Is Changli Worth Pulling? - My Thoughts On Changli | Wuthering Waves

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I know this video is late for what it is, I'm really sorry about that but I've liked this character a lot ever since we got to try her in the 1.1 Main Story Quest so I wanted to give my thoughts on her and if she was worth pulling especially since there are some people calling her mid. I go over all the different ways that I have found to play her, I guarantee I don't know every combo she has but I know the ones I think are good and suit my playstyle. I also talk about the positive and negatives I've found so I hope you enjoy the video and hopefully this video helps you out in some way.

Also I was very torn on whether the edit at the end was funny or not but it's intended as a joke so I decided to leave it in.

Full fights used in this video -

00:00 Intro
00:53 Kit Breakdown
05:05 Positives
06:47 Negatives
09:44 Final Thoughts
11:06 Extra
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I love Changli's design, but her playstyle is so counter intuitive to me.

- She wants field time, but her Forte is used best in quickswap.
- She has an amazing Outro skill, but she doesn't build concerto quickly enough.
- She is incentivized to be a sub-dps with her kit, but due to her concerto speed, she is better as a Hypercarry with Sanhua.

5 days left and Im at 70 pity. I have already chosen Havoc Rover, Jinhsi and Calcharo (soon to be replaced by Xiangli Yao) as my main DPS's.


I think Changli will pop of more with future characters coming out.
I guess we will see if she was a mistake lol She is fun to play but hard to get a lot out of her


I just got Changli in 50/50 since I recently S1 my Jinshi. So my thoughts in Changli is that she is not that strong compare to Jinshi, Jinshi can do higher damage with less investment in team comp, you just need yuanwu level 1 if you want and Verina at 70 and you will be fine, However you still need Changli at fighting other bosses like the spectral boss Aix and doing the towers, However Changli is fun to play since she is more mobile than Jinshi. Plus for me Changli has no blinding skills unlike Jinshi, you cant see what the boss is doing because of the FOV being block by her animation and dragon, so you cant dodge easily also the parry of Changli is way better than Jinshi. So for me Jinshi is stronger be cause of nuke style and Changli is more versatile but takes more time.


Changli was super fun in Illusive realm, but I (a filthy casual) don't like her outfit, so... Her movement just felt so good though.


Short answer: meta-wise, nope. But she is fun to play.

The main issue with Changli is: her kit doesn't feel fully synergistic with any current teams. Doesn't do enough damage as the top Main DPS options, takes much more field time than other sub-DPS and has a shorter duration on her buffs... Even as a Quick-Swap, advanced tech dual-DPS, her teams do less damage than an Encore + Sanhua hypercarry team, apparently. (At least at e0) So her current place in the meta is pretty awkward.

Sooner or later, Kuro will probably release a character that synergyses really well with her, similar to Yinlin + Xiangli Yao. Possibly a fusion burst DPS with really fast rotations? Unfortunately, there is no telling when such a character will come, how good they will be, or if Changli will ever be the BiS pick outside of some niche teams, so... Yeah.

That said, she has one of the most complex and interesting kits in the game, and a lot of atention was put into her animations and different transformations. Plus, her kit is actually really good for exploration. So... Even if she is not at the top of the meta, she other stuff going for her.


What is more interesting in this kit guide is your soloing some difficulty 6 lvl😅
