Is THIS The Difference Between Silver And Masters? - SMITE

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Some very interesting heatmaps that show damage, kills and farming throughout the match for high and low ranks. What can we learn?

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Ur telling me u don’t fight in mid for 40 minutes


I think it's interesting on the income heatmaps that you can see how the higher MMR players drag camps too. They don't just do the camp stationary at it's spawn. Especially the mid laners who are doing speed + red together, splitting with their junglers.


This stuff, especially the data on farming, is exactly the kind of thing that needs to be known to get better but doesn't get explained anywhere. It might be that good players know what to do but not how to explain it, but the post-game data helps with that a lot. More of this please, it's great! Maybe more on farming and xp mechanics even, especially when applied to the solo lane chessboard.


I think something really important to note at 7:24 which inter doesn't mention is that the gold income from camps is smeared for masters vs at location for sub-1500. This suggests that a major difference between these two groups is camp dragging. Also for those of us, myself included, who are in between these brackets a good point to note would be the direction of the smears as these indicate optimal lines for camp dragging, which groupings are generally worth making and also give some indication of which role should be predominantly taking a camp.

I also think an interesting point to notice is the divisions in clear location on mid lane. Generally at high mmr gold gain only seems to be happening at the very middle or at t2 to a lesser extent. They either commit to aggression/balance or commit to defensive play. Where at lower MMRs there are more subdivisions suggesting they simply clear where waves naturally meet and accept middle-grounds between offensive and defensive play/ perhaps aren't as confident with how they "should" be playing.


That pre 10 min player damage at solo lanes tier two is wild to me.


This is a very new and interesting take on statistics in Smite gameplay, this can lead to new and effective map changes.


I think masters jungler are also always at the blue buff. Whereas low levels are almost never splitting blue


Very interesting video!

Would love to see the Gold Fury evolve hyper late game to bring more attention over there. For example, maybe a getting gold fury gives team 1 lane of fire minions or 3k pot for 90 seconds. Just something to contest fire giant a bit, when you are very far behind.


saw these on twitter makes sense nobody knows what they doing down here in silver so we kinda roam and follow whoever is the biggest or making the most plays, idk how anyone can help us other than guides on youtube and these posts that let us see what the masters and higher players are actually doing and winning with


The jungler farm difference is actually insane, like all the master rolls are clearly farming better but the junglers aren't even playing the same game at that point. They get more farm at EVERY point and there are way more points.


Similar graphics should be at the end of each match to objectively evaluate what each player did during a certain period and correct mistakes


I mean the data itself can basically be taken from camazotz passive, cuz he spawns a pool whenever someone dies yea? they could prob take that mechanic and change some stuff to spit out the data for every game instead of as a pool, just put a number somewhere.


Averages 59 kills a game sounds like arena matches 😂


A small but significant correction: in silver, the mid laners are not farming gold by killing minion waves and then waiting for the next minion wave under tower. They are getting gold exclusively by killing each other in mindless 2v2 or 3v3 hockey matches, starting at minute 3 when the supports both tilt and rage-rotate to join the mid and jungle gods (who haven't yet left mid since their first farm rotation) in the middle lane because their carries died at minute 1.5 after choosing to expend their 2 abilities aggroing the enemy damage support instead of clearing wave. All god in the middle lane then engage in these brawls while getting absolutely obliterated by a triple stack of minions who will later be killed by the towers. After the fight has resulted in 2 or 3 player deaths and one rage DC, the mids in silver leave the next minion waves to slug it out in lane while they (the silver mids) pointlessly fly off into the jungle to aggro a harpy camp because they heard that pro league mids do this. At the harpy camp they end up getting into another hockey match with the other mid, who is also doing this, and the two of them proceed to take the battle royale back to mid lane so that the minions (who will never be targeted by a god) can join into the barfight, which will end with at least three gods dying and the victor recalling while the still unharmed minions continue to hack and slash at each other into oblivion. Just a few details you were missing in your hypothesis about why silver mids only secure gold in their lanes, not a critique! <3


I'd love to see more stuff like this, especially for the purpose of identifying more effective strategies to rank up


Unfortunately at lower levels you are forced to rotate because most people seem to think it’s pick a lane and keep fighting instead of farming.


Do you think the gold chest camps are more lit up for support, carry, jungle also because those are the roles that usually take the minions from those camps? Surely these minions provide gold and xp similar to other camps on top of the universal gold from the chests, right?


I play jg from time to time and based off the farm map your showing it makes sense. Solo has some spots at the buff and xp camps and I can tell you when playing in lower MMR games when I was working my way up the MMR latter it’s incredibly frustrating. Because I have seen solo player come out of base take speed then take red then take xp camp then take blue then go to lane. Causing the jg to not have farm. Then they have to leach off the lanes and then the laners complain about no ganks. Like bro I have to farm too and when you take a jg farm it puts them behind. I’m not even a jg I play adc but I understand this


These comparisons, especially the jungle gold, make me wonder how much of gold gain in general is passive vs active. It would be interesting if the post-game screens showed earned gold instead of total gold, or both.


I imagine plat and under would have the whole map lit up since it feels like arena games
