Best Bibles UNDER $50

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These are my favorite Bibles under $50. ⬇️ Leave a comment below to let me know what your favorite is!

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❤️ My Top 5 Favorite Bibles (2023)


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DISCLOSURE: Many of the Bibles in my videos have been provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review, and some of the links above are affiliate links, which means I make a small commission if you purchase something after clicking the link.
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All of Lockman's synthetic leather options with the 33 GSM Korean paper are my absolute favorite. I wish more publishers would include more durable liners and beautiful paper in their bibles just like Lockman does.


Truth for life has a the ESV large print in top grain for $35 and I love it!


ESV Creeds & Confessions for the win. When I got it, was amazed at how nice it is. But I do wish it had a vinyl liner.


The CSB Reader's Bible in genuine leather is available at Lifeway for $20 right now. I ordered one several months ago and it was stamped "Goatskin Leather" on the back. 10 point font and extremely comfortable to hold and to read. This was an excellent purchase.

It seems there are several very good deals right now as part of the continued rollout of the CSB.


My first and favorite Thinline Bible is the ESV TruTone thinline. I bought it for like 25 bucks at a lifeway bookstore in 2017 and it’s held up well. My favorite ESV under 50 is the ESV thinline reference Bible in brown goat skin from Truth For Life Ministries. I’ve got the NASB 2020 in Brown synthetic leather and I love it! I also got the LSB 2 column text only from Steadfast Bibles in Brown synthetic leather and that one feels better than the genuine leather bibles I have. My other favorite (take with me every) is the CSB Thinline reference Bible in that black brown cover. You are right that it just feels so good! And I love that layout!


HCSB Soldiers Bible. My wife got me one before I shipped off to basic training. Really enjoyed that one because it could fit in the big cargo pockets of our uniforms.


#3 seems like a great addition!

My under $50 would be a Red Letter, NASB, Zondervan, compact, genuine leather Bible I found at Half Price Books.
The previous owner has great notes in Song of Songs. It was gifted from his bride in 2004 on their wedding day. I often wonder if they're still together? Cause why get rid of the Bible? Well, his notes have blessed me with wisdom for marriage one day 😆


Tim, your number 1 is great! I bought this beautiful bible, being an ESV bible lover, and it is my car bible. I love this Bible! I take in to waiting room appointments and can go sit in the park in town to be in the word. Thank you!


I have several Bibles with synthetic covers. After 10 years of light use and being stored in my night stand, they deteriorate, flake and look terrible. Leather ages much more gracefully.


My favorite under $50 is the NET large-print thinline Leathersoft: teal if you like a floppy cover, stone-colored if you like a stiffer cover. Nice layout, really good quality ... even the ribbons are great. Definitely a Favorite Under Fifty!


My favorite one is the One Step Closer Bible. Has the Helpfinder index and journaling space ❤


Mine is the ESV truth for life edition. Genuine leather, edge line, raised hubs and $35!!


A word of thanks for those that don't have the budget for the finer things you have on many of the videos. That isn't meant as a smack down because many of us always aspire for those flagship models. It did dawn on me as I was watching some of your videos, I was in the process of retiring a couple of reference size bibles in the NASB and ESV translations due to worn out covers. After years of study and time with assorted churches and duties here, there and everywhere, I have a nice collection and my daily drivers but I have never gotten anything you could classify as "premium". All of my gear is the mainline stuff which I have kept afloat and taken care to keep healthy. All publishers are not created equal and I have tried to steer those in my care away from some shoddy publishers. I truly hate those that would sell a huge bible just to see the thing fall apart in a few months. Your suggestions in this video are pretty solid though I am wary of the Tyndale.


The Maclarens, Sovereigns, and the SCRs from Nelson all look so nice I finally forked over $10 for a LP Compact SCR and I'm downright smitten with it. These newer text blocks make for such smooth reading I don't even mind un-retiring the ol '82 NKJV. This so-called compact is actually bigger than the so-called Esv Personal Ref. It opens up so well that the gutter is a non issue, even with the references on the outside. There's just something about colored accents, blue or red.


Thank you Tim! I have a red (that you reviewed a while ago), and a blue Lockman NASB, and they are my favorite everyday Bibles. One I use to highlight verses. I love the feel of these pages! Different from any of my other Bibles.
I will have to pick up the one you reviewed today, as I don’t have the reference version.
Thank you so much for your work!!


2 Favorites for under $50 for me, (2) CSB Apologetics Study Bible for Students, Softcover--this is a very good Bible text block, it comes in a hard cover to that I like, good choice for a rebind I think. (1) NIV Large-Print Thompson-Chain Reference Bible, Comfort Print--soft leather-look, navy, FAVORITE of all my Bibles, looks great, BIG print, easy to read, love the chain reference, lots of extra information in this Bible and it is not heavy to carry, luv luv luv this bible !


My favourite under $50 has to be the Thomas Nelson “vintage” large print thinline KJV in leathersoft. £18 in the UK (less than $23 USD) and astonishing quality at that price, even by TN standards.


My favorite’s the KJV Sovereign by Thomas Nelson. I got the genuine leather for $45 on Amazon.


I’d have to agree with your #1! My copy is in the deep brown/tan, trail design. My others (not necessarily ranked) would be my ESV Concise Study Bible in brown Trutone, the NLT Filament Thinline in LeatherLike Rustic Brown, and the NRSVue Personal Size in brown Leathersoft. Yes, I love the understated beauty of a good, brown Bible. 😂 Those are also the translations I refer to most often (plus my RSV Quentel, which doesn’t qualify for this list 😂). God bless! ✌️🤓


1 vote for the Zondervan Go-Anywhere Compact Thinline NRSV with Apocrypha
