How to Pass the Police Psychological Test

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The police psychological test can cause a lot of anxiety for applicants. The test is not as bad as you may think.

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I'm a psychologist who does Fitness for Duty Evaluations. This video is spot on. We're not trying to trick anyone, and there's no secret right or wrong answers. The worst thing you can do (for most people) is try to "fake good", because that will invalidate the entire process and that will be the conclusion we send on to the referring department. Just relax, be honest, and be yourself!


After going through the hiring process this was my last obstacle. I passed my interview with the committee, passed my polygraph, passed the interview with the lead in the polygraph department. The I sat down on a video call with the psychiatrist. It was a great 30 minute call and absolutely everything went well. At the end he even said I see absolutely no reason you wouldn't be a good fit for the job and good luck in the academy. Yesterday I got an email saying the psychiatrist recommended that I not get the job. So this Hack who probably thinks he'd the shit really screwed all of my hard work up and lied to my damn face. Needless to say I don't trust any psychiatrists anymore.


I failed my test a week ago, even though I was completely truthful and honest. During my in-depth interview with the investigator constable recruiter before my psych evaluation, the interview lasted about an hour and a half, and I passed it successfully. Then, in my interview with the psychologist a week later, she asked me almost the exact same questions I had already answered in the in-depth interview. I felt so confident and happy, knowing I had been consistent, showed no red flags, and had no convictions no nothing. Yet somehow, I still failed the psych evaluation. It’s incredibly frustrating, especially after working so hard for this.


Just passed one and got an official offer. Tell the truth. You aren’t as different as you think.


I've passed and failed psych tests in the past. It happens, the best part about it is that its only one person's opinion. You can go apply to another agency if you should fail.


This is solid advice. Gave me less anxiety


I took my nypd psych yesterday and it went terrible. It was the most humiliation I’ve ever endured. I hate that I have to wait a week to know for sure that I failed


After working as an armed security officer for 20 years I got denied cause of that psychological exam.


going in tomorrow for mine, for my CLASS 1 SLEO position to start off my career. Thanks for the tips!


Hello I took my psych test and i failed. The reason I think I failed is because i wasn't shown as being social while selecting my answers. The department must really like me because they sent me a DQ letter but told me to disregard it and to come in an retest this upcoming week. I have passed all other test and oral board interviews. Do you think when I retest I should be a tad more social when answering the questions? Thank you. Update I passed and now I’m in the academy


I took my psychological exam and was consider “too perfect” on my answers. He gave me another chance to retake the exam and told me to answer truthfully and honestly and re-read the questions. But that’s what i have been doing throughout the whole exam. I was calm, relaxed and re reading the questions. Any advice?


More people need to come forward with the real experience of this exam....


The state of Texas is now requiring the MMPI for armed security officers, there are people who have been in the industry for years being forced out, even though they've had no issues or incidents in their line of work


I have a long ways till my psychological screening but im anxious to keep this ball rolling. thanks for the upload Law n Smoke.


One question I keep coming across on psych evaluations is.. "Do people cheat to get ahead in life/career?"
A lot of questions I was asked were about other people's actions and what I think... Do you think you could maybe explain what the idea is behind those questions.. thank you


How’s it going mr walker i was in your aj and forensics class in HS. Thank you for inspiring me to work in LE! I’m about to start the academy with a PD down south!


I’m currently seeking employment through the Miami Dade school police 👮🏾‍♀️ department and we also have to take a psych evaluation and a polygraph test before going into the Academy is a hard process longer than I ever expected but thank you for the video it was very helpful🙏🏾♥️


I was honest, reasonable, and realistic when I did mine and did not pass this phase. Personally, I think I should have portrayed a better positive impression even if the answers seem "too good to be true" who knows I might have passed


I have to do this for a medical waiver for the Air Force. Since I had ADD and OCD on my medical history


I pass all of my process but I have difficulties in passing my psych, what a bummer
