Converting from Witch/Pagan to Christian (Testimony)

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This week on the #CreateYourEarthLife podcast I have a guest, Kimberly, and she discusses why she came back to Christianity after practicing being a witch and pagan. It is VERY clear that satan did not want this podcast to be published. Everytime I tried to edit this podcast (adding intro, ending, and music), the audio of Kimberly and I's conversation would cut out right when she began discussing the reason she converted back to Christian. Kimberly shares a life changing event that is inspiring as well as very powerful!

This podcast is available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, and HERE!

God bless you!

#testimony #God #Christian

Song: Hippy Trippy
Composers: Gavin Courtie & Liz Radford
Publisher: Notepad Music
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Here's the trick about astrology. The flesh is naturally self-centered and astrology feeds the flesh by focusing on ourselves, personality, our past or future, etc. And because we are deeply interested in ourselves, we read an astrological description and zoom in on what aligns with us BUT ignore all the traits and predictions that did not. We will also make our experiences fit a fortune telling because we were already expecting it. For example if the horoscope says "you will experience a delay in your life" and you run into a traffic jam, you think the horoscope was right. However, you ignore the fact that you hit traffic jams 5 days a week.


Oh no the sound went out on the podcast. I could hear half of it.
