Horizon Forbidden West | First 2020 Trailer & 2021 State of Play VS Final Version | Comparison

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Another channel analyzed the same comparison after playing the game and the conclusion is that the 2021 demo was created specifically as a vertical slice for the whole game, grabbing events and enemies from different moments of the story to create the demo, and creating that bit of introductory cinematic just for it. However the area in the game retains some things from the demo setup such as some burnt grass from where there was a fire in the opening cinematic of the demo, and fallen trees where certain beast walk through in cinematics of the demo later on.


I found the retail version to improve a lot of things compared to the State of play version. You could argue that some prefer one over the other but a part from some lighting changes and some geometry changes and some tweeks in saturation in color, it does look pretty much identical for the most part. I'm really impressed. Guerilla should be proud of what they have accomplished with the final version. Looks amazing.


Se ve increíble la verdad,
Soy un usuario de XBOX pero me alegro por los usuarios de PS que pueden disfrutar de estas joyas exclusivas!
Se ve muy vivo ese juego me encanta el mar!


yo todavía no termino el 1, pero en cuanto lo termine me compro el nuevo, se ve impresionante.


Overall the final version is an improvement, but the underwater was downgraded a lot, but yeah they improved the rest.


Uno de los pocos juegos que le hacen upgrade respecto a su primer trailer, juegazo de 10


La versión final tiene setttings más altos en general, mejoraron las texturas y la iluminación!


Hay ciertas escenas dónde se ve mejor la demo, pero es innegable la calidad del juego final. Estoy casi seguro que cambiaron algunas cosas porque es intergeneracional, la PS4 ni de lejos puede con lo que se muestra en la demo, pero la ps5 podría y sobrada. El próximo horizon será una locura


This game's visuals are simply astonishing. And it is a rare event where the final game looks much better than the pre-release demos.


A versão final não está feia, longe disso! Mas algumas coisas estão melhores na demo do state of play! O jogo continua bonito


En ciertos lugares de los trailers y gameplays, se ven mejores, pero en el juego final agregan mejor la iluminación, sombras y en el agua, no sé si decir que tubo downgrade, yo lo veo como upgrade.


A excepción de debajo del agua que la iluminación se ha reducido (no es nada negativo ya que en el state of play supongo que querían que se viera como una gran novedad pero en la versión final es incluso mas cercano a como se vería en el mundo real), todo lo demás es claramente un upgrade... y quien diga lo contrario ni ha visto el video completo ni ha jugado al juego.


Debajo del agua se ve peor claramente pero el resto está mejor. Gran juego me está encantando


La gran mayoría de juegos hacen lo mismo, demo genial, pero al final siempre hay cambios.
Aunque con este juego hay varios escenarios que mejoraron, pero no me gustó para nada el cambio de la iluminación dentro del agua, y nosotros siempre nos vamos a fijar más en lo negativo.
Pero aun así si lo jugaré, pero me quedo con esa espinita


Honestly, even though the final version has improved in many ways, I prefer what was shown in State of Play.

HDR looks a lot better, with smoother lighting variations between light and dark environments and a more balanced fog.
The water looks better in the final version but even so I think the State of play looks more realistic, the sea water is not as transparent as we see in the final version, especially when looking at more horizontal angles.

And the underwater lighting is really a shame they didn't leave it like in the demo, it looked very beautiful.


Primera vez que puedo decir, el juego superó al trailer con creces, me encantan esos contrastes y esos tonos que tiene, lo hacen bellizimo. El juego se ve mucho más realista y espectacular, yo siempre he sido de Xbox pero estoy orgulloso de que otras compañías tengan estos logros tan hermosos.


Obviously the big main difference is the underwater stuff. Maybe they decided to darken/muddy the water visibility and colors a bit for the sake of realism, the saturation was quite high originally and it did look nice, but to be honest, I like the murkier/darker a bit better, because A) in most open water, there’s danger everywhere that you can’t fight at all that makes it quite tense and B), in the caves where there’s much less danger it makes the bioluminescence stand out more and it looks quite beautiful in its own right. and C) this game has heavy themes of environmental destruction and climate change, so having the oceans look so much more luscious than the land may not be totally cohesive.


The one and only big thing I noticed is all of the pre release footage made it look like volumetric fog was going to be everywhereee. And in the final game it’s honestly used far less than I figured it would have. But I will say the lighting and shadows are definitely better in final release


There are a lot of improvements, the game lighting system is more consistent, lighting under water should be dimmer and there are now better reflections over the water and under it. Also moving assets to another place or removing it doesn't count as a downgrade, just a change in plans for level design.


I found the retail version to improve a lot of things compared to the State of play version. You could argue that some prefer one over the other but a part from some lighting, geometry and saturation changes it does look pretty much identical for the most part. I'm really impressed. Guerilla should be proud of what they have accomplished with this game. Looks amazing.
