Midnight Mass 1x07 - Ending Scene (1080p)

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Tagged : Action Movies, Action Movies 2018, Shootout Scene, Shootout Scenes, Battle Scenes, Battle Scene, Shooting Scene, all battle scenes, all shootout scenes, Edgar Renton, Lucas Renton, Noptira Renton, Midnight Mass Ending, Midnight Mass Scary Scene, Midnight Mass Death Scene, Killing Scene
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Amazing how, in a story featuring a giant winged vampire with glowing eyes, the biggest villain and the biggest monster still manages to be FUCKING BEV.


The guy that played the priest is insanely talented. Every word he said seemed insecure and shaken, almost like he was battling with himself the entire time. Amazing performance.


In regards to how Bev went out: Psalm 7:15-16

"Whoever digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit they have made. The trouble they cause recoils on them; their violence comes down on their own heads."


You can (and should) hate her character, but let's appreciate what a good job Samantha Sloyan, the actress who plays Bev, did in her performance. It's easy to be cartoonishly evil, it takes skill to play it in a way that's relatable and recognizable in the people we interact with everyday.


Sheriff fading out during a prayer with his son and Bev sobbing while frantically and pointlessly trying to dig shelter from the rising sun. Dignity.


Really emotional little moment when Father Paul looks down at his daughter and then throws his priest's collar away. Not only does he feel unworthy of it, he's probably thinking, "If I hadn't worn that all these years, I could have been the father I should have been to you."

His character's whole story is such a tragedy.


Honestly, all I was thinking at the end was please don't let Sherrif Hassan see his son burn, and I got my wish!


The fact Pruitt even as a vampire didn't immediately start chugging on blood like a psycho while being a vampire the whole time while majority of the town went immediate savage mode after being transformed says alot about his character and intentions.


"In their last moments people show you who they really are." Most of the Crockett islanders were good people, who were simply led astray by a false shepard (Bev) yet here in their last moments after all the horror and bloodshed they finally come together and unite as one in that purest expression of true faith, that community spirit of oneness and love with a song in their hearts. Beautiful and dignified to the end.

Father John and Mildred cradling their dear daughter at her favourite spot. John tearing his collar off perhaps in acknowledgment of himself being unworthy of the title and knowing the part he played in all this, even with the best and purest of intentions, it caught up with him. He asks his dearest Milly for forgiveness. There is regret, remorse in his last words but without judgement she kisses him and they die together with grace.

Sheriff Hassan and his son Ali share one final prayer together, their respective faith shaken but never broken. The ties that bind were stretched and tugged but came back to greet the final dawn. Despite the horrors, prejudice and discrimination they suffered as outsiders their love and resolve is unshakable. They too find peace.

And then there's Bev...


This was such a powerful ending. I love how Annie Flynn (Riley's mom), for just a side character, is basically the embodiment of the ideal Christian in the end. 1) She genuinely forgives and loves Riley despite his tragic mistake. 2) She lays down her life for her friends in her confrontation against Bev (albiet she knows she is coming back, but she certainly doesn't want THAT existence). 3) She resists temptation despite the world falling apart around her 4) Despite all of the horror she's witnessed and the knowledge of her impending doom, she is at peace with God in the end.


For those who aren't muslim, let me explain something. So muslim prayers can be done alone or with two people, or more.

If it just two people with the same gender, then the person who called the Imam or the leader, stands in the left, whereas the ma'mum or the follower (sorry for the incorrect vocabulary, I'm a non native), stands in the right.

From episode to episode, Sheriff Hassan was always leading the prayer. But in the end, Ali lead the prayer. Which made a great character arc for Ali.

He was a normal muslim kid, started questioning his beliefs, lost in the wrong way, but didn't kill anyone even after changing to a vampire, helped his dad, and then lead the prayer.


When Annie called Bev out for not being a good person i was like yes girl 😭😭


The biggest victims were the Sheriff and his son. They came here seeking safety and ended up in a pure nightmare. I feel so bad for them.


People who saw Midnight Mass didn't care to understand it. Midnight Mass ISN'T against Christianity or religion of ANY kind, it actually CELEBRATE religion, individually. Midnight Mass is against religious fanaticism which is profoundly different. Bravo Flanagan, you never disappoint.


What killed me about this series is that father Paul was clearly full of compassion for his flock. You could plainly see it in his eyes. That broke my heart. Some of the best acting I have ever seen.


This is my favorite kind of unhappy ending - it's heartbreaking and sad, but not mean-spirited or cruel. I thought there was something genuinely beautiful about how things came together for all the characters and how they ultimately accepted their fate in various ways. Except for "you-know-who", but she had it coming.


As a Muslim in America, the final Fajr prayer that the sherriff and his son prayed together absolutely broke me.


in Islam, dying while praying and your last breath is when you do a "sujud" is a really great gift from Allah, i was so happy that they show it, i didnt really expect that they dig islam this much. i hope i can die in my sujud as well like the Sheriff, god bless yall


I am so glad that Bev suffered. She died alone, friendless, abandoned, filled with terror, screaming in agonizing pain. First, I was afraid she'd dig the hole deep and survive this. Second, I was worried she'd die off-screen and we, the viewers, would be robbed of a satisfying villain death - I mean, come on. We were WAITING for that.


As a Muslim, the ending scene of Ali and Hassan brought me to tears. Also, Riley's parents at the end were an embodiment of true Christians. Erin in the end talking to Riley explaining how we are all one single energy in this universe made me realize how selfish we can be sometimes. We all really are drops in an ocean, love is the essence of our existence.
