I Got Pregnant At 16 - But Don't Regret It | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY

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KAILEY and Nathan had known each other for a few years but when they found out she was pregnant at just 16, they’d only been dating a short time. Kailey took a test as a joke with a friend; she was on birth control and had zero symptoms so when the result came back positive Kailey took another two because she couldn’t believe it. For Kailey, who at that point was living in Alabama, abortion wasn’t an option. It was over a week after finding out before Kailey had the courage to tell Nathan but he was excited and simply said ‘ok well let’s do this’. They only told one other friend at school, keeping it secret until Kailey left school at six months pregnant to continue with online school. Living in a small town where teen moms tended to just go into hiding once their pregnancies were public knowledge, Kailey and Nathan were determined to change the narrative. Avery was born in March 2020, just as the world was going into lockdown. That meant that not only did Kailey and Nathan have to deal with being parents at a very young age but they also didn’t get the usual support groups or family visits that would have happened outside of lockdown. It was 3-4 months before Kailey’s dad got to meet his grandchild. This challenging start has prepared the young couple well, who are entirely self-sufficient. They got engaged when Kailey was just 17, Nathan, 19 with Nathan proposing on the beach. They are now married and live in Omaha, Nebraska for Nathan’s job, while Kailey continues her studies and looks after Avery. Kailey started her YouTube channel and Instagram to be a safe space for other teen moms. She says: “I wanted to not condone it, not encourage teen pregnancy but show the real side.”

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Videographer: Esai Saenz
Producers: Nathalie Bonney, Ruby Coote
Editor: Tom Buckman 

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A doctor telling a 15 or 16 year old that they are infertile is extremely irresponsible. A teenager will take that as 100% fact and think that there is no possible way that they can get pregnant.


I give them both major kudos for stepping up to the plate and taking care of their beautiful daughter. I can’t imagine how tough this is at such a young age. But they’re doing it! I’m rooting for them!


I had my babies at 16, 18, and 19 and married their dad at 17. Thank God too because at 20 I was diagnosed with cervical uterine and ovarian cancer. Started in one place and spread and can't have kids anymore. I've been with my husband for 20 year married and 23 years altogether. We are very happy in a healthy loving relationship. We finished school and college. Went on to have 1 masters and 2 bachelor's between us. Our kids now adults, except 1. Are in college and not parents themselves. People look down on teen parents all the time and I understand. Most of the time it is messy for awhile but sometimes it's not.


They seem like a lovely couple. Everyone has a different path in life. I don’t condone teenage pregnancy but it happens, and I’m glad she took responsibility for it. I’m 28 and still don’t know if I even want kids. I think they are pretty courageous, as I sure as hell couldn’t do it at their age.


If you own your responsibility as parent, you have got my respect! Your child must always come first when you able to do that the rest will follow!!


I had my son at 19 and my daughter at 21! Being a teen/young mom is definitely tough, but I regret nothing! Best blessings I could have ever asked for! Age has nothing to do with being a good parent or not, its just about prioritizing your children over everything else 🤷‍♀️ once you have a system down its not hard to find time for yourself and to have fun :) she's definitely a great mom and has her child's best intrest at heart. You're rockin it momma 🤘


Girl at least you have the energy! I never thought I’d get pregnant and I had a goal to be pregnant at least by 24-26 MAX! I started dating my fiancé when I was 21 now he’s 32 I’m 33 and we have NO friends, family, etc but we did get a huge surprise is 2020 of a beautiful baby girl who is now 1! It is SO much work and more so I applaud you and your husband! It’s hard work!!!!


Do not encourage or glamorize teen pregnancy. This girl's outcome is extremely rare.


When dad is around teen moms don’t regret it.


Sad to have kids so young. You really miss out.
However, the baby is here now. Just because they're young doesn't mean they won't be good parents. I've seen a lot of older parents that are terrible. Good luck to this little family.


I had my first a month after I graduated high school, actually went into labor at my graduation party 🤦🏻‍♀️ he is graduating high school this year and headed off to college! I also have my almost 16 year old and my 6 year old. My life has revolved around being a mom and wife for 18 years and I absolutely love it! I am happy these 2 are doing so well!


So glad I waited to have my child in my 30s. I partied l, traveled, went to college and got a career started. It sucks so bad to get pregnant as a teenager. Kids, don’t believe the hype, HAVING KIDS YOUNG SUCKS 😭


I got married at 16 had 1st kid at 17 and husband went to Desert Storm for 11mos n then he came home and we had 4 more kids all a year apart. So by the time I was 23 I had 5 kids. Today I am still happily married and we just celebrated 32yrs of marriage I'm 48 today and have 11 Grandkids and we have the best life. We grew up with our kids n they had the best life and became amazing adults and Parents. Good luck to u all ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


had my son at 16 & soon after got married. My husband & I have been married 19yrs now, still young 😅 our son went to college in Texas at 17 & this is his sophomore yr🙏🏽 we’re so connected to him, it’s like we grew up together & it’s so hard to be away from him 😭 he just flew back to Texas since 🦃 were trying our best to let go, we’re codependent on him but he’s the most independent person we’ve ever meet 💙🙏🏽 my husband & I are trying to figure out who we are, what we like, & what makes us happy out side of being his mom & dad but it’s hard


When you have kids it’s not about you anymore and I’m not ready for it to not be about me especially at 16 sorry. I’m too selfish currently.


My grandma had her first baby at 17 . It was common to have kids when you're young . All of my family is rich and very well educated now . God bless your family and always stay happy ❤️


My mom had me at 18, but I had my daughter at almost 31. But whether you're a teen mom, older or in between, we all go through the same thing and learn so much. 💕👨‍👩‍👧 Blessings to all mothers, mothers to be and women wanting to be mothers.


I became a momma 11 days after I turned 20. I adopted my sister's son whom she abandoned at the hospital at birth. Wouldn't change it for a thing. Some people are up for it, but most aren't. You just have to take it for what it is and make the most of it. I wouldn't suggest being a young mom but it's totally doable to be a great mother at a young age. There are many challenges though, especially if for instance your child has special needs like mine does.


Finally a teen family that's not a hot mess!


Major props. I can tell they are going to be successful and give their little one an amazing life 😊
