Are The Dutch Honest? | American Living in The Netherlands

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Are The Dutch Lying To Me? | American Living in The Netherlands
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Are The Dutch Lazy and Rude? Things I Hear from Americans/ An American Living in The Netherlands
Yoooo Welcome to the Vlog diary of an American Living In the Netherlands! Ive been on a creative whirlwind with the day in my life vlogs all while working full time here in the Netherlands and today we're talking about Things that are taken for granted here in the netherlands That I hear complaints about all the time. I love living here in the Netherlands and love The Dutch culture and believe when i say that... This is How The dutch are changing my mindset in the best way.

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If there's one thing I've learned about YouTube it's that a lot of the people who comment are full of it. And they write in a way that I like to call "confidently incorrect". 😁

Keep up the great videos! Your enthusiasm is contagious.


My best guess is that residents of Noord-Holland and Zuid-Holland are more likely to refer to the entire country as 'Holland, ' while those living in provinces like Brabant or Drenthe are more inclined to feel they live in 'The Netherlands' rather than 'Holland.'


VvE stands for "vereniging van eigenaren" = association of owners, I.E. the apartment owners within the building. Has nothing to do with a bank! Any VvE is responsible for the common areas of the building: entrance, hall, elevator(s), common stairs, lighting of the common areas, the water pumps to provide for the apartments located on the higher floors, and on and on. The VvE has to organise repairs, provide savings for future common area mishaps, renovation etc. If you buy an apartment, by law you have to pay the recurrent fee for the VvE. That fee is NOT negotiable individually, but is set (usually) at the required yearly meeting of the apartment owners. (I used to be the chairman of a large VvE for 13 years, so that's why I know...)


Skittles used to be in the stores, but they aren't any more because it has titanium dioxide (E-171) in it and that's forbidden in the EU since August 7, 2022.


Yooo Happy Monday! Look! I need to know... If you see something on my Face, would you tell me?


As far a VVE goes, people who say VVE's are worse than the HOA in the US don't understand what a VVE really is. Whenever there's split ownership of a house/building where people live, you'll have a VVE. It's mandatory. And the most misunderstood thing about them is: 'All the residents make up the VVE'. There's no boss of the VVE who decides everything. There's a board of the VVE, but they don't decide anything (important). That's done in the (usually annual) meeting with all the members of the VVE. The board presents the plans and let the owners vote on it. They can only decide on small things that won't cost more like €5000 or something (this is recorded somewhere). I'm in the board of the VVE and we notice that some people refer to the VVE as if it is someone else. Like they're living in a rental appartement and the VVE is the landlord that takes care of everything. But they're part of the VVE and also have a reponsebility towards the building they're living in. The volunteers that make up the board of the VVE see to it that maintenance is carried out in time and take care of the savings so that all the maintenance can be done now and in future.
Now, there ARE bad VVE's, but that's usually because they don't have competent people to take care of it. You can appoint companies to look after it, but you still need someone to oversee everything.


Hey Sky, about a VVE truth is it's a mandatory membership by law for any apartment building aka when there apartment law is applicable.
A VVE takes care of the shared things like roofs, lifts, stairways etc. etc. The membership fees are supposed to cover these costs and long term costs like renovations.
If extra costs occur all members have to share these costs. However government of a VVE is (or should be) transparent for all members and for some things a vote is necessary.


Skittles are not banned in the eu. Titanium dioxide however is. There are Skittles without Titanium dioxide, but they are rare. I think kruidvat is currently selling them.


I think you should see the Holland thing like this: America refers officially to the continent, right? So if you want to specify, you say you're from the USA. But it just sometimes is easier to say America, that's what it's often like for us. Us correcting foreigners about Holland is mostly because a lot of foreigners think that the whole Amsterdam (which lies in Holland officially) culture is basically the Netherlands, which is not true. It's almost like saying to someone from south America that they come from the land where cowboys are from.


saw your skittles at Kelly's Expat Shopping British & American store in Amsterdam. They have shops in other cities too.


lying is certainly not a dutch thing to do.... in fact the opposite is how a dutch man is... we just say everything we want to say directly out of our heart without even thinking if we should say it or not, resulting in offending people from other cultures quickly.. lying is something that is more russian if you ask me. not dutch.


If u look up jumbo skittles on google u can still order them, i think most stores got rid of them but some still have them but its rare. I have the same with monster energy some albert heijns sell them and others not, jumbo in my city doesnt sell monster energy also. The store owners can decide what they sell or not. And i think people say holland around english speaking people is just because they think that u recognize it faster as holland then the netherland. And also when u land on schiphol u land in holland hahah😅


It’s comparable to England, part of Britain, part of the UK. Holland is part of the Netherlands, is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Decades ago it was fine to use Holland for the entire country while now it is still being used in the tourist sector.


They are most definitely available in the Netherlands. Wouldn't surprise me if they are taken out of the assortment because of low demand. But they are definitely not illegal.


We forget our directness when you look funny 😇


I have a Skittles expert in the house here (a 14 year old) and he says they are often sold in the Kruidvat, and they have them almost always in the Dirk.


I googled: jumbo skittles and albert heijn skittles and they popped up. Maybe theyre not in every store but im sure they exist here. You can always ask an employee too. They know where everything is.


There is a good video on YT about The Netherlands vs Holland. It's explains it all very well. Personally, I prefer the Netherlands, because that is the name of our country (and I don't live in North or South Holland). Our country was only officially called Holland during the 4 years under Napoleon (1806-1810), and never before or after those years.


Using Holland or the Netherlands depends on where you are at. In general it isn't really a problem but if you're not in Noord- or Zuid-Holland then it can be a problem. Because Holland is actually only applicable to the two forementioned provinces.
In the Golden age of the Netherlands the Holland provinces were the driving force behind the Golden age so the world came to know the Netherlands as Holland. That's why people from the Holland provinces have no problem with it but people from the other provinces do. But I don't think they will knock you out or anything, but some will correct you on that part.


I went to that particular garden for breakfast when I was in Amsterdam in August. The food was amazing and the service was excellent. I miss Amsterdam.😂❤
