How Creationism Taught Me Real Science 64 Mammal Evolution?

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In this episode we uncover the truth behind the supposed lineage between reptiles and mammals.
Creationist Arguments:
Comparative Embryology
Jaws to ears
Organ of Corti
List in Order
Paleothyris - Carroll 1969 (early Pennsylvanian approximately 312 to 304 million years ago)
-----Protoclepsydrops haplous - Carrol 1984 (early Pennsylvanian approximately 318 to 314 million years ago)
-----Clepsydrops - Cope 1875 (early Pennsylvanian approximately 310 to 290 million years ago)
-----Archaeothyris - Robert R. Reisz, 1972 (early-mid Pennsylvanian approximately 306)
-----Haptodus - Gaudry, 1886 (late Pennsylvanian approximately 299 to 296 million years ago)
-----Dimetrodon, Sphenacodon or a similar sphenacodont - Cope, 1878 (late Pennsylvanian to early Permian, approximately 295 to 272 million years ago)
Biarmosuchia - Sigogneau-Russell, 1989 (late Permian approximately 272 to 252 million years ago)
-----Procynosuchus - Broom, 1937 (latest Permian approximately 260 to 253 million years ago)
-----Dvinia - Amalitskii, 1922 [also "Permocynodon"] (latest Permian approximately 254 million years ago)
-----Thrinaxodon - Seeley, 1894 (early Triassic approximately 251 to 247 million years ago)
-----Cynognathus - Seeley, 1895 (early Triassic approximately 247 to 237 million years ago)
-----Diademodon - Seeley, 1894 (early Triassic, 240 Ma; same strata as Cynognathus)
-----Probelesodon - Romer, 1969 (mid-Triassic; South America approximately 246 to 216 million years ago)
Probainognathus - Romer, 1970 (mid-Triassic, approximately 239 to 221 million years ago, Argentina)
Exaeretodon - Cabrera, 1943 (mid-late Triassic, 239Ma, South America)
Oligokyphus - Hennig E, 1922, Kayentatherium - Kermack, 1982 (early Jurassic, 208 Ma)
-----Pachygenelus - Watson, 1913, Diarthrognathus - Crompton, 1958 (earliest Jurassic approximately 209 to 189 million years ago)
Adelobasileus cromptoni - Lucas & Hunt 1990 (late Triassic; 225 Ma, west Texas)
Sinoconodon - Patterson & Olson, 1961 (early Jurassic approximately 208 to 190 million years ago)
Kuehneotherium (early Jurassic, about 205 Ma)
-----Eozostrodon - Parrington, 1941, Morganucodon - Kühne, 1949, Haldanodon - Kühne & Krusat, 1972 (early Jurassic approximately 205 to 145 million years ago)
Steropodon galmani - Archer, Flannery, Ritchie, & Molnar, 1985 (early Cretaceous approximately 105 million years ago)
Stagodontidae -Marsh, 1889 Pariadens kirklandi (late Cretaceous approximately 95 to 66 million years ago)
Cimolestes - Marsh, 1889, Procerberus, Gypsonictops (very late Cretaceous approximately 68 to 66 million years ago)
Creationist Arguments:
Comparative Embryology
Jaws to ears
Organ of Corti
List in Order
Paleothyris - Carroll 1969 (early Pennsylvanian approximately 312 to 304 million years ago)
-----Protoclepsydrops haplous - Carrol 1984 (early Pennsylvanian approximately 318 to 314 million years ago)
-----Clepsydrops - Cope 1875 (early Pennsylvanian approximately 310 to 290 million years ago)
-----Archaeothyris - Robert R. Reisz, 1972 (early-mid Pennsylvanian approximately 306)
-----Haptodus - Gaudry, 1886 (late Pennsylvanian approximately 299 to 296 million years ago)
-----Dimetrodon, Sphenacodon or a similar sphenacodont - Cope, 1878 (late Pennsylvanian to early Permian, approximately 295 to 272 million years ago)
Biarmosuchia - Sigogneau-Russell, 1989 (late Permian approximately 272 to 252 million years ago)
-----Procynosuchus - Broom, 1937 (latest Permian approximately 260 to 253 million years ago)
-----Dvinia - Amalitskii, 1922 [also "Permocynodon"] (latest Permian approximately 254 million years ago)
-----Thrinaxodon - Seeley, 1894 (early Triassic approximately 251 to 247 million years ago)
-----Cynognathus - Seeley, 1895 (early Triassic approximately 247 to 237 million years ago)
-----Diademodon - Seeley, 1894 (early Triassic, 240 Ma; same strata as Cynognathus)
-----Probelesodon - Romer, 1969 (mid-Triassic; South America approximately 246 to 216 million years ago)
Probainognathus - Romer, 1970 (mid-Triassic, approximately 239 to 221 million years ago, Argentina)
Exaeretodon - Cabrera, 1943 (mid-late Triassic, 239Ma, South America)
Oligokyphus - Hennig E, 1922, Kayentatherium - Kermack, 1982 (early Jurassic, 208 Ma)
-----Pachygenelus - Watson, 1913, Diarthrognathus - Crompton, 1958 (earliest Jurassic approximately 209 to 189 million years ago)
Adelobasileus cromptoni - Lucas & Hunt 1990 (late Triassic; 225 Ma, west Texas)
Sinoconodon - Patterson & Olson, 1961 (early Jurassic approximately 208 to 190 million years ago)
Kuehneotherium (early Jurassic, about 205 Ma)
-----Eozostrodon - Parrington, 1941, Morganucodon - Kühne, 1949, Haldanodon - Kühne & Krusat, 1972 (early Jurassic approximately 205 to 145 million years ago)
Steropodon galmani - Archer, Flannery, Ritchie, & Molnar, 1985 (early Cretaceous approximately 105 million years ago)
Stagodontidae -Marsh, 1889 Pariadens kirklandi (late Cretaceous approximately 95 to 66 million years ago)
Cimolestes - Marsh, 1889, Procerberus, Gypsonictops (very late Cretaceous approximately 68 to 66 million years ago)