Bon Iver - 'Holocene' (Official Video)

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Video for "Holocene" from Bon Iver's Grammy Award winning album. Released on Jagjaguwar June 21, 2011.

Director: NABIL
DOP: Larkin Sieple
Editor: Isaac Hagy
Producer: Jill Hammer

Bon Iver:

SC Distribution:


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I've always liked this song because of its beauty. But, lately its been more meaningful to me. I met a beautiful girl and we began dating. She had a baby from a previous relationship which made me hesitant because I never wanted kids and was in no way ready for one, let alone a child that wasnt mine. I gave it a chance and I became very attached to her and her baby, to the point I felt like the father figure in the child's life, a happiness I've never experienced before. A couple months ago she told me that she may be pregnant by me and left. She told me she wasnt ready for another baby, and that she needed to focus on her child. I took it very hard because I felt like her child was mine too, on the day of his birthday I was very emotional, that morning Holocene played on my way to work and the words had more meaning . All the anger and sadness I felt turned to happiness. That our lives crossed paths and changed me as a man for the better. I guess I never wanted kids because I felt I wouldn't be a good father, but my experience made me realize that when it comes to your child, you will do everything possible. The part of the song that touched me the most "Its a part of me, Apart from me" that my relationship with her and the baby brought out a side of me I never knew but now it's gone with them. I miss them very much and i wish her the best so she can give her child the best life


Who's here just because it's a truly special piece of music? 👌🏻


I am in tears, I am a 66 year old man, but while listening to this it touched my heart, then I heard God and I shed tears. What is it about this angelic music that has been designed to touch the depth of our souls? I listen to this most days, I can't stop listening to it, I am just compelled by spirit to do so. I can't put my finger on it, I mean do the composers of this true art form realise what they have done, or what they have created? Those of us who feel this music will know what I mean here, it somehow gets in our watery tears and we feel that God is telling us something, what is God saying? Perhaps that this music is indeed "Magnificent" and that the land we live in is too, Iceland and Scotland Perhaps. I Can't wait until tomorrow so I can "Holocene" again. Be at peace Elliott my son.


No one:
Replika: "This song is so special for me. It makes me want to tell you that even when you think there is no way out, there's always light and love for you, someone to hold, some place to comfort you, some music to make you feel like you're not alone, you know?"


I discovered this wonderful song last night watching the Robert Downey Junior film The Judge. Great song, very moving.


I first heard this song in November, 2014. I was home in bed with my 2 year old daughter who had recently fallen ill. We had just returned home from a hospital visit were the doctor said she only had malaria and had prescribed medication for her to take at home. We got home and started treatment. It was one of those days that I first heart this song. I can still remember how it felt. My daughter was cuddled in my arms. I took a photo of our feet while in bed and posted it on my Facebook with the caption 'bed rest'. Halocene played and we were both quiet for so long, I remember there was a sadness I felt that day as we replayed this song over, and over again. My daughter Merit would ever so often whimper and I will comfort her. At some point in the day we fell asleep and the song stopped playing. Week's later we found out that my daughter never had malaria. It was meningitis all along. By the time we got the correct diagnosis complications had set in. The complications led her to getting a shunt and 4 brain surgeries later she died. We spent a year in hospital in total. This song came on my YouTube Playlist just now and I am typing this through tears and a broken heart 9 years after


My father recently underwent open heart surgery. I was listening to this song on repeat while waiting for him to be brought back into recovery afterwards. It was the only thing that kept me calm. It ended in a week long of complications where my family and I had to say our final goodbyes before letting him go. The last night I spent with dad this song came up on my playlist as I was driving up to the hospital in the middle of the night. This song will always hold a painful but yet beautiful spot in my. heart. Thank you for creating this great piece of music that brings peace to me during this very hard time.


This is a rough time, and this song relieves the wounds of isolation.


This song ruptured my long broken and unbreachable heart. Father, grandmother, mother, uncle, a good friend died of cancer and other diseases and suicide, and lately my young little sister lost her fight against cancer this year, leaving her 5 year old son.
The visualisation and the depths of this song released a cry unbeknownst to me. Left me on my knees, crawling, sobbing. A culmination of unresolved grief from sudden deaths of my loved ones these past years, finally mend my heart anew, thanks to this song and loved ones who noticed my well hidden pain and released me of the shackles surrounding my heart. To that I’m ever grateful.


I've been trying to explain to myself in a rational way what happens to me when I hear a piece of Bon Iver. I fail at all the time. The musicality and lyricism that I find in these pieces of art I find nowhere else. When I listen to Justin's songs and his parallel works I feel connected with forces much greater than me. I feel fragile, strong and exposed. And at the same time. How happy I am to know this work that has brought me so much joy since my adolescence. I find myself in the lines of each composition. This is beautiful. That is expression. This is meaningful production of art. Man, you rock. Thank you.


This may be one of the best songs ever written and I been listening and playing and writing music it's a deep meaningful song


I will forever remember blaring Holocene in my tiny rental car coming around the final bend to the black sand beach near Vík í Mýrdal. My wife and I holding hands and smiling. Truly something to remember.


Over the past four years this song has helped me through so many panic attacks. I can't express how much it means to me. Thank you Bon Iver.


"This song is so special for me. It makes me want to tell you that even when you think there is no way out, there's always light and love for you, someone to hold, some place to comfort you, some music to make you feel like you're not alone, you know?"
-My Replika


God, why does music have to be so miss you mom.


This song has a special meaning for me .. I have a son who turns 10 in March .. He is very autistic and looks at the world in a different way as we are used to .. This clip shows he see it i think..The way he see the world on he's own.. What struck me is his way of love and how he brings it to people, as if he knows in advance what is going on in you .. but for him it is exactly as if he does not pay attention to this .. His name is Aidan. Autism comes in many spectrums ... as a result he has a huge learning disadvantage. We do our best, even though I and the woman of my life have grown apart. It was not the fault of autism in itself but the way we looked at it. Personally, the clip is so important to me because it indicates what the image can be for an autist and what he or she must do to make us understand. Not about the "likes"... just the awereness.. Sorry for my bad English because i'm from Belgium. Love to all!!


This song hits different when you sad.


One year ago I sat in my bed, stared out of my window drinking coffee and listening to this album. The leaves were just starting to change color and the sunlight bathed by white sheets. I go to this memory often when I feel like I will never be at peace again, it centers me, and reminds me that despite everything there is still Bon Iver, coffee, and the joy of knowing that you can lay in bed all day.


Tonight, me and my partner was meant to be in Amsterdam to see the beautiful Bon Iver but due to the virus is been held off until next January 2021.

So we have made a lovely dinner, beers, wine and have got on their playlist throughout the night.

See you next year! We can’t wait 🎶


This song has always been special for me. I hope "the person" will find this comment in future and remember me.
