Physics Lecture 1: Speed & Velocity

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In this video, I cover the terms speed and velocity in classical mechanics. After explaining the terms distance and speed, a conversion factor between the units m/s and km/h is derived. After that, the difference between momentary speed and average speed is explained, followed by the description of velocity in 3 dimensions.

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0:00 Speed
4:41 Unit Conversion
6:49 Momentary Speed
13:45 Velocity
Рекомендации по теме


1. A car travels from Frankfurt to Cologne, covering a distance of around 180 km. The average speed is given as 26 m/s. How long does the car need to reach its destination?
2. A 2D location vector r is given as (cos(t), sin(t)).
a) Calculate the velocity vector v at the time t = pi/2 s.
b) In which directions do both vectors r and v point?
