10 Most In-Demand Jobs in 2020

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Today, we're going to talk about most in-demand jobs in the United States in 2020. If you watch this video up to the very end, you're going to learn about 10 job positions that are in high demand in the United States which means there are a lot of openings on different websites across different platforms. If you have skills required for listed positions you have really good chances of being employed and getting a high salary.
The ranking is based on median base salary, number of job openings and overall job satisfaction.
10. Business development managers are the cornerstone of any successful organization because they ultimately generate new revenue and help a company grow. The primary objective is to identify new business opportunities.
9. Strategy manager. In order for a company to grow, objectives for growth with minimal risks must be set. An individual tasked with advising as to how best to achieve these goals is a strategy manager. This professional assesses the organization’s goals, determining which ones are realistic and work with the company executives to formulate actionable plans to achieve the said objectives.
8. Speech pathologists help individuals with a range of disorders related to speech, language and swallowing. These professionals can work in schools, hospitals and specialty clinics.
7. Software engineers are computer science professionals who use knowledge of engineering principles and programming languages to build software products, develop computer games, and run network control systems.
Content creator. This profession is not on the list because companies are not really hiring professionals of this kind work for themselves. If you're not excited about coding, management, medicine but you like to create content, then this profession might be for you.
6. A data engineer transforms huge amounts of data into a useful format for analysis.
5. DevOps engineers are expected to work with software developers, operators of systems, production staff, and IT to oversee the release of code. Engineers must provide the resources needed and come up with the most effective model for deployment and the protocols for testing, validation, and release of the software.
4. Product managers are responsible for guiding the success of a product and leading the cross-functional team that is responsible for improving it. It is an important organizational role — especially in technology companies — that sets the strategy, roadmap, and feature definition for a product or product line.
3. Data scientists are big data wranglers, gathering and analyzing large sets of structured and unstructured data. They’re part mathematician, part computer scientist and part trend-spotter. And, because they straddle both the business and IT worlds, they’re highly sought-after and well-paid.
2. A Java Developer is responsible for the design, development, and management of Java-based applications. Because Java is used so widely, particularly by large organizations, the daily roles vary widely but can include owning a particular application or working on several at one time.
1. A front-end developer is a web developer that codes the front end of a website. While web design is the way a website looks, front end development is how that design actually gets implemented on the web.
Time codes:
0:44 About the ranking
1:18 10. Business development manager
2:33 9. Strategy manager
4:05 8. Speech language pathologist
4:47 7. Software engineer
6:39 Content creator
8:08 6. Data engineer
9:20 5. DevOps engineer
10:52 4. Product manager
12:47 3. Data scientist
14:13 2. Java developer
15:40 1. Front end engineer
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