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#reaction #toniaelkins #cultureshock #americanreacts #america #australia #vlog #cats #bloopers #american #usa

Welcome back 💩 Today I am checking out Ashleigh Fay Vlogs for my 2nd time. This time let’s hear what she has to say about returning home to the states for a trip and getting reverse culture shock. ❤️

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Welcome back 💩 Today I am checking out Ashleigh Fay Vlogs for my 2nd time. This time let’s hear what she has to say about returning home to the states for a trip and getting reverse culture shock. ❤️


If you ever get the chance to visit my fair country Australia, a couple of tips from someone who lives here;
1. Tipping is only for exceptional service in a restaurant. Otherwise it is not expected.
2. The price on the price tag is what you pay. Any tax is already included in that price.
3. When you go to a coffeehouse, after you order, you go sit down, and your order will be brought to you. Afterwards you are not expected to clean up your table, take the cups and other dishes to a scullary, and wipe down the table. The staff will do that.
4. When you order a cup of coffee in Australia, it is normally made espresso. So if you think you are being short changed by receiving a smaller cup than in the States, remember; it's quality not quantity. And the Aussie coffee packs a lot of punch. If you insist on ordering an American super sized coffee in Australia, and you manage to drink it all, you ain't going to sleep for the next 48 hours. Not to mention the heart palpitations. Aussie coffee is some of the best in the world, but do treat it with the respect it deserves.
5. Aussies work hard and play hard. But they are for the most part very friendly and laid back. And they don't take politics, or their politicians very seriously. Sure they whinge about the government. But that's a national sport.


Wages should be on the employers not the customers.


It is time to pay the workers in the USA a living wage.


99% of coffee place here in the great southern land are not big chains and are great service and bring your drinks to you and will look after you with anything you may need while there for example the one i go to all the time knows my order without having to even order it and will bring it to me with a smile and say enjoy the rest of your day and always ask how you are to be truthful they seem more like a family member making me a coffee rather than a coffee shop


All Western countries bar the USA have mandatory vacations of at least 4 weeks leave per year plus parental leave from 18 weeks to a years (or more) paid leave. No wonder Americans are among the most stressed-out people in the world.


Is tipping when the employer doesn’t pay their staff correctly. Surely the staffs job is to provide service and the employer should pay appropriately. Tipping, that’s like begging.


Hi Tonia I'm Vaughan from Australia we used to tip many moons ago keep up the good work I. A new subscriber


Thankyou for showing an interest in our beautiful country.


If a business has a tips jar and I receive good service, then of course I'll tip something. If I receive a good meal and good service at a restaurant without a tips jar I again would tip accordingly. But if I receive what I'd consider substandard service (I am Silver Service trained btw) and upon paying I was asked for a tip, my standard comment would be "Be good to your mother".


As an Australian watching this .. I'm just scratching my head wondering WHY you should be tipping people for doing NOTHING!!
I can understand it to a degree, if someone is providing you with service which goes above and beyond the 'normal' level of service.
It annoys me that here in Australia, 'tipping' is becoming more and more a thing and that's because years of 'Conservative' government (LNP) 'anti-worker' policies have caused a stagnation of real wages and that impacts workers in the 'services' area in particular because of their generally lower wages.
Those workers are now having to rely on 'tipping' far more now than they used to, to make ends meet.
It's part of the continued 'Americanization' of Australia .. and I don't like it!!
In 'civilized' countries .. people should be paid decent wages first and foremost!


The first time we ever went to the US, we were in San Francisco and we were aware that we would have to tip. The first experience that we had of this was that the meal was around $70 and we put 2 $50 notes and were going to leave a tip with some of the change. They just never brought back our change and kept it as a tip. It taught us a good lesson, only leave what we wanted which would include the tip. Coming from a country where you don’t tip, this felt like theft to us and we never went back to that restaurant. The whole notion that those poor servers rely on tips to survive is disgusting, they should be getting a decent wage from their employers as they do here. What a joke! PS Love your cats! Aussies are mad animal lovers, no one will ever mind that one of your darling cats strolls past the camera ♥️


As an Australian that has never visited USA I do understand why tipping is such a big thing for service industries. However, what I don't understand is why the percentage that is tipped ever needs to change. The tip is (say) 20% of the cost of the service. As that price increases with inflation so to does the size of the tip. Is there a reason for this increase or is this just an example of the aggressive nature of service workers?


I tried to give a tip in PNG but my contact/guide there said no no no, if you tip them they will be indebted to you till they pay it back. It's a burden on them as they can't forget it. So I just said thank you instead.


Tonia we have the chain places and we also have a lot of smaller cafe's that serve excellent coffee. Generally we don't have super large coffees. Certainly you can buy large cups of coffee but a lot of people would buy a medium cup. I think we are a bit European in our coffee culture from the influence of immigrants(a good thing) from various places in European.


Hey, TE! Haven't watched yet but looking forward to seeing the experiment...


Budgeting your money must be so hard when you have to make allowances for taxes and tips on top of the marked price all the time. You must all be constantly doing maths in your head. And I couldn’t even imagine trying to budget for the week not knowing how much you will earn because the bulk of your income relies on the benevolence of the customers who are tipping you.

We are certainly blessed here that the marked price is what you pay, a tip is not expected and your employer pays a fair wage that doesn’t need to be supplemented. Some places here are trying to phase in tipping as they move to QR table ordering but they are meeting a lot of resistance with the vast majority ignoring it.


Heres my tip. Be good to your mother and listen to your father. 😜


if I ever get to America I will never tip


Aussies please do not tip we do not want that culture, workers get paid.
Adelaide South Australia
