Sam Kinison – The Last Sermon [Nov 24th 1982]

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recorded November 24th 1982, Community Assembly Church, Tulsa OK
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I knew Sam Kinison. We performed together at the Improv and Comedy Store in W. Hollywood. We use to hang out and eat together with several other comedians. I remember him sharing with me that he used to be a preacher. Little did I know, I would soon encounter a severe painful heartbreaking experience of Divorce similar to what he experienced when he left preaching and went into comedy. In 1982 I it seemed Comedy was not meeting my need of healing. It wasn't satisfying or fun anymore. I contemplated suicide, hurting someone but one day while attending UCLA as a student, a nursing student said to me, "WHY DON'T YOU TRY JESUS"? I decided then, that I would try him. That's when everything changed. I sensed a call on my life, surrendered all my talents (including comedy) to Him, and soon found myself transferring from UCLA to Oakwood College in Alabama to study ministry in the fall of that year. Since that time I have served God in Ministry Pastoring for the last 36 years. He has truly shown me that a Merry heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine. Humor sometimes comes out but the greater purpose is to project His healing grace, and His peace. That's I found something beautiful in my life. I wish I could have heard Sam sing that song, heard him preach and minister. I never knew that the love of God was still in him. Hearing this sermon tell me that he never left God and God never left him. He knew who the real enemy was. I believe in the closing moments of his life he turned to his compassionate Savior, repented, and found forgiveness. Thank you for posting.


I've been an atheist for the past 7 years, and I have never sat to listen to a whole sermon, except this one. It rattled me to the bones.


To all these Christians (I'm a Christian btw...) Saying this man is in hell... Be careful. You dont know his end story. The grace of God is without measure... And his mercies are new every morning. You dont know whether or not he repented before he died on the pavement. I know we all fail daily... Just be careful about the stones that you throw.


This bought tears to my eyes because this is the side of Sam Kinison Hollywood never showed the public. Now we know that beneath the loud and crazy personality, there was a soul that needed healing.


What if God used this man’s fame so that 30 years after his death someone scrolling through the comedy bits finds this and it fills an empty space they knew they had, but didn’t know it could be filled by God.


Story is told of David Wilkerson on a rooftop in Brooklyn when a wellknown addict that had washed out of Teen Challenge cried out from the shadows “Help me, God, Help me…Brother David turned to a pastor standing next to him and said “there’s still hope for that guy”. the pastor tried to disagree with Brother Dave, but his reply was, “As long as he’s crying out to God for help, there’s hope for him”


When Sam was singing half way through it i cried some because I really miss Sam


Sam Kinison was a actually a very good preacher. His message was relatable and easy to follow. He was authentic with his words.


His brother Minister Richard Kinison was preaching at my church in Inglewood, California...I think it was a Friday night while Richard was preaching.Sam walked in and sat in the back...While Richard was preaching he called Sam down and prayed for him..
Sam was very humble and respectful.
After being prayed for he went back to his seat and left with a friend...
If my memory serves me right within a year he passed away...God Bless His Memory...


Sam left us 30 years ago yesterday. From what i've read his last conversation on Earth was with God. As he lay on the side of the road looking up at the sky he said, "I don't want to die....I don't want to die". Then after a moment he said softly, "ok....ok...ok" and he was gone. Gone, but never forgotten.


Sam is in heaven. My family personally knew him, before I was born of course since he died in 1992, but they always talk about how kind and nice he really was. He is in Heaven.


I truly pray Sam made it home. I identify with him very much


I believe Sam is in heaven. His brother was there when he died and Sam was speaking to no one in particular, and he said “I don't want to die I don’t want to die....but why?” then in a relaxed manner his last words were “okay, okay”. Sam was entering heaven, and it reaffirms God’s mercy and grace.


This is one of the most powerful and sad and uplifting recordings I've ever listened to.


Thank you for sharing this. God bless Sam. He was an awesome man. RIP, brother.


I feel like if he'd lived.. he'd have came back to this. I really do. RIP Sam...


Oh Sammy, you left this to enter the wilderness and darkness of the world.
I did likewise, but perhaps in those final moments of life, you left that wilderness and embraced the light. RIP brother, and this final message is how I shall remember you.
I choose light today, and Sammy, I hope to see you on that other side.


Knew Sam back in the early early 80s. Both of us were trying to make it as standups, but I did not know that as he was leaving preaching to go into Comedy, I was leaving Comedy to go into preaching. However, I don't think Sam truly in his heart left preaching. On the day of his death he's having a conversation with God. I have memories of he and a group of budding comics, eating out on Melrose, walking from the Comedy Store to the Improv. It's true he didn't have a car and was making very little memories. Thanks for the preaching memories. I knew Sam preached but never heard him.


May God have mercy on Sam's soul! He may have departed from preaching the gospel, but God never left Sam!


Weird it's on a Sunday and I been led to THIS. I remember Sam Kinison, didn't know he was a preacher before comedy. Personal struggle, now I'm listening to Sam's last sermon. All I can think is I'm sorry God.