Why you’re not willing to surrender your life to God

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How do you get to know God? It’s a combination of praying and reading the Bible. Praying is when you get to know him PERSONALLY, how he wants to work in your life specifically because everyone is different and is in a very unique part of their life. The Bible is getting to know God’s character, how he works, who he is, and what he’s capable of doing.

The more you seek him the more you’ll start to be able to hear him, see his signs, and act on a small step of faith. He’s gonna call you to do something, an action that you’re uncertain of and THIS is when you build trust and faith in him.

When you take action during uncertainty and it’s out of pure obedience because God nudged you to do something, you’ve been seeing signs of it constantly, and you take action on it and see that He is with you all along and that everything works out perfectly. That’s God’s way of helping you build trust in him. When you build trust in what you KNOW, it becomes easier to step out in what you don’t know

Life Advice
Inspirational videos
Motivational Videos
Self improvement with God
How to increase faith in God
bible study
How to get closer to God
Why you’re not willing to surrender your life to God
surrendering to God
how to surrender your life to God
how to let go
how to let go and give it to God
how to let go for God

#motivation #selfimprovement
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I’m glad you said getting to know God is just praying and reading. I forget it’s so simple.


As a fairly new Christian who is slowly growing but tripping up sometimes, I forget that when I pray and don’t read or the other way round it’s seeing these videos that snap me back to the truth that the enemy doesn’t want me to remember how simple it can be. It’s the battles that can be hard to remember that fact. He will never leave us or forsake us even if it feels he might, for me that was why I found it hard to put my faith in him, because the enemy does not want us praying and reading his word. That’s when he really shows up, be patient


Please pray for me. I strayed away from God because of a trial. I stumbled back into sin and I fell multiple times. I feel like I’m spiritually dying for real. I feel like I can’t help myself. I was doing so well until now.


wow I’ve been getting these types of videos saying here why your not willing to surrender to God I’m starting to understand it’s really a Sing In Christ Jesus name Amen and Amen❤😊❤😊❤😊😊❤😊❤


Gospel/Salvation Verses:
Acts 16:30-31
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT
John 3:16
John 5:24
John 6:28-29
John 14:6
Colossians 1:12-14
1 John 1:9
Romans 3:22-28
Romans 5:8-9
Romans 10:9-13
Ephesians 1:7-8
Ephesians 2:8-9
Hebrews 9:28


Amen 🙏 ❤ God Bless You ❤ Thank you for this message ❤ I trust God ❤ God Bless ❤


Thank You Brother. Thank You Jesus. I recommend the Book "Waiting on God" by Michael Van Vylmen.


Wow this is great ❤ awesome advice.
Great man of God


❤❤❤❤❤❤ May God blessss you, I ignored your video for days and I heard “watch it” today and this is just what I needed, I pray God blesses you and your video goes out further to help spread the gospel 🥰🎉


It is easy to surrender to God once you come to know Him fully to trust Him with your life. Know Him through constant prayer and reading His word.


You don’t know how much I needed to hear this. I have been struggling recently, asking God to show me how to build trust in Him and you just broke it down so simply, I can’t help but believe this was Him answering my prayers through you. Thank you so much for what you do, God bless<3


I do not go to church because my parents don’t have time but I remember to pray sometimes and I will do it more and also I always say I’m my mind I love you God


it’s routine for me to watch your videos every day every day I’m waiting for you to download.
And Every time I feel like you’re speaking directly to me thank you Jesus


i always hear people say that when youre in prayer, that it is you getting to know the Lord personally and that you can hear him speak to you. i cannot and it frustrates me. ive tried meditating and i pray everyday. my father can audibly hear God, its insane because they have the conversations that people describe when you pray or when He wants you to do something and He will give you instructions. i love God, i pray and do my best to align my life with His word. i believe in His son with all my heart and am constantly defending Him, but i CANNOT for the life of me, hear God while i pray or during/after my prayer when im still and simply wait. what in the heck am i doing wrong?


Amen to this message. Thank you for your videos.


I needed this video and the timing it showed up was just perfect! It's truly a message from God! Bless you, man!


Thank you very much for your videos! This one was particularly helpful for me ☺️


Gods really hears his children! Thank you so much for walking in obedience and making this videos, i really need to hear this.God really uses you:).


Thank you brother. God's plans for us are always the best. To God be all the Glory


I have this thought in my head that denouncing that I believe that god died on the cross, but he is there and real(it's basically saying “he is real but I don’t believe in him fully” ), its saying that I don’t believe he died for me .Even though I believe he did it's like this thought/feeling is saying I don’t believe that he died even though I do, then I think “why else would I come back everyday and pray and worship and think about him every day” but then the thought/feeling is saying “ you think about him like he is just some fairy tale and you don’t actually believe in him .I'm a very imaginative type person and pretty much have lots of ideas and fairytales in my head (i like to write stories ).It might be the enemy taking advantage of this .Almost like it's saying it's just a phase i'm going through and I will leave or something.(I'm convinced this is the flesh or the enemy and is denouncing my belief )So now I'm questioning if I actually believe in him or not . This thought / feeling comes up when I struggle to hear God's voice or struggling in faith in general , which the more I think ..it's probably the enemy questioning my belief .I’m serious about a relationship with Jesus but this questioning and unbelief goes through my head and questions my salvation, and is hindering my ability to have clarity in my walk with god.
