 I was lost, not enough pay I took time to reinvent myself and work harder & smarter. Currently leading a good life, six figure + income. I travel the world and I will be 33 next month. Everyone can pull through too. I love the honesty in your story hang in there


As a young woman, who randomly became “beautiful” after puberty, i needed to hear that I have much more value than my looks. The pressure to keep up with an appearance that looks “hot” or”beautiful” is so dehumanizing. Has damaged my self esteem, I don’t even like looking at mirrors sometimes.


To save your time, here’s the summary:

00:02 Embrace your natural genius
00:42 Don't let society's focus on looks define your value as a young woman.
01:21 Focus on your inner qualities rather than your appearance
01:59 Women have a different way of thinking than men
02:40 Women tend to have a holistic approach towards problem-solving.
03:18 Embrace Your Natural Genius
03:59 Women face higher standards and judgment on their actions.
04:35 Value your mind and develop it to avoid getting lost in the world of appearances and image.


hearing you affirm that women view life more holistically than men really touched and healed parts of me. I have been shamed by men for seeing things as "too general", or "too gray". I see life in all its shades of gray; nothing is really black and white for me.
This can be my strength, not my weakness. It isn't better. Its just different.


Wonderful video! I grew up with 4 other female siblings and dad instilled in us that our brain is our biggest power. I am often told by men that I intimidate them, or that they admire my thinking. I am eternally grateful for the values instilled in me as a child. Thanks, Dad!


I'm 50 yo, I have a degree, a career, and still I'm judged by my weight and by not so feminine looks. So, ladies, it will always be a struggle. Just focus on your self worth and love yourself more than anyone that will try to bring you down. 💪


There’s nothing more greater than being in a women’s world, learning how she think and who she is as a person and willing to explore her fantasies.


Making your most attractive quality something skilful, anything other than you looks, is the greatest freedom you can give to yourself as a woman


Hi robert. As older women, we are judged so severely for our looks and our aging. It takes a very stoic woman to feel confident in who she is, not what we look like, whether we are young or old....
