Converting To Christianity…Or Modern Paganism?

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From Shia LaBeouf to Rob Schneider and Candace Owens, a number of celebrities are, as they say, swimming over the Tiber into the arms of the Roman “Catholic” Church. What we want to look at on this episode is whether or not they are swimming back “Home to Rome” or ultimately swimming themselves right into the arms of what is an enemy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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0:00 Intro
2:14 New Popularity of Catholicism
9:24 Candace Owens' Form of Christianity Before Converting
11:52 Candace Owens Red Flag Clip 1
15:13 Why Catholicism is NOT Christianity
17:30 Ecumenism, Robert Schuller and Rick Warren
20:01 Shocking Rick Warren is a Catholic?
26:42 Why is Rome Growing So Rapidly?

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I was born Catholic but I was not a practicing one to say the least. I also heard the atrocities they did in my country such as martyring our national heroes and corruption all throughout. So what happened was when I gave my life to Jesus Christ, I abandoned the Catholic religion and for 13 years I never looked back.


I was baptised as a baby into catholicism and got all my Sacraments and I knew nothing about Jesus other than He Died on the Cross and I had No Relationship with Him 😞 it was always Mary and say prayers to mary to forgive your sins after confessing to a priest, i felt so weird doing this my spirit was definitely not liking it. But now Praise Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ He Saved My Spirit in 2022 I was Baptised in the Ocean 2023 and I am A Follower Of Christ A Christian Thankyou Yeshua Hamashiach 🙏✝️🫶🙌🤍🕊🥰


I had to leave my fiancé last week because he was a Roman Catholic and I’m STRUGGLING. The Lord was so merciful and patient with me… we almost got married but by the GRACE of God, His Holy Spirit stopped me and protected me. I am still having a hard time but I TRUST God with my eternal salvation so I shall trust my Savior here on earth. Please pray God opens his eyes like he did with Saul/Paul. ❤️❤️


I once worked with a lady who went to Catholic church. Praise God she heard the gospel and came out of the Catholic church but it amazes me the number of Christians that believe there's nothing wrong with Catholicism!


The Roman Catholic Church did Mary and Saint and statue worship to be inclusive of pagans. Praying to the dead is witchcraft.


I can tell you exactly why a lot of people are flocking to the Eastern Orthodox or the Catholic church. It is because everywhere you turn, everywhere you look there is a different denomination and within the denominations they don't even agree with each other. There's a million different interpretations of the same exact Bible passage. It's frustrating to want to know God and to want to know Jesus and to have different answers everywhere you look. There's charismaniacs saying Christians can be possessed by demons so you need deliverance. Some Calvinists say everything that happens is determined by the will of God. Some Pentecostals say you're not saved unless you speak in tongues. It's craziness, it's pandemonium. Why wouldn't people go where they have definitive answers? Where they have traditions that go back? Don't get me wrong. I think Rick Warren is absolutely a false teacher. But in a way that kind of proves my point. He's so obviously a false teacher and yet so many people follow him. You have Mike Todd who's a horrible false teacher and many people follow him. You have Steven furtick you have Benny Hinn you have people absolutely destroying anybody's faith in finding a good church to go to. What on Earth are we supposed to do? It's absolutely insane. And it's so sad. So I'm not surprised.


She was not a Christian when she married her husband. They agreed to marry a few days after meeting. Read her old blogs and you'll see she was new age: yoga, astro propulsion etc. Christians assumed that she was a Christian even discounting her own words: "I do not attend church." "I am not an evangelical Christian" She has a pattern of re-branding herself every couple of years. This year she's publishing a book on feminism, rebranding as a role model to girls and as a Catholic homemaker.
May God help me to stop idolizing "conservative" celebrities.


You’ll know them by their fruits our Lord told us.


Catholics are so hard to talk to about their faith. When I share any part of the Gospel all I hear is the Catholic Church is the true, Peter was the 1st Pope, if it wasn’t for the Catholics there would be no Bible, etc, etc.
I had a conversation with my Catholic neighbour and I explained to him why I am saved through faith alone and he just laughed. He thought that idea was funny because Catholics are taught that their salvation is not assured according to the teachings of the Pope. That’s why Catholicism teaches about Purgatory.

If you follow Roman Catholic teachings that say Grace + merit and Faith + works then no you are not saved. Grace is no longer Grace if you have to add something to God’s free gift of Salvation. If you think you need to work your way into Heaven then you have no true faith at all. Jesus paid the price for our sins. Nothing to add to Faith. Christ did it all. Believe in him alone and you shall be saved. Jesus said repent and believe .Where in scripture does it say believe in Jesus and work for your Salvation.


I am Mennonite, if people want to read about the persecution by the Roman Catholic Church, read Martyrs Mirror. Praying everyone has a blessed day!


I grew up Catholic, I can tell you 100% that I was not norn again, like I am now since I heard the Gospel of Jesus. Christ Christ


Most Catholic people, I know are very wishy-washy about their belief system, and really never talk about the Lord at all


I had a feeling that candence was going to convert to Catholicism because last November on thanksgiving she say she was was thankful for Catholic Church that her husband is catholic and he is a such great men because of that religion. I knew, she was eventually going to convert. However, Candence to me was not a Christian, she is smart lady but not wise…Very prideful lady…


Roman Cathicism. The church of the World'. I can't even begin as a former R. catholic and all that is contrary to God' s Holy Book, Catholicism is diabolical and it's beliefs and teachings make a mockery of sound christian Doctrine. The inquisition, calling a man father, praying to saints, the rosary. etc.etc. All defy The God inspired Holy Bible. Wake up People. Leave that Religion .Jesus is Lord of Lord King of Kings. And He is coming soon


Its the idolatry for me. The RCC worships statues of Mary & the Saints. They try to soften it by using the word "venerate" but a ducks still a duck.


I can't stress enough how important it is for true believers to know and understand this topic. I learned about so much information that supports the convictions God has given me. Thanks so much. Love your content!


Candace, don't you have a problem with the sale of indulgences in order to promote "believers" to heaven even so repentance was not necessary?
I feel completely sorry for all who are being deceived by false doctrines on any side. We evangelicals also have plenty of falsehood to deal with. Many prefer to hear the false preachers teachers and pastors instead of the Bible.
Candace, please let the Holy Spirit be the One planting seeds in your heart.

Thanks, Pr Joe and Chad, your work is truly essential to our days.


If mature christians know their bibles, then it is no shock that people are joining false religions. People will turn to RC after seeing destructive conduct in so called Christian churches. Hinn, Osteen, Copeland, Myers et al have given Christianity a bad name. Of course it is a spiritual battle and you must be born again and follow sound doctrine.


Satan started Catholicism and few know that Islam began from Catholicism. I could entirely buy into the idea that the end times religion will be Catholicism


I believe the Catholic Church has played a major role in leading people to fall away from the Lord intentionally. Because there is no Holy Spirit presence in those churches, people become agnostic or atheist and then turn their back on God because they already perceive him to be not real.
