Family of 2 Grocery Haul |

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Join me for a grocery haul for a small family of 2. We try to be an ingredient-only household with a few things that aren't.



Thank you for joining us on our journey as we restore our forever farmhouse and begin our homestead!

DISCLAIMER: Some links may be affiliate links meaning I make a small percentage of qualifying sales at no extra charge to you.

DISCLAIMER: My husband and I recently bought a neglected 34-acre farm with several barns, buildings, and a two-story farmhouse. Our plans are to restore the farm and farmhouse to its former glory all while adding our own individual style and design. We decided to vlog the entire renovation process for our own personal records and for future generations. We are in no way experts in renovating nor do we claim to be professionals. All Lewis Acres Homestead videos are for entertainment purposes only. We recommend you always consult professional experts when completing any home renovations and wear proper protective gear.

I am not a professional I am only sharing what I have learned and my opinion.
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I love how much you respect your husband and you make every decision together, such as hanging a pantry curtain or not. Everything in your house has to function well for both of you, and I love that.


Those canned diced potatoes are really good fried. Just drain off the water and fry. I was being lazy one day so I tried it and I was very surprised at how good they were.


Hi Sarah. love your pantry, I am so excited for you having this new space🌷🇨🇦


I just found your channel and I’m loving it Both of you are so young to buy a house and renovating it I know it is hard with the cost of everything but I have faith that you will get it done and have a loving home


I enjoyed this video! Love the new pantry. I'm excited to see the full tour.


Recipes on anything really, both without & with meat, I do like to make my food stretch so I don’t always add meat ❤


I’d love to see recipes with ground beef or like stew beef. We always have freezer beef but it sits sometimes because I forget to thaw it, or it doesn’t sound too. We also have lentils, instant mashed potatoes, and noodles I need to get better about using


I love your pantry and can’t wait for that video ❤


When you said the word “enchiladas “..I grinned.. that’s exactly how my grandmother pronounced it… 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 We usually pronounce it down here.. IN-chilada…. So glad to see your videos…they’ve not been coming up in my feed..even though I’ve got all notifications on that I can. 🥳🥳


You made my day when I saw that you are back on YouTube!!!
I so worried about you and Ben., so now I am much relieved that all is well.
I have so much admiration for you both as you are both so hard working.
Your farmhouse is amazing and I absolutely love your kitchen. Can’t wait for the pantry reveal.
I think of the original couple that built your home 100 years ago, and how over joyed they must be in heaven to know that their dream home is coming back to life once again .


I guess I'm not the only one running low on potatoes and canned tomatoes. I had no idea how many tomatoes I used---I thought I did enough, but now they're gone. As for potatoes, I have another 2 weeks left. I dread the grocery store ones---they are so tasteless in comparison to home grown.
I really love your kitchen (and pantry too--based on what little I saw of it). Looking forward to a full tour of that.


Hmm what a good question! Lol. I feel like we always have pasta of some sort in the pantry


That pantry is looking SO GOOD❤️❤️❤️ & I'm glad you added the amount spent! I am always curious as to what ppl spend& what it gets them!


I’ve been following your journey for a while but am usually a silent viewer but I love how the house is coming along. You guys are doing great! Also really enjoy a good grocery haul so feel free to keep sharing them. I remember you mentioned in several video you’re from Kentucky and I was lucky to make a trip last February with my mom to the Lexington/Richmond/Berea area and it’s beautiful. We have family ancestry from the Berea and Somerset areas and it was interesting to learn about the history. Hoping once I get done with school to move to the area even if it’s just for a couple years to explore more of it. Thanks for sharing! Hope you guys have a great weekend.


Think you so much. I appreciate all your comings and goings, sharing with us everything that will help us with inflation. Thanks....e ❤❤❤


The new pantry is gooorgeous! I may have missed this but are you planning on removing the old pantry (the one that takes up a corner of your kitchen) to free up some room? I’ve loved following all your projects! ❤


Every time you're in the kitchen with that amazing antique golden cabinet, I'm so impressed on how well it fit in that corner and how good it looks and functions. What a wonderful piece, love it.
I'm vegetarian and don't really do that much cooking, never really been something that interests me and I live alone. If I were to make something, it would be a large pot or pan, something that would last for days and only need reheating.
For the amount of dairy you purchased, the price doesn't seem that high. Dairy is expensive, the highest items after meats.
Oh my! Look at the glimpse of that amazing panty. Love the color and bead board. Yes, please a video of the finished pantry and tour of how you have it organized. Won't be able to give our opinion of a curtain vs door till we see the room video.


I had to laugh when you said you buy cheese at the grocery because you get most of your grains and things at the Amish store. I just got a big cheese haul at the Amish store!!! We really love those Walnut Creek brand cheeses . I got out yesterday and today both but another cold wave is hitting by Sunday so I stocked up.


To save money we have a lot of meals that have a little meat. Tonight we had beef and broccoli stir fry and I only used one small sirloin steak. We eat a lot of Mexican food and I cook ground beef half and half with lentils of pinto beans.


Groceries are so high. We do raise beef which really helps. I’m not a big meat eating but my husband is. We shop at Kroger too. I love the digital coupons and sometimes they have a freebie. I’m just loving your pantry!
