The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring Appendices (Part 3)

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Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring Appendices Part 3. This part covers the work done by Weta Workshop.

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Check out the amazing LOTR MERCHANDISE in the Description


The amount of respect for Tolkien is incredible, Amazon should see this


More than 20 years have passed and it’s still blowing my mind how much work every single person put in to bring this world to life.


Its so crazy, I enjoy these behind the scenes Videos As much as the actual movies. No other movie/genre ever managed to do that to me.


This will happen never again in movie making. This is a one's in a lifetime experience. Glad to have seen these movies in cinema when they came out.


one of the main differences separating this trilogy from the hobbit was the dedication to creating something real as opposed to a computerized image and man it showed


Just incredible the nostalgia almost brought me to tears.


My wife works in the press and has gone to Cinemacon and met nearly every celebrity, and heard almost every executive from Big studios, Disney, Warner Bros, Sony etc, give their presentation about their plans and upcoming movies etc, and she says nearly every single studio is about tracking data, making money, and just throwing everything together rapidly etc. This level of artistry and time and effort that was put into this trilogy will just simply never happen again. No studio wants to invest into something like that. Truly lightning in a bottle and simply the best trilogy ever made. And one of the absolute best scores ever. Like it's so iconic you can just hum a few lines of one of the melodies and everyone knows what it is. Amazing!


It's a level of devotion that's almost religious. Incredible. Humbling. Beautiful. And deeply deeply affirming.


This trilogy is so incredible even Jackson himself couldn't do it again.


I just wanna say that the fact everything looks real in the lord of the rings movies makes them TIMELESS.
Bravo to this guy and his team


Richard Taylor is such an inspiration. The whole team to the very detailed detailed and smallest last of this production.
Yet in the first minutes, Richard Taylors words on how you needed to know and work on the highest and outmost best level of enthusiasm, passion and work effort to realize what everyone is working on a project of a lifetime, and honor the work of Tolkien. The passion you hear in his and all the voices is so great to hear. You can feel the love they all poured in. So wonderful to see humans working so consciously together on something, a big project l, each and everyone putting in their skills, interesting, passion, love ... all for the greater good. So beautifully inspiring.

Whenever I watch a part of the making of LOTR, directly after it I start watching the movies, taking in the music, the craftsmanship, design, acting, directing, writing, interpreting, everything. From A to Z an absolute masterpiece.

Thanks to everyone involved in the production, movies, books, us, the readers, watchers, writers...this project as a whole is one for the ages.

I don't know what the world's gonna look like in 100 to 200 years, yet if it will anything like today this Lord of the Rings project around Peter Jackson will be regarded as one of a kind project in human mankind. I mean everything, all chain links of the project chainmail shirt had to work together in coherence. I mean even all making of material and movies and interviews together are just a small part of the real thing. The everyday work, through night and day for years and years and post production.
Didn't Peter say somewhere in the Californian mountains, they have stored over 1000 and more hours of shooting material.
The scale of this endeavor, Odyssey and life's journey is so immense, even Peter and so many people involved said in interviews they couldn't even believe it, the shear impact it also had and what they all were involved in to what extent it reached. So many people involved, and all the extras and people behind all of it.
And the positively weird thing of all of that is, how much sense it all makes, how right it fits together.

Oh, I would have loved to work on these movies, maybe something small in the background, whatever, i woukx have done to be part of the production.
Well I'm so happy and grateful I could see them on the big screen when they came out and still be part of the worldwide Lotr family. 😃

"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."


the fact that they literally inscribed black speech runes onto some random orcs gauntlets, holy they put a lot of work into this series that'll never get noticed normally


The unsung heroes of this great trilogy was indeed the prop makers and costume makers. Its simply incredible to see all that theyve done in order to make the most epic movies ever made possible. Im in awe.


And some Tolkien fans dare to say the movies are bad, how can they? sure, some things were changed but that's what an adaptation does. But the movies are amazing, you feel the love for the books and the respect for Tolkien's work. Best thing ever made on screen, by leagues from anything else!!!


Imagine Christopher Lee calling you a genius. That Weta Workshop guy Richard Taylor must've been in the clouds when he heard that.


I'm 2 minutes in and I'm already proud of what everyone did for this movie, what an accomplishment. To all the artist, thank you for making life a bit more entertaining.


I didn't watch it but know that this 54 min is better than many films.


This is really quite unbelievable. The logistics, coordination, and attention to detail involved with making this trilogy is nothing short of amazing.


I come back and watch these appendices as often as I watch the actual films! The scale and craftsmanship that these teams achieved is absolutely remarkable.
