How Beginners can make games FAST!

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💬 Use Assets to plug your skill gaps and LEARN FASTER!

👍 Learn to make awesome games step-by-step from start to finish.

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💬 Here's my advice for how Beginners can make COMPLETE games quickly.
Very simply: Focus on just learning a handful of skills per project, and use assets to plug your skill gaps.

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If you have any questions post them in the comments and I'll do my best to answer them.

See you next time!


Hello and Welcome!
I'm your Code Monkey and here you will learn everything about Game Development in Unity using C#.

I've been developing games for several years with 8 published games on Steam and now I'm sharing my knowledge to help you on your own game development journey.

I do Unity Tutorials on just about every topic, Unity Tutorials for Beginners and Unity Tutorials for Advanced users.
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💬 Use Assets to plug your skill gaps and LEARN FASTER!


Thanks for the video! I confess that this helped me get rid of the mentality of having to do everything from scratch. I always felt a little guilty if I used some assets 😅


this is honestly the best advice for beginners, use the frickin asset store, you shouldn't have to do everything yourself. u are a solo indie


That's a very good advice that I think is strangely rare to get. Noone really makes a game from scratch, what I mean by this, experienced veterans often reuse systems and utilities they made for their previous projects.


Glad you talked about completion. Completion is a skill and in game development a right of passage. Part of completion is shipping too!


I agree with this video :)

An advice I have for people who try to learn programming would also be to try to make a small game, like connect 4 or tic-tac-toe as a first project.

The main idea is that you already know the rules, and they are quite simple. Therefore, you don't have to think about the game design, and you can focus on programming


Great advice. I definitely fell into that trap. I kept trying to tackle bigger projects where i had to work on various skills...but i kept losing interest with little progress made. I finally started to just remake classic arcade games. Then i could focus on more limited skills while also making real progress on my projects. I finally started completing some games and sharing them with friends.

And yes, I'm one person. I cant be an expert artist, animator, programmer, sound engineer, UX designer, etc, all at the same time. This is actually one reason i have stuck with Unity. While other engines may look more attractive at times, the Unity asset store ecosystem is unbeatable.


You get bonus points for doing everything yourself: knowledge, experience and fun (because all of this is fun even if sometimes frustrating)


Buying assets for sure spends up dev time but a template which has things such as saving/loading, scene management, persistence between scenes, etc would also help alot.


I have a lot of exp with general programming and the TCG Engine asset at store was a miracle to boost me to create my card game.


I love your energy man. I love that you are showing your face on your videos now. It feels more personable that way. I wish I could bottle some of your energy up and take it for myself. After three decades of being a software developer, I got a surprise gift from COVID-19... severe narcolepsy that does not respond to medication. So I will live vicariously through you until they can find a medication that works.


That's what my course facilitator said for my cap stone student project; buy stuff to speed up development.

Though my experience looking for gothic vampire assets the amount of big boobed sucubbi in my search history became a concern (and joke among my group mates).

I figure I'm still afraid of buyers regret, particularly as a student where money is tight. So I love to make the assets for fun so I can learn and have better judgement of what assets are good to buy per my needs.


Dude, the real problem in the asset store for some countries is the price. In Brazil, we don't get specific prices for our currency, like Steam does with their games. So, knowing that the minimum salary here is something from 200$ - 250$ (using direct conversion), you have to be more than a normal guy financially to spend even 50 bucks in a good asset that won't even be sufficient to your game (in the most of the cases, I think, and depending on the game of course though). There are awesome ones in the internet, yeah, but sometimes it's hard to find specific ones, or big and good ones.


What an awesome content, straight to the point❗️👍🏾


Love your videos, awesome motivation. Working on a game myself, found that learning one thing mainly when building a game or prototyping is the best way so you can then build on it later. Keep up your awesome work!!


i recently started a horror game, made the ai and used some of your videos to make interactables and a bunch of other things.
So now that you mentioned the assets i'll go check the asset store to make more progress in my project.


I can totally agree with everything you said in this video. It's right to try to learn certain things in small projects, to test if an idea is worth it, to maybe keep working on it, or to improve your skills. and even if you have a dream game in mind, and just want to try some logic in a smaller game, there's still a chance that feature will end up in a game of your own, or make it into your dream game. improving your skillset, in an enjoyable way is always the best. and yes, assets are helpful in every way. nothing to say against that. great video. <3


Great video! I’m excited about developing my very first game. Until now, I've been stuck in 9-5 full-time jobs. Finally, I'm carving out some time to work on my own projects. I've been creating small asset templates for the asset store, but hopefully, one day soon, I'll have my very own first game!


0:32 It took me 20 years to learn them all 😥


What a cleverly disguised advertisement for the asset store. Bravo.
