Horizon Forbidden West Best Skills You Need To Get Early (Horizon Forbidden West Tips And Tricks)

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Horizon Forbidden West best skills with horizon forbidden west tips and tricks

00:00 Surivor Healing Skills
01:35 Warrior Melee Skills
02:02 Burst Fire Weapon Technique
02:55 Hunter Skill Tree
03:21 Triple Notch
04:08 Hunter Concentration & Ammo Skills
05:22 Sustained Burst Weapon Technique
06:26 Splitting Spike Weapon Technique
07:09 Valor Surges


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This video includes: horizon forbidden west,jorraptor,horizon forbidden west tips,forbidden west,horizon forbidden west gameplay,horizon forbidden west tips and tricks,horizon forbidden west best armor,horizon forbidden west skill tree,horizon forbidden west armor,jorraptor horizon forbidden west,horizon forbidden west skills,forbidden west tips,horizon forbidden west best skills,horizon forbidden west skill,forbidden west skill tree,horizon forbidden west valor surge,horizon

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Tip: you can actually remove the animation Aloy uses to collect stuff in the menu, so it actually saves a huge amount of time. instead of waiting for her to bend down and grab a Berry or ridgewood it simply gets added to your inventory.


I found your channel because of the first Horizon and been watching with every game release since. Now than Forbidden West is here, It's great to see you're still going strong. First video on the road to Platinum!


I believe that anything that improves harvesting or increasing the chance to drop rare machine pieces would be my main goal on early game, since it allows me to create better weapons/equipment early on.


I maxed out everything in stealth tree first, now working my way through the hunter skill tree. But stealth is so much fun, just sneaking around. Invisible & silent striking most smaller enemies in one shot. I’m still early game, only 20
Hours in but stealth has been really useful throughout so far 🙂


This game improved the first game’s mechanics in every concievable way. It creates such a dynamic system that’s incredibly engaging and has a tremendous skill ceiling that isn’t just about how fast your twitch actions get, it’s about adjusting your approach to fighting the vast amount of different enemies in the game that leave you room to fight each one in many different ways with many different weapons, all demanding different skills from the player. It’s gonna be a while until anyone really masters this game. After playing Hard, Very Hard is gonna kick my fucking ass.


Glad you’re keeping your content spoiler free. I love exploring and discovering this stuff myself. I implore anyone playing to not rush the story. Do all the other stuff and you’ll be amazed at what you find.


Figure I'll just add this in the comments as maybe it'll be nice tips for others. One of the best mid-game Valor Surges is actually in the Machine Tree. Part Breaker is really, really good, increases your damage by a decent amount when attacking parts, and excellent when you need to farm them, as at lvl 3 it'll stun an enemy allowing you to more easily break another point or weaken it.
However, if you want pure damage, no fuss, no muss? You want Range Master. At lvl 3, the increase to range damage + Weapon Technique Damage and Stamina Regen are kinda insane. It's also a fairly long lasting Surge. You can delete pretty much any machine in the game with Sustained Fire on a Brittle Target with Range Master Up, and finish it up with a few Sharpshot arrows afterwards in my experience. Even on Very Hard, you'll tear through the toughest machines with this combo.


That overhealing ability with potions truly helped lessen the impact of the attacks during Death's Door while I was trying to shoot the couplings off the recluse spider


I really love the braced shot and focused shot from stealth tree as it just makes ur sniping feels 10 times better. Especially with the lower tier variants of sharpshot bow only needing less rare materials - it's a lot of fun blasting them like this


Other channels DO NOT know what SPOILER-FREE means! This is why I prefer this channel, it has everything that I look for.


When I first arrived at the starting area of the full map it seemed small to me, until I spent over 5 hours just in the far right corner of the map near chainscrape. This map and scale is overwhelming.


My family just surprised me and my siblings with a vacation that is going to leave on friday before my copy of HFW gets here and I am crying about it


The skill that shoots a power shot with the sharp shooter bow is OP as hell. I forget the name but so far i have not found a single enemy that it doesnt one shot or nearly kill. Not all the way through the game though.


Thank you for the tips. I've never missed a Horizon Zero Dawn video of yours, and I seriously doubt I will miss out on any of your Forbidden West video's either. Keep it up JorRaptor!


I’m really hoping we get an AC Odyssey type mastery system. With the number of weapon, damage, and skill types you could have just as many options as they did. Which adds more value to leveling past cap and gives you something to do with skill points instead of getting skills you dont want


You Introduced me to The first game 2 years ago and my life has never been the same.

So glad i watched that video


I've been having problems at level 23 against some tougher enemies. Braced shot helps a lot now that I have it, and the explosive spears I got in Chainscrape can eat away a lot of health. I still have to find a shock bow or get my existing one upgraded to allow the shock arrows. Zero Dawn allowed me to find the rare purple bows pretty quickly. I have no idea where those are in Forbidden West - I do kind of like that you have to upgrade the bows to unlock their better abilities - it keeps the game from being a buy and win.


Great stuff mate 👍. Thanks for all your expert tips, as usual. I'm enjoying this game nealry as much as the first, but I really hope they quickly patch up some of the pop-ins and collision bugs, as it breaks immersion when I see Aloy swinging through a ladder she's jumped to.


I started by going down the hunter tree and taking every skill related to Concentration, along with Critical Strike (Warrior) and Medicine pouch related skills (Survival).
With high Concentration uptime and a fully upgraded Hunter Bow you can easily demolish several components/weak points in a single Concentration cycle.
